Import Project Resource Assignments Process

The Import Project Resource Assignments process creates and updates project resource assignments based on data from third-party applications that you load into the Project Resource Assignments Interface table (PJR_ASSIGNMENT_INT).

Once in the interface table, the assignment details are validated and processed by the Import Project Resource Assignments process.

Use the Project Resource Assignment Import macro-enabled Excel workbook template to prepare data for loading and importing, and ensure that your data conforms to the structure and format of the target application database tables. The workbook contains the following worksheets:

  • Instructions and CSV Generation: Table-specific instructions, guidelines, and recommendations for preparing the data file for upload.

  • PJR_RES_ASMT_CREATE: Worksheet used to create assignments. Contains columns that represent table fields for the assignment details such as resource, project, role, dates, rates, hours per day, requester, and staffing owner.

  • PJR_RES_ASMT_UPDATE: Worksheet used to update assignment dates, hours per day, location, and rates.

After you prepare the data in the Project Resource Assignment Import Excel template, click the Generate CSV File button in the template to create worksheets to load to the interface tables. Optionally you can bypass the Excel template and manually create CSV files.

Load data into the interface table and application database tables using one of these two methods:

  • Run the Load Interface File and Import Project Resource Assignments job set to transfer the data file from your specified location to the interface table and import resource assignment data from the interface into the database tables.

  • Run the Load Interface File for Import process followed by the Import Project Resource Assignments process to separate the load and import steps.

For more information about file-based data import, see the File Based Data Import for Oracle Project Portfolio Management Cloud guide.

Run the load and import processes from the Scheduled Processes Overview page.

Parameters - Load Interface File for Import

Import Process

Select Import Project Resource Assignments.

Data File

Select the file that contains project resource assignment data to load.

Parameters - Import Project Resource Assignments Process

Project Resource Assignments to Import

Specify whether the import process imports all assignments or assignments for a project. The default value is All assignments.


Select the project for the assignments.

Import Project Resource Assignments Execution Report

The Import Project Resource Assignments Execution report summarizes the number of processed, accepted, and rejected items encountered when you imported the project resource assignments. The report contains details for all assignments that generated errors during the import process.

Review the error message details for each project resource assignment and fix the issues. Load the data that you fixed in the CSV file into the interface table again and resubmit the Import Project Resource Assignments process.