Set Up Supplier Profile Change Request Approvals

Supplier initiated profile changes are approved using the Supplier Profile Change Requests Pending Approval page.

To configure Supplier Profile Change Request approval rules, in the Setup and Maintenance work area, use the Manage Supplier Profile Change Approvals Task in the Procurement offering and Approvals Management functional area.

The setup task approval configuration includes two seeded stages which are executed serially:

  • Supplier Profile Change Request First Stage Approvals

  • Supplier Profile Change Request Second Stage Approvals

All first stage approvals must be completed before the routing rules of the Second Stage are executed.

Supplier Profile Change Request First Stage Approvals

Choose which seeded participants should have approval rules configured based on your supplier profile change request approval requirements. Each participant has a different approval routing behavior.

The three seeded first stage participants are:

  • Parallel Approval First Responder Wins

    All identified approvers receive a notification for approval in parallel. This first stage participant is enabled by default. The first responder to approve or reject the request defines the outcome of all remaining approvers.

  • Parallel Approval

    All identified approvers receive a notification for approval in parallel. Approval is required from all approvers.

  • Serial Approval

    Approvals are routed serially. The approval is completed sequentially from approver to approver.

Supplier Profile Change Request Second Stage Approvals

The second stage allows for additional approval rules to be run as a distinct set after the first stage approvals are completed.

Seeded second stage approval participants are the same as seeded first stage participants. However, none of the second stage participants are enabled by default. The three seeded second stage participants are:

  • Parallel Approval First Responder Wins

    All identified approvers receive a notification for approval in parallel. The first responder to approve or reject the request defines the outcome of all remaining approvers.

  • Parallel Approval

    All identified approvers receive a notification for approval in parallel. Approval is required from all approvers.

  • Serial Approval

    Approvals are routed serially. The approval is completed sequentially from approver to approver.

Seeded Approval Rules

An approval rule is seeded for the first stage Parallel Approval First Responder Wins participant. This approval rule routes supplier profile change requests to the Supplier Administrators group.

The Supplier Administrators and Supplier Managers routing groups are available for the Supplier Profile Change Request Approval task. (These routing groups can also be used in any user-defined approval rule.)

Within each stage, there are three seeded rule-based participants. You can choose a routing type such as Supervisory, Position, Job Level, Single User, and User-Defined Approval Groups for each participant to determine the approvers entitled to receive the document.

The seeded rule executes unless it's deleted, even if new rules are configured. You can modify or delete the seeded rule at any time.

You aren't required to use all of the seeded stages and participants. You can disable unused participants using the disable button for the unused participant on the Manage Supplier Profile Change Request Approvals Task page.

Disabled Rules or Participants aren't evaluated. For example, if the participant is already disabled, then no rules within that participant will be evaluated. The same applies for disabled rules.

Manage Supplier Profile Change Request Approval Attributes

When authoring an approval rule condition based on a supplier profile attribute value, the approval rule is considered true when:

  • The attribute value is to be changed to the specified value, or

  • The attribute value is present on the supplier profile (even if the supplier profile change request doesn't include any changes to the attribute.)