Creating Data Grants

Data grants are sets of dimensions and members that define what can be seen by assigned users for those dimensions. After a data grant is created, it can be assigned individually to those with User and Viewer roles or, most often, native groups containing those with User and Viewer roles. Data grants cannot be assigned to Service Administrators or Power Users.

To create a data grant:

  1. On the Home page, click Application, Application icon, Application again, and then click Data Grants, Data Grants icon).
  2. Click Create.
  3. In Create Data Grant, enter a unique Data Grant Name and an optional Description.
  4. Click Add Dimension and do the following:
    1. Select a dimension to add, such as Department.
    2. Click Select a Member.
    3. In the Member Selector, select a member and drill down to select the specific member to include.
    4. Optional: Click Member Function icon to define a Member Function (Using Member Functions).

    As you work, you can click Actions icon next to Selections to remove one or more selected members, or click Actions icon at the other side of the screen to filter, show alias or member count, or to refresh the data.

  5. When member selection is complete for that dimension, click OK.
    The Create Data Grant screen is displayed again.
  6. Optional: Click Add Dimension to add another dimension to the data grant.
  7. When the data grant definition is complete, click Save or Save and Close.
Now the definition is ready to assign to one or more users with User or Viewer roles. For instructions, see Assigning Data Grants to Individuals and Groups.


If you select a parent member but none of its children, users who are assigned that data grant can see only aggregate data for the parent and not the individual children.