Public Events for Project Milestone Completion

If you want Oracle PPM Cloud to signal whenever a project milestone is completed, then you must use the ERP Business Events REST Endpoints to enable the feature. Keep in mind that completing financial tasks that are flagged as milestones doesn't generate signals.

For example, if you want to create a billing event whenever a project milestone is completed, then:

  1. You, as a project application administrator, must enable this feature. Oracle PPM Cloud signals when a project milestone is completed.

  2. Integration developers must create event handlers that subscribe to these signals and create a billing event whenever a project milestone is completed.

Attributes in the Payload for Project Milestone Completion Event

This table lists and describes the attributes in the payload.




Unique identifier of the task. This value is the same as Task ID.


Text description of the project milestone.


Unique identifier of the project.


The date when work is scheduled to end for a project milestone. The format is DD-MM-YYYY.


The actual finish date for the project milestone as opposed to a planned finish date for the project milestone. The format is DD-MM-YYYY.


Name of the person who last updated the record.

Sample Payload for Project Milestone Completion Event

Let's look at a sample payload that's generated when a project milestone is completed.

      <ProjectMilestoneCompletionInfo xmlns="http://vision/apps/projects/projectManagement/common/publicModel/entity/events/schema/ProjPlanLineEO">
            <oldValue value="300100111675917"/>
            <newValue value="300100111675917"/>
            <oldValue value="Milestone: Customer Sign Off of Tested Software"/>
            <newValue value="Milestone: Customer Sign Off of Tested Software"/>
            <oldValue value="300100082280694"/>
            <newValue value="300100082280694"/>
            <oldValue value="31-01-2019"/>
            <newValue value="31-01-2019"/>
            <oldValue value=""/>
            <newValue value="31-01-2019"/>
            <oldValue value="Connor.Horton"/>
            <newValue value="Connor.Horton"/>