Interface table that stores spend data from other applications.


  • Schema: FUSION

  • Object owner: POI

  • Object type: TABLE

  • Tablespace: INTERFACE

Primary Key

Name Columns




Name Datatype Length Precision Not-null Comments
SOURCE_TRANSACTION_ID NUMBER 18 Yes Unique identifier for each transaction.
DATA_SET_IDENTIFIER VARCHAR2 25 Yes Data set identifier.Name should not start with ORA_POI.
DATA_SET_PURPOSE VARCHAR2 25 Purpose of the data set. Possible values are Classification and Training.
TRANSACTION_NUMBER VARCHAR2 320 Number that identifies the transaction in the spend data from the source application. For example, purchase order number or invoice number.
LINE_NUMBER NUMBER 18 Number that identifies the line in a transaction.
TRANSACTION_DESCRIPTION VARCHAR2 2000 Description of the transaction that is specified at the header. For example, purchase order description.
TRANSACTION_DATE DATE Date when the transaction occurred.
LINE_DESCRIPTION VARCHAR2 2000 Description of the line in a transaction. For example, invoice line description.
ITEM_CODE VARCHAR2 200 Code that identifies the item in the transaction.
ITEM_DESCRIPTION VARCHAR2 2000 Description of the item in the transaction.
SUPPLIER_NAME VARCHAR2 320 Name of the supplier in the transaction.
SUPPLIER_SITE VARCHAR2 120 Name of the supplier site in the transaction.
BUSINESS_UNIT VARCHAR2 400 Name of the business unit where the transaction occurred.
UNIT_OF_MEASURE_CODE VARCHAR2 400 Unique code that identifies the unit of measure.
LINE_QUANTITY NUMBER Quantity of the line in the transaction.
CURRENCY_CODE VARCHAR2 120 Code that identifies the currency. Use this attribute to designate the currency when an organization is not a dimension.
UNIT_PRICE NUMBER Unit price of the item or product in the transaction line. Enter the unit price without the thousands separator, use a period as a decimal separator.
LINE_AMOUNT NUMBER Total amount of the line in the transaction. Enter the line amount without the thousands separator, use a period as a decimal separator.
COST_CENTER VARCHAR2 320 Cost center where the transaction is booked.
PURCHASING_CATEGORY_CODE VARCHAR2 2000 Category code that identifies the purchasing taxonomy. Add the category code for the training data set. For classification data set, category code is optional.
UNSPSC_CATEGORY_CODE VARCHAR2 2000 Category code that identifies the UNSPSC taxonomy. Add the category code for the training data set. For classification data set, category code is optional.
CUSTOM_CATEGORY_CODE1 VARCHAR2 2000 Category code that identifies the CUSTOM1 taxonomy. Add the category code for any one taxonomy for the training data set. For classification data set, category code is optional.
CUSTOM_CATEGORY_CODE2 VARCHAR2 2000 Category code that identifies the CUSTOM2 taxonomy. Add the category code for any one taxonomy for the training data set. For classification data set, category code is optional.
CUSTOM_CATEGORY_CODE3 VARCHAR2 2000 Category code that identifies the CUSTOM3 taxonomy. Add the category code for any one taxonomy for the training data set. For classification data set, category code is optional.
PURCHASING_AUTO_CODE VARCHAR2 2000 Category code that identifies the purchasing taxonomy. The code is suggested by the artificial intelligence module.
UNSPSC_AUTO_CODE VARCHAR2 2000 Category code that identifies the UNSPSC taxonomy. The code is suggested by the artificial intelligence module.
CUSTOM_AUTO_CODE1 VARCHAR2 2000 Category code that identifies the CUSTOM1 taxonomy. The code is suggested by the artificial intelligence module.
CUSTOM_AUTO_CODE2 VARCHAR2 2000 Category code that identifies the CUSTOM2 taxonomy. The code is suggested by the artificial intelligence module.
CUSTOM_AUTO_CODE3 VARCHAR2 2000 Category code that identifies the CUSTOM2 taxonomy. The code is suggested by the artificial intelligence module.
SHIP_TO_LOCATION VARCHAR2 240 ShipTo location name referencing to HR_LOCATIONS_ALL_F_VL.location_name.
