Procurement Agent Accesses

The Procurement Agent Accesses view object manages procurement agent's access to procurement documents such as purchase orders, purchase agreements, and requisitions. It also manages a procurement agent's access to manage activities for suppliers, negotiations, catalog content, and business intelligence spend data. Procurement agents are users with roles such as buyer, catalog administrator, and supplier manager. These users are defined as procurement agents to manage procurement documents and perform other procurement actions.

Data Store Key : FscmTopModelAM.PrcExtractAM.PoBiccExtractAM.PurchasingAgentAccessesExtractPVO

Primary Keys : AccessActionCode, AssignmentId

Initial Extract Date : CreationDate

Incremental Extract Date : LastUpdateDate


This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.

Name Description
AccessActionCode Code that indicates the type of action a procurement agent in a procurement business unit can perform. Valid values are Manage Requisitions, Manage Orders, Manage Agreements, Manage Negotiations, Manage Suppliers, Manage Approved Supplier Lists, and Manage Catalogs.
AccessOthersLevelCode Code that indicates the level of access a procurement agent has on a document owned by another procurement agent. The valid values are: Full, View, Modify, and None.
ActiveFlag Indicates if a procurement agent is active in a particular procurement business unit.
AgentId Value that uniquely identifies the agent.
AllowedFlag Indicates if the agent can manage different types of procurement documents in a particular procurement business unit. The documents include Requisitions, Purchase Orders, Purchase Agreements, Negotiations, Suppliers, Approved Supplier List Entries, and Catalogs.
AssignmentId Value that uniquely identifies the procurement agent assignment.
CreatedBy User who created the procurement agent assignment.
CreationDate Date and time when the purchasing administrator or application created the procurement agent assignment.
DefaultReqBuId Value that uniquely identifies the requisitioning business unit provided automatically for a particular procurement agent and procurement business unit.
LastUpdateDate Date and time when the purchasing administrator or application last updated the procurement agent.
LastUpdateLogin Session login associated with the user who last updated the procurement agent.
LastUpdatedBy User who last updated the procurement agent.
ObjectVersionNumber Number of times the procurement agent assignment has been updated.
PrcBuId Value that uniquely identifies the name of the procurement business unit where the agent is assigned.
UserGuid GUID of the person associated with the agent.
UserId Value that uniquely identifies the person associated with the agent.
Username User name of the person associated with the agent.
ViewScope Indicates the level of access a procurement agent has on the document owned by another procurement agent. The valid values are: ALL and OWNERONLY.