This table contains information about the transactions within a data set. This is the raw data that needs to be classified by using one or more knowledge bases. The data in this table can also be used to create a training set or a sample training set. Data set can be generated by using a spreadsheet upload or by using a scheduled extraction process from Oracle Fusion application.


  • Schema: FUSION

  • Object owner: POI

  • Object type: TABLE

  • Tablespace: Default

Primary Key

Name Columns




Name Datatype Length Precision Not-null Comments
DATASOURCE_NUM_ID NUMBER 18 Yes Identifies the data source number.
TXN_ID NUMBER 18 Yes Uniquely identifies the transaction row data.
SPEND_TXN_TYPE VARCHAR2 30 Yes Transaction type of the spend data.
TXN_NUM VARCHAR2 320 Transaction number against each row.
LINE_NUM NUMBER Line number identifier against the transaction.
TXN_DESC VARCHAR2 2000 Description of the transaction from the source system.
TXN_DATE DATE Transaction date against the spend data.
LINE_DESC VARCHAR2 2000 Line description against the spend data.
ITEM_CODE VARCHAR2 300 Item number populated against the spend data.
ITEM_DESCRIPTION VARCHAR2 2000 Description against item entered on spend data.
SUPPLIER_NAME VARCHAR2 360 Supplier name on the spend transaction.
SUPPLIER_SITE VARCHAR2 240 Supplier site value on the spend transaction.
OPERATING_UNIT VARCHAR2 400 Operating unit against the spend transaction.
UOM VARCHAR2 400 Item unit of measure on the spend transaction.
LINE_QUANTITY NUMBER Line quantity on the spend transaction.
CURRENCY VARCHAR2 215 Currency value on the spend transaction row.
UNIT_PRICE NUMBER Item unit price on the spend transaction row.
LINE_AMOUNT NUMBER Transaction line amount on the row.
COST_CENTER VARCHAR2 320 Cost center value of the operating unit on the transaction.
EBS_CATEGORY_CODE NUMBER 18 Oracle application item category code for the spend transaction.
UNSPSC_CATEGORY_CODE NUMBER 18 Code that is assigned by United Nations Standard Products and Services.
CUSTOM_CATEGORY_CODE1 NUMBER 18 User-defined category code that is used for training set.
CUSTOM_CATEGORY_CODE2 NUMBER 18 User-defined category code that is used for training set.
CUSTOM_CATEGORY_CODE3 NUMBER 18 User-defined category code that is used for training set.
EBS_AUTO_CODE NUMBER 18 Code that identifies the Oracle application item category.
UNSPSC_AUTO_CODE NUMBER 18 Code that is derived from United Nations Standard Products and Services.
CUSTOM_AUTO_CODE1 NUMBER 18 Code that is derived from the user-defined category for segment1.
CUSTOM_AUTO_CODE2 NUMBER 18 Code that is derived from the user-defined category for segment2.
CUSTOM_AUTO_CODE3 NUMBER 18 Code that is derived from the user-defined category for segment3.
W_UPDATE_DT DATE Column indicates w_update_dt value.
CREATED_BY VARCHAR2 64 Yes Who column: indicates the user who created the row.
FACT_INTEGRATION_ID VARCHAR2 320 Column indicates fact_integration_id value.
FACT_TABLE VARCHAR2 30 Column indicates fact table value.
SOURCE_TRANSACTION_ID NUMBER Unique identifier for each transaction.
SHIP_TO_LOCATION VARCHAR2 240 ShipTo location name referencing to HR_LOCATIONS_ALL_F_VL.location_name.
NATURAL_ACCOUNT VARCHAR2 25 Account code in chart of accounts that represents the natural account qualifier.
NATURAL_ACCOUNT_DESC VARCHAR2 1000 Description of the code in chart of accounts with natural account qualifier.
PROC_CAT_HIERARCHY1 VARCHAR2 240 Procurement category hierarchy level 1 value.
PROC_CAT_HIERARCHY2 VARCHAR2 240 Procurement category hierarchy level 2 value.
PROC_CAT_HIERARCHY3 VARCHAR2 240 Procurement category hierarchy level 3 value.
PROC_CAT_HIERARCHY4 VARCHAR2 240 Procurement category hierarchy level 4 value.
