Set Up Oracle Smart View for Office

You can perform data analysis in real time using Oracle Smart View for Office in Project Financial Management applications.


You must install and configure Oracle Essbase to accept Smart View connections before you can use Oracle Smart View for Office to analyze your project performance.

Steps to Enable

You can get the Smart View shared connection URL and the login credentials from your system administrator.

  1. Download and install Oracle Smart View for Office from

  2. Open Microsoft Excel and verify that you can view the Smart View tab in the ribbon.

  3. Click Options in the Smart View tab.

  4. Enter the Smart View shared connection URL in the Shared Connections URL field in the General section. For example, http://host:port/workspace/SmartViewProviders.

  5. Click OK.

  6. Click Panel in the Smart View tab to open the Smart View panel.

  7. Click Shared Connections in the Smart View panel.

  8. Sign in with the user name and password provided by your administrator.

  9. Click the Select Server to proceed drop down on the Smart View panel.

  10. Select Oracle Essbase from the Shared Connections list.

  11. Click Expand to expand the Essbase_FA_Cluster node.

  12. Expand the Projects application.

  13. Click ProjPerf to display the connection options at the bottom of the panel.

  14. Click Connect to display the list of reporting options.

  15. Click ad hoc analysis to populate the default dimensions in Smart View.