Set Up the GL Accounting Flexfields

This topic describes the workflow for setting up Accounting key flexfields, but these steps also apply for other key flexfields.

  • Understanding Accounting Key Flexfields

  • Identifying Accounting Key Flexfields

  • Assigning Unique Segment Labels

  • Performing Column Flattening

  • Designating GL Accounting Segment Instances as BI-Enabled

  • Deploying Accounting Key Flexfields

Understanding Accounting Key Flexfields

The Accounting Key Flexfield is used to identify GL accounts.

A chart of accounts segment is a component of the accounting key flexfield. Each segment has a value set attached to it to provide formatting and validation of the set of values used with that segment. The combination of segments creates the account combination used for recording and analyzing financial transactions. You must set up your Chart of Accounts (COA) as part of implementing Oracle Applications Cloud.

Examples of segments that may be found in a chart of accounts structure include Company, Cost Center, Department, Division, Region, Account, Product, Program, and Location.

The Natural Account segment of the General Ledger Accounting Key Flexfield defines the account used in the account combination to record transactions.

The logical segment dimensions in the Oracle BI metadata are Dim - Cost Center, Dim - Balancing Segment, Dim - Natural Account Segment and all Dim - GL Segmentn dimensions. These dimension tables are populated from a Tree value object or from a Value Set value object. Which value is used depends on whether a tree was associated with the segment in the Oracle Applications Cloud setup:

  • For each segment associated with trees, two value objects are generated (Tree and TreeCode) with the following naming structure:

    FscmTopModelAM.AccountBIAM.FLEX_TREE_VS_segmentlabel_VI &


  • For each segment without trees, one view object is generated with the following naming structure:

    FscmTopModelAM.AccountBIAM.FLEX_VS_ XXX_VI

In addition to the segment dimension tables, the BI Extension process also extends Flex BI Flattened VO; FscmTopModelAM.AccountBIAM.FLEX_BI_Account_VI. This view object has a pair of columns for each segment; segmentlabel_ and segmentlabel_c.

For example, for your Cost Center segment which has the segment label FA_COST_CTR, there are two columns in this view object, named FA_COST_CTR_ and FA_COST_CTR_c.

Identifying Accounting Key Flexfield Segments

Identify and map segments of the chart of accounts.

For each Chart of Accounts (Accounting Key Flexfield) used to analyze Transactional Business Intelligence facts, identify the segments of the chart of accounts. Map them to the Transactional Business Intelligence GL Accounting Segment logical dimensions.

Accounting Key Flexfield Segment

Segment Label

Transactional Business Intelligence GL Accounting Segment Logical Dimension



Dim - Balancing Segment

Natural Account


Dim - Natural Account Segment

Cost Center


Dim - Cost Center

Other segments to be equalized across the charts of accounts

Other unique segment label

Dim - GL Segment n where n is an integer from 1 to 10

Assigning Unique Segment Labels

You must assign a unique segment label to the charts of accounts segments that are the balancing segments or the natural account segments. The segments must be also used for specific purposes.

For example, assign the Primary Balancing segment label to the segment used for your company or legal entities. That label provides a correct recording of intercompany transactions and company analysis. You can assign other segment labels when required.

To assign unique segment labels to charts of accounts segments:

  1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, go to the Manage Charts of Accounts task and then navigate to the Manage Chart of Accounts page.

  2. In the Search section, enter the GL# for the Key Flexfield Code and click the Search button.

  3. In the Search Results section, select Accounting Flexfield and click the Manage Structures button to navigate to Manage Key Flexfield Structures.

  4. In the Search section, enter the chart of accounts code or the name for Structure Code or Name and click the Search button.

  5. In the Search Results section, select the chart of accounts and click Edit to navigate to the Edit Key Flexfield Structure window

  6. Select the Enabled check box to code-enable the Structure code.

  7. In the Segments section, select the applicable segments and click Edit to navigate to the Edit Key Flexfield Segment window.

  8. Select the Enabled check box to enable the segments.

  9. In the Segment Labels section, select the unique segment labels to equalize the segments across the charts of accounts. Click the shuttle to move the segments to the selected list.

  10. Click Save and Close to return to the Edit Key Flexfield Structure window.

  11. Click Done to return to the Manage Key Flexfields window.

Performing Column Flattening

Column flattening of trees is required in order for OTBI hierarchy analyses to be populated with correct data.

To flatten columns for account hierarchies:

  1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, go to the Manage Trees and Tree Versions task and navigate to the Manage Trees and Tree Versions window.

  2. In the Search section, enter GL_ACCT_FLEX for the Tree Structure Code and the involved tree code or name, and click Search.

  3. In the Search Results section, select the tree version you want to flatten. If the status of the Tree Version is Draft, to make the Tree Version active, select Actions, then Status, and then Active.

  4. (Optional): After the tree version is specified, perform an audit on the Tree Version to ensure its integrity before launching the flattening job. Select Actions and then Audit. See the section on working with Trees in the Developer's Guide.

  5. Choose Column Flattening from the Actions menu.

  6. Click the Online Flattening button to launch the flattening job immediately. Or, click the Schedule Flattening button to schedule the flattening job according to your requirements.

Designating GL Accounting Segment Instances as BI-Enabled

Specify the applicable chart of accounts segment instances that are BI-enabled to make them available for use in Transactional Business Intelligence.

To specify the chart of accounts segment instances as BI-enabled:

  1. In the Search Results section of the Manage Key Flexfields window, select Accounting Flexfield and click the Manage Structure Instances button to navigate to the Manage Key Flexfield Structure Instances window.

  2. In the Search section, select the chart of accounts for Structure Name and click the Search button.

  3. In the Search Results section, select the structure instance and click Edit to navigate to the Edit Key Flexfield Structure Instance window.

  4. Check the Enabled check box to code-enable the structure instance.

  5. In the Segment Instances section, select the segment instances and click Edit to update. Each of the segment instances must be selected individually.

  6. Select the Business Intelligence enabled check box in the Edit Key Flexfield Segment pop-up window and click OK to return to Edit Key Flexfield Structure Instance window.

  7. After you have enabled all applicable segment instances for Business Intelligence, click Save and Close to save the changes and return to the Edit Key Flexfield Structure Instance window.

  8. Repeat steps 2 - 6 for each chart of accounts to enable all the applicable segment instances for Business Intelligence.

  9. Click Done to return to the Manage Key Flexfields window.

  10. After you have configured all the charts of accounts, click the Deploy Flexfield button to deploy the Accounting Flexfield and make the latest definition available for use.

Deploying Accounting Key Flexfields

After you have set up accounting key flexfields, you must deploy them.

Accounting key flexfields have one of the following deployment statuses:

  • Edited: The flexfield definition has not been deployed or changes have been made to the structure, the structure instances, or the value sets.

  • Patched: The flexfield definition has been modified through an update, but the flexfield has not yet been deployed so the updated definition is not reflected.

  • Deployed to Sandbox: The flexfield is deployed and available in a flexfield-enabled sandbox.

  • Deployed: The flexfield definition is deployed and available to end users.

  • Error: The deployment attempt failed.

To deploy accounting key flexfields:

  1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, go to the Manage Chart of Accounts task.

  2. Click Search.

  3. Locate the Deployment Status column.

  4. Click the icon.

  5. Select Edited.

  6. Click Deploy Flexfield.

  7. Monitor the Deployment Status and when it reaches 100% click OK.

  8. Verify that a check mark displays in the Deployment Status column.

  9. Click Done.