What's a story point?

Indicates the relative size of a user story based on its complexity. Use story points to measure the effort required to implement a story in an Agile development process.

You consider story points to be achieved when backlog items for your product are complete. Story points are assigned using a number series that reflect the relative size of one backlog item as compared to another. Relative sizing and increasing numbers are used to indicate complexity of a backlog item. A commonly used number series in the Agile development process is 0, 1/2, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 20, 40, 100. You must assign a lower story point number to a relatively simple backlog item when compared to a complex backlog item. For example, you create two product development backlog items and estimate the number of story points needed to complete each item. The following table shows two product development backlog items and the story points assigned to each backlog item. Backlog Item 1 is simpler and requires only 2 story points, but backlog item 2 is complex and requires 13 story points.

Requirement Number

Requirement Name

Story Points


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Backlog items with lower story point numbers assigned are expected to be completed faster than backlog items with greater number of story points.