Amend a Negotiation

You can make changes to a negotiation while it is active and receiving responses by creating an amendment. After you issued an amendment, amendment notifications are sent to all suppliers who were invited and all suppliers who have responded.

The suppliers can then view the amendments. Once suppliers view and acknowledge the amendment, they can create a new response to the negotiation.

The original negotiation number is augmented with a suffix to indicate the amended version. For example, if the original negotiation number was 500, the first amended version is numbered 500,1.

If a supplier is restricted to a single response and had already responded prior to the amendment, a notification is sent to the supplier. The supplier may view the amendment, acknowledge the changes and submit a new response, in which case it becomes the supplier's new single best response.

You can view the changes by selecting View Amendments from the Manage option of the Actions menu.

In the following example, the category manager decides that, based on responses to an existing line, she will add a new line to the negotiation.

Amend a Negotiation

  1. From the Overview page, the category manager accesses the negotiation.

  2. From the Actions menu on the Manage Negotiations page, she selects the Create Amendment suboption from the Manage option.

  3. On the Edit Negotiation page, she enters a description for the amendment, and a new close date. She saves her changes.

  4. She clicks the Lines train stop and uses the Edit Negotiation: Lines page to add a new line.

  5. After she has finished entering the new line information, she clicks Publish. Any suppliers attempting to create a response will now be required to view and acknowledge the amendment before they can respond.

  6. Once the amendment is published, she can view all the amendments and their changes by selecting the Amendments suboption of the View option of the Actions menu on the negotiation summary page.