Public Events for Project Task Progress Status Changes

If you want Oracle PPM Cloud to signal whenever project task progress status changes, then you must use the ERP Business REST Endpoints to enable the feature. Keep in mind that creating or deleting tasks doesn't generate signals.

For example, if you want to initiate an activity in another application whenever task status changes to In Progress, then:

  1. You, as a project application administrator, must enable this feature. Oracle PPM Cloud signals when project task progress status changes.

  2. Integration developers must create event handlers that subscribe to these signals and initiate an activity whenever the project task progress status changes to In Progress.

Attributes in the Payload for Project Task Progress Status Changes Event

This table lists and describes the attributes in the payload.




Unique identifier of the task. This value is the same as Task ID.


Unique identifier of the project.


Indicates if the task is financially tracked or tracked for execution only. Valid values are EXECUTION and FINANCIAL.


The code for the status of work completed on the task. Valid values are NOT_STARTED, IN_PROGRESS, and COMPLETED.


The previous code for the status of work completed on the task. Valid values are NOT_STARTED, IN_PROGRESS, and COMPLETE.


Indicates that transactions charged to the task can be billed to customers. Valid values are Y, N, and null. The value is Y when the transactions are billable. The value is N or null when the transactions aren't billable.


Indicates that something is eligible to be charged to a task. Valid values are Y, N, and null. The value is Y when the transactions are chargeable. The value is N when the transactions aren't chargeable.


The date that work commenced on a task as opposed to the planned start date for the task.


The actual finish date for the task as opposed to a planned finish date for the task.


The date that work or information tracking begins on a project. The format is DD-MM-YYYY.


The date that work or information tracking completes for a project. The format is DD-MM-YYYY.


Indicates the percentage of work completed for the task.


Name of the person who last updated the task.

Sample Payload for Project Task Progress Status Changes Event

Let's look at a sample payload that's generated when the status of a Project Task changes from Not Started to In Progress.

      <ProjectTaskProgressStatusChangedInfo xmlns="http://vision/apps/projects/projectManagement/common/publicModel/entity/events/schema/ProjPlanLineEO">
            <oldValue value="300100111675917"/>
            <newValue value="300100111675917"/>
            <oldValue value="300100082280694"/>
            <newValue value="300100082280694"/>
            <oldValue value="EXECUTION"/>
            <newValue value="EXECUTION"/>
            <oldValue value="NOT_STARTED"/>
            <newValue value="IN_PROGRESS"/>
            <oldValue value="NOT_STARTED"/>
            <newValue value="NOT_STARTED"/>
            <oldValue value="N"/>
            <newValue value="N"/>
            <oldValue value="N"/>
            <newValue value="N"/>
            <oldValue value="False"/>
            <newValue value="01-01-2019"/>
            <oldValue value=""/>
            <newValue value=""/>
            <oldValue value="01-01-2019"/>
            <newValue value="01-01-2019"/>
            <oldValue value="05-01-2019"/>
            <newValue value="05-01-2019"/>
            <oldValue value="0"/>
            <newValue value="25"/>
            <oldValue value="Connor.Horton"/>
            <newValue value="Connor.Horton"/>