Shortlist Responses

After you have closed the negotiation and scored any manually scored requirements, you can evaluate the supplier responses based on their scores.

If you defined knock out values for the requirements, you can use this value to eliminate any unacceptable responses and place the acceptable responses on a shortlist. Only responses on the shortlist are available for later awarding. Using the knock out value to eliminate unacceptable responses is a quick way to evaluate a large number of supplier responses.

To shortlist responses:

  1. Access the negotiation.

  2. Select the Apply Knock Out Criteria option from the Award options of the Actions menu.

  3. The Apply Knock Out Criteria dialog box display. Note that all responses are initially included on the shortlist. The upper table of the display shows which responses are removed from the short list if you apply the knock out criteria. The lower table shows which responses remain on the shortlist.

  4. To apply the knock out criteria, click OK. Any responses which do not meet the knock out criteria are removed from the shortlist.

You can change a response's shortlist status. You might do this if no responses meet all the knock out criteria, but you still want to award the business to some of the responses. To change the shortlist status:

  1. Access the negotiation.

  2. Select Award Negotiation from the Award option of the Activities menu.

  3. On the Award Negotiation page, select the Suppliers tab.

  4. Highlight the supplier whose status you want to change. Highlighting a supplier enables the Change Shortlist Status button.

  5. Click Change Shortlist Status.