How can I see cart details for punchout lines in my requisition ?

In the Purchase Requisitions work area, you can view the details of the shopping cart returned to the application after successfully adding a punchout item to your requisition.

On the Edit Requisition page, in the Requisition Lines section, select the punchout item line and select View Punchout Cart from the Actions menu. The shopping cart payload details for the last punchout site transaction are displayed.

You must be assigned the View Requisition Diagnostics privilege to access View Punchout Cart.

Details for the last punchout site transaction for your in-progress requisition are available for display even if the punchout line has been deleted. You can no longer access punchout cart details after a requisition is saved or closed.

Validation errors for punchout lines can occur when attempting to add punchout items from a punchout catalog, or when you submit your requisition. Click View Errors on the Error dialog to see details about any validation errors for the punchout items. Click View Punchout Cart on the Error dialog to see details about the item information returned from the punchout site.