How Sprint Velocity Is Calculated

The sprint velocity helps you predict how many story points your team can achieve on an average in sprints in Agile projects. Scrum teams are expected to assign story points to backlog items in the current sprint.

The line representing the average story points achieved on the Sprint Velocity graph shows the sprint velocity trend of a project team over sprints in a product release cycle.

Settings That Affect Sprint Velocity

Product owners and scrum masters must ensure that product backlogs, sprints, and story points are available to the scrum team members on the Manage Backlog Items page of the Project Requirements work area. The following information must be available:

  • Sprint when the backlog items will be worked on.

  • Story point estimate for all backlog items in the current sprint.

  • Current status of backlog items.

How Sprint Velocity Is Calculated

The Sprint Velocity graph calculates sprint velocity using the total story points achieved in a completed sprint, divided by the total number of completed sprints.

This figure shows the equation to calculate the sprint velocity.
Sprint velocity equals total story points achieved in completed sprints divided by total number of completed sprints.

Example of Sprint Velocity Calculation

The following is an example of how sprint velocity is calculated based on story points achieved during sprints.


Story Points Achieved

Sprint Status

Sprint 1



Sprint 2



Sprint 3



Sprint 4



This figure shows how the sprint velocity is calculated using the example.
Sprint velocity equals forty seven divided by 3 that equals 15 as a round figure.

This means the product team can complete 15 story points on an average in a sprint, so their sprint velocity is 15.