PROC_CAT_HIERARCHY5 VARCHAR2 240 Procurement category hierarchy level 5 value.
PROC_CAT_HIERARCHY6 VARCHAR2 240 Procurement category hierarchy level 6 value.
PROC_CAT_HIERARCHY7 VARCHAR2 240 Procurement category hierarchy level 7 value.
PROC_CAT_HIERARCHY8 VARCHAR2 240 Procurement category hierarchy level 8 value.
PROC_CAT_HIERARCHY9 VARCHAR2 240 Procurement category hierarchy level 9 value.
PROC_CAT_HIERARCHY10 VARCHAR2 240 Procurement category hierarchy level 10 value.
LEGAL_ENTITY VARCHAR2 400 Name of the legal entity defined in the system referencing to XLE_ENTITY_PROFILES.NAME.
LINE_TYPE VARCHAR2 80 Value that determines the nature of invoice line such as item, tax.
INVOICE_TYPE VARCHAR2 80 Value that determines the nature of invoice such as standard, credit.
CREATION_DATE TIMESTAMP Yes Who column: indicates the date and time of the creation of the row.
LAST_UPDATED_BY VARCHAR2 64 Yes Who column: indicates the user who last updated the row.
LAST_UPDATE_DATE TIMESTAMP Yes Who column: indicates the date and time of the last update of the row.
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN VARCHAR2 32 Who column: indicates the session login associated to the user who last updated the row.
OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER NUMBER 9 Yes Used to implement optimistic locking. This number is incremented every time that the row is updated. The number is compared at the start and end of a transaction to detect whether another session has updated the row since it was queried.
DS_ATTRIBUTE1 VARCHAR2 4000 Additional attribute used for spend classification.
DS_ATTRIBUTE2 VARCHAR2 4000 Additional attribute used for spend classification.
DS_ATTRIBUTE3 VARCHAR2 4000 Additional attribute used for spend classification.
DS_ATTRIBUTE4 VARCHAR2 4000 Additional attribute used for spend classification.
DS_ATTRIBUTE5 VARCHAR2 4000 Additional attribute used for spend classification.
DS_ATTRIBUTE6 VARCHAR2 4000 Additional attribute used for spend classification.
DS_ATTRIBUTE7 VARCHAR2 4000 Additional attribute used for spend classification.
DS_ATTRIBUTE8 VARCHAR2 4000 Additional attribute used for spend classification.
DS_ATTRIBUTE9 VARCHAR2 4000 Additional attribute used for spend classification.
DS_ATTRIBUTE10 VARCHAR2 4000 Additional attribute used for spend classification.
DS_ATTRIBUTE11 VARCHAR2 4000 Additional attribute used for spend classification.
DS_ATTRIBUTE12 VARCHAR2 4000 Additional attribute used for spend classification.
DS_ATTRIBUTE13 VARCHAR2 4000 Additional attribute used for spend classification.
DS_ATTRIBUTE14 VARCHAR2 4000 Additional attribute used for spend classification.
DS_ATTRIBUTE15 VARCHAR2 4000 Additional attribute used for spend classification.
DS_ATTRIBUTE16 VARCHAR2 4000 Additional attribute used for spend classification.
DS_ATTRIBUTE17 VARCHAR2 4000 Additional attribute used for spend classification.
DS_ATTRIBUTE18 VARCHAR2 4000 Additional attribute used for spend classification.
DS_ATTRIBUTE19 VARCHAR2 4000 Additional attribute used for spend classification.
DS_ATTRIBUTE20 VARCHAR2 4000 Additional attribute used for spend classification.
SIMILARITY_GROUP_ID NUMBER 18 Matching identifier for similar training set records.
PREDICTION_CODE1 NUMBER 18 AI prediction best category code for training set record.
PREDICTION_MATCH_SCORE1 NUMBER 7 AI prediction best score for training set record.
PREDICTION_CODE2 NUMBER 18 AI prediction second best category code for training set record.
PREDICTION_MATCH_SCORE2 NUMBER 7 AI prediction second best score for training set record.
PREDICTION_CODE3 NUMBER 18 AI prediction third best category code with for training set record.
PREDICTION_MATCH_SCORE3 NUMBER 7 AI prediction third best score for training set record.


Index Uniqueness Tablespace Columns