Editing and Deleting Custom Queries in Profitability and Cost Management Applications

Once you create custom queries, you can edit them.

Creating Custom Queries in Applications describes how to create custom queries in Profitability and Cost Management applications.

To edit queries:

  1. On the Home page, click Navigator button, and then click Manage Queries.

    The Manage Queries screen is displayed, showing all queries your security provisioning enables you to view (Figure 13-1).

  2. Select a query and then use the Description and Dimension tabs of the Queries Definition area to refine the query (Creating Custom Queries in Applications).

  3. When the query edits are complete, click Save button to save the query.

To delete queries from within Profitability and Cost Management applications:

  1. Ensure that no other users need the query.

  2. In the Manage Queries screen, select the query to delete and then click Delete Query button, or select Actions, and then Delete Query.

  3. Respond Yes to any confirmation prompts.

    The selected query is removed from the list.