Map Non-Qualified Segments to BI Objects

To map non-qualified segments that must be mapped and used in analysis, create a new label and associate a BI object with the label. Associate this new segment label with the segment code.

To map non-qualified segments to BI objects:

  1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, go to the Manage Key Flexfields task.

  2. On the Manage Key Flexfields page, search for the appropriate key flexfield code.

  3. From the Actions menu, select Manage Segment Labels.

  4. Click the Add Row icon.

  5. Enter the details for the Segment Label Code, including name, description, and BI Object name. Enter the BI object names carefully and note whether there is a space between Segment and the number.

    This table provides examples of Key Flexfields and associated BI object names.

    Key Flexfield

    BI Object Name

    Accounting (GL)

    Dim - GL Segment1 through Dim - GL Segment10

    Budgetary Control (XCC)

    Dim - XCC Segment1 through Dim - XCC Segment10

    Revenue Management (VRM)

    Dim - VRM Segment 1 through Dim - VRM Segment 10

  6. Complete the mapping by assigning unique segment labels to the key flexfields.