Replacing Members in Rules (Rules Express Editing Page)

You can use the Replace command in the Rules Express Editing page to replace dimension members in one or more rules with one action.


This action cannot be undone. Oracle recommends that you use the Migration tools for backups if necessary.

To replace members in rules:

  1. Display the Calculation Rules screen, open to the Rules Express Editing page.
  2. Search to find rules to modify (Searching For and Filtering Rules (Rules Express Editing Page)).
  3. Check the box before the names of target rules to select them, or select all.
  4. Click Actions, and then Replace Member in Rules.
  5. Complete the Find and Replace information:
    • Select a Dimension.

    • Select a Find Member, the member to locate and replace in the selected rules.

      Attribute dimensions are included in the Dimension list. If a dimension has a user-defined attribute (UDA) associated with it, then there is a UDA entry for it, such as Product -- UDA or Customer -- UDA. Selected attribute and UDA members are replaced in the filters defined for each selected rule.

    • Optional: Select one or more Replace With Member(s), the member or members to appear in the selected rules after replacement.


      If a Replace With Member isn't selected, the Find Member will be removed instead of replaced.

    • Select a Target Rule Tab, the page where the selected Find Member will be replaced.


      You can select from among Source, Destination, and Target pages.

    • Optional: Check Preserve Filters to keep any filters on the target member when it is replaced.

    • Optional: Add a Job Comment to display in the Job Library list.

  6. When settings are complete, click Run.