Supplier Registration Approval

To support separate approval routing for the external supplier registration and internal supplier registration flows, there are two distinct approval tasks in AMX:

  • Manage Supplier Registration Approvals

  • Manage Internal Supplier Registration Approvals

Both the tasks are predefined with two stages:

  • First Stage Approvals

  • Second Stage Approvals

These stages are modeled as serial stages. All first stage approvals must be completed before the second stage approvals routing rules are executed.

Each stage includes three participants:

  • Parallel Approval First Responder Wins

  • Parallel Approval

  • Serial Approval

First Stage Approvals

The parallel approval first responder wins participant is predefined with two approval rule policies:

  • Route registration for prospective supplier to supplier administrator.

  • Route registration for spend authorized supplier to supplier manager.

Second Stage Approvals

The second stage allows for additional approval rules to be run as a distinct set after the first stage approvals are completed.