Resource Schedule

Oracle Fusion Project Resource Management provides a schedule to manage the project and nonproject commitments for each managed project enterprise labor resource. Project assignments are added to the schedule when a resource is assigned to a project in a Confirmed or Reserved status.

Nonproject events are added to the schedule when you create training, paid time off, or other team member events in Project Management.

The resource schedule contains:

  • Confirmed and reserved resource assignments

  • Nonproject events such as training, paid time off, and other team member events

Resource managers use the resource schedule to determine if the resource has scheduling conflicts during the date range of a project resource request. The resource schedule is used to determine the available capacity score when you search and evaluate resources to fulfill project resource requests.

You can view the resource schedule on these pages:

  • Search and Evaluate Resources page, Available Capacity view

  • Search and Evaluate Resources page, Top Resources view

  • Compare Resources page, Resource Schedule section

  • Resource Details page, Resource Schedule section

You can adjust the calendar time scale and scroll to 1 month prior to the requested start date and 3 months after the requested finish date. This helps you determine whether a resource is available in the expanded time frame.

Weeks in the resource schedule begin on Sunday and end on Saturday.

Resource Card

Another view of a resource's schedule is on the resource card. The resource card shows a resource's weekly available capacity for 5 weeks beginning with the first week of a project resource request. Weekly available capacity is the total number of hours that the resource is available for the week divided by the number of hours requested for that week.

The weekly available capacity is color-coded on the resource card as follows:

  • Green indicates that the resource has a total available capacity for 80% or more for the week.

  • Yellow indicates that the resource is available between 50% and 79% of the week.

  • Red indicates that the resource is available less than 50% of the week.

You can view the resource card on the Search and Evaluate Resources page, Resource Cards view.