NATURAL_ACCOUNT VARCHAR2 25 Account code in chart of accounts that represents the natural account qualifier.
NATURAL_ACCOUNT_DESC VARCHAR2 1000 Description of the code in chart of accounts with natural account qualifier.
PROC_CAT_HIERARCHY1 VARCHAR2 240 Procurement category hierarchy level 1 value.
PROC_CAT_HIERARCHY2 VARCHAR2 240 Procurement category hierarchy level 2 value.
PROC_CAT_HIERARCHY3 VARCHAR2 240 Procurement category hierarchy level 3 value.
PROC_CAT_HIERARCHY4 VARCHAR2 240 Procurement category hierarchy level 4 value.
PROC_CAT_HIERARCHY5 VARCHAR2 240 Procurement category hierarchy level 5 value.
PROC_CAT_HIERARCHY6 VARCHAR2 240 Procurement category hierarchy level 6 value.
PROC_CAT_HIERARCHY7 VARCHAR2 240 Procurement category hierarchy level 7 value.
PROC_CAT_HIERARCHY8 VARCHAR2 240 Procurement category hierarchy level 8 value.
PROC_CAT_HIERARCHY9 VARCHAR2 240 Procurement category hierarchy level 9 value.
PROC_CAT_HIERARCHY10 VARCHAR2 240 Procurement category hierarchy level 10 value.
LEGAL_ENTITY VARCHAR2 400 Name of the legal entity defined in the system referencing to XLE_ENTITY_PROFILES.NAME.
LINE_TYPE VARCHAR2 80 Value that determines the nature of invoice line such as item, tax.
INVOICE_TYPE VARCHAR2 80 Value that determines the nature of invoice such as standard, credit.
CREATED_BY VARCHAR2 64 Yes Who column: indicates the user who created the row.
CREATION_DATE TIMESTAMP Yes Who column: indicates the date and time of the creation of the row.
LAST_UPDATED_BY VARCHAR2 64 Yes Who column: indicates the user who last updated the row.
LAST_UPDATE_DATE TIMESTAMP Yes Who column: indicates the date and time of the last update of the row.
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN VARCHAR2 32 Who column: indicates the session login associated to the user who last updated the row.
OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER NUMBER 9 Yes Used to implement optimistic locking. This number is incremented every time that the row is updated. The number is compared at the start and end of a transaction to detect whether another session has updated the row since it was queried.
ERROR_CODE VARCHAR2 1 Identifies error code flag if any validation fails.
ERROR_MESSAGE VARCHAR2 4000 Validation error message of the transaction.
LOAD_REQUEST_ID NUMBER 18 Unique identifier of submitted ESS request id.
DS_ATTRIBUTE1 VARCHAR2 4000 Additional attribute used for spend classification.
DS_ATTRIBUTE2 VARCHAR2 4000 Additional attribute used for spend classification.
DS_ATTRIBUTE3 VARCHAR2 4000 Additional attribute used for spend classification.
DS_ATTRIBUTE4 VARCHAR2 4000 Additional attribute used for spend classification.
DS_ATTRIBUTE5 VARCHAR2 4000 Additional attribute used for spend classification.
DS_ATTRIBUTE6 VARCHAR2 4000 Additional attribute used for spend classification.
DS_ATTRIBUTE7 VARCHAR2 4000 Additional attribute used for spend classification.
DS_ATTRIBUTE8 VARCHAR2 4000 Additional attribute used for spend classification.
DS_ATTRIBUTE9 VARCHAR2 4000 Additional attribute used for spend classification.
DS_ATTRIBUTE10 VARCHAR2 4000 Additional attribute used for spend classification.
DS_ATTRIBUTE11 VARCHAR2 4000 Additional attribute used for spend classification.
DS_ATTRIBUTE12 VARCHAR2 4000 Additional attribute used for spend classification.
DS_ATTRIBUTE13 VARCHAR2 4000 Additional attribute used for spend classification.
DS_ATTRIBUTE14 VARCHAR2 4000 Additional attribute used for spend classification.
DS_ATTRIBUTE15 VARCHAR2 4000 Additional attribute used for spend classification.
DS_ATTRIBUTE16 VARCHAR2 4000 Additional attribute used for spend classification.
DS_ATTRIBUTE17 VARCHAR2 4000 Additional attribute used for spend classification.
DS_ATTRIBUTE18 VARCHAR2 4000 Additional attribute used for spend classification.
DS_ATTRIBUTE19 VARCHAR2 4000 Additional attribute used for spend classification.
DS_ATTRIBUTE20 VARCHAR2 4000 Additional attribute used for spend classification.


Index Uniqueness Tablespace Columns