Global Purchase Agreements

The Global Purchase Agreements view object contains mapping for the client requisitioning business units that will be able to use the blanket purchase agreement.

Data Store Key : FscmTopModelAM.PrcExtractAM.PoBiccExtractAM.GlobalPurchaseAgreementLineBUAssignExtractPVO

Primary Keys : PoLineId, ReqBuId

Initial Extract Date : OrgCreationDate

Incremental Extract Date : OrgLastUpdateDate


This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.

Name Description
CurrencyCode Code that identifies the currency of the purchase agreement.
EnabledFlag Indicates whether or not the business unit assignment record on the agreement is enabled.
HeaderDocumentStatus Status of the purchase agreement relative to the purchase agreement life cycle.
HeaderEndDate Date after which the purchase agreement is no longer valid.
HeaderLastUpdateDate Date and time when the buyer or application last updated the purchase agreement.
HeaderStartDate The date on which the agreement becomes effective.
ItemId Value that uniquely identifies the item on the blanket purchase agreement.
LineCreationDate Date and time when the agreement line was created.
LineEndDate Date after which the purchase agreement line is no longer valid.
LineLastUpdateDate Date when the agreement line was last updated.
LineStatus Status of the purchase agreement line relative to the purchase agreement life cycle.
MaxShipmentLastUpdateDate Date when the price break was last updated.
MinShipmentPrice Lowest price of the item from the agreement's price break.
OrgCreationDate Date and time when the business unit assignment record on the agreement was created.
OrgLastUpdateDate Date when the business unit assignment record on the agreement was last updated.
PoLineId Value that uniquely identifies the agreement line.
ReqBuId Value that uniquely identifies the business unit that created the requisition.
Segment1 Number that uniquely identifies the purchase agreement in the sold-to legal entity.
UnitPrice Price of the item on the agreement line.
UomCode Code that identifies the unit of measure of the item on the blanket purchase agreement.
VendorSiteId Value that uniquely identifies the supplier site on the business unit assignment for the blanket purchase agreement.