Generating Profitability and Cost Management System Reports

Profitability and Cost Management has several types of system reports.

System reports show one of the following for an open application:

  • Program Documentation -- Rule sets and rules plus rule definitions (Program Documentation Report)

  • Dimension Statistics -- Number of dimension members, number of level 0 members, and number of hierarchy levels for each dimension in the current application (Dimension Statistics Report)

  • Rule Data Validation -- Source and driver data targeted for each selected rule (Rule Data Validation Report


    If the intersection count is greater than 1000, only the first 100 intersections are displayed. If either Source Data or Driver Data is not selected, that portion of the report is blank.

  • Execution Statistics -- Runtime statistics collected for the selected calculation job following the end of the job (Execution Statistics Report )

To generate a system report:

  1. On the Home page, click Navigator button, and then click System Reports.

  2. In the System Reports screen, select one of the following for each setting:

    • Report Name -- Program Documentation, Dimension Statistics, Rule Data Validation, or Execution Statistics

    • Output Type -- PDF (Adobe Portable Document Format), Microsoft EXCEL, Microsoft WORD, XML, or HTML

  3. For Program Documentation and Execution Statistics reports, enter the following in the Report Parameters area:

    • Program Documentation -- POV information, whether to run a Detail Report, and whether to Show Member Aliases, if present, or member names

    • Execution Statistics -- Job ID for a successfully completed job from the Job Library screen

    For Rule Data Validation reports, enter the following:

    • POV information

    • Rule Set

    • Rule

    • Whether to generate a report of summary values only, or summary values and data

    • Whether to include source data, driver data, or both for the selected rule


    Dimension Statistics reports do not require Report Parameters information.

  4. Click Run to generate and display the report.