Acknowledge an Amendment

Acknowledging a negotiation amendment.

Helen Morgan has already submitted one quote and is monitoring the negotiation using View Active Negotiations. The negotiation is an open RFQ, and she notices that her response is now trailing a lower response. She decides to submit a new response and clicks the Create Response button. She is presented with a warning message saying the negotiation has been changed, and she must first acknowledge the amendments before she can continue placing a new quote.

Acknowledge an Amendment

  1. She clicks Yes to continue.

  2. The Acknowledge Amendments page displays summary information about the changes (amendments) to the existing negotiation document. She views this information about the negotiation document change (in this case, a new negotiation line has been added) and decides whether the change affects her new quote. In this case, she decides that not only will she update her existing quote amount, but that she will also submit a quote on the newly added negotiation line.

  3. After viewing the details about all the amendments, she selects the check box stating that she has reviewed and acknowledged the amendments. She clicks Submit.

  4. A confirmation appears from which she continues placing her new and updated quotes.