Update Item and Category for External Purchase Prices

If you imported external purchase prices without an item or a purchase category mapping, the external purchase prices are imported as disabled or excluded for purchasing and the lines are not imported into purchase agreements.

You can update the item and category for these external purchase prices using a scheduled process. You can then include those lines for purchasing either manually or by using the Include for Purchasing option in the scheduled process.

For more information on manually including lines for purchasing, see Work with External Purchase Prices or Lines.

How You Update Item and Category Using a Scheduled Process

The Update Item and Category for External Purchase Prices scheduled process automatically updates the external purchase price lines with the item and purchasing category, based on the trading partner relationship. When a trading partner relationship doesn’t exist, the process checks if a purchasing category mapping exists for the manufacturer part number. If the mapping is available, the process updates the external purchase prices. These are some of the options you can choose in the process details page:

  • Submit the process for either all or for a specific requisitioning business unit by selecting the Requisitioning BU.
  • Choose to automatically include for purchasing, external purchase price lines for which an item or a purchasing category mapping was found. Select Yes in the Include for Purchasing menu.
    Note: If you select No in the Include for Purchasing menu, you can manually include these lines for purchasing using a Visual Builder Add-in enabled Excel Template at any point of time. For more information, see Work with External Purchase Prices or Lines.
  • Convert existing description-based external purchase price lines into lines with item number. When you select the option to include lines with purchasing category, the process checks for items that are created for manufacturer parts without an item number even if they are enabled for purchasing. If a trading partner relationship exists, the existing line in the external purchase price is canceled and a new line is created for the manufacturer part number along with the item number. If the external purchase price line exists in a purchase agreement, the purchasing agreement line is also updated with the item number.