Available Dimensions for Project Management Subject Areas

Each subject area has a number of dimension folders and one fact folder. The dimension folders contain attribute and hierarchical columns.

Dimensions are joined to the fact folder within a subject area. If an analysis you use has the Currency attribute from a dimension folder, you see a currency column in the results. This table describes the dimensions you can use for analyses in Oracle Fusion Cloud Project Management.

Subject Area


Projects - Period Close Exceptions

  • Award

  • Employee

  • Event Details

  • Event Type

  • Exception Measures

  • Expenditure Class

  • Expenditure Item

  • Expenditure Type

  • Fiscal Calendar

  • Item

  • Job

  • Ledger

  • Message Details

  • Miscellaneous Inventory Transaction

  • Nonlabor Resource

  • Organizations

  • Payables Invoice Details

  • Project

  • Project Contract Header Details

  • Project Contract Line Details

  • Projects Calendar

  • Purchase Order Receipt Accrual

  • Report Detail

  • Root Cause Message Details

  • Supplier

  • Task

  • Transaction Common Details

  • Unprocessed Transaction Details

  • Work Type

Projects - Billing and Revenue Exceptions

Real Time
  • Award

  • Bill Transaction

  • Business Unit

  • Contract

  • Currency

  • Employee

  • Event

  • Exception Messures

  • Exceptions

  • Expenditure Item

  • Institution

  • Invoice

  • Job

  • Ledger

  • Legal Entity

  • Nonlabor Resource

  • Organization

  • Primary Sponsor

  • Project

  • Project Role

  • Task

  • Time

  • Work Type

Project Billing - Bill Transactions Real Time

  • Bill Transaction

  • Business Unit

  • Contract

  • Currency

  • Customer

  • Employee

  • Event

  • Expenditure Item

  • Item

  • Job

  • Ledger

  • Legal Entity

  • Measures - Bill Transaction

  • Nonlabor Resource

  • Organization

  • Pricing

  • Project

  • Project Role

  • Revenue

  • Supplier

  • Task

  • Time

  • Work Type

Project Billing - Event Real Time

  • Billing Event Measures

  • Currency Exchange Details

  • Event Details

  • Event Type

  • Fiscal Calendar

  • Organizations

  • Project

  • Project Contract Header Details

  • Project Contract Line Details

  • Task

  • Task Hierarchy

  • Time

Project Billing - Funding Real Time

  • Contract Customer

  • Contract Customer Account

  • Currency Details

  • Fiscal Calendar

  • Funding Details

  • Organizations

  • Project

  • Project Contract Header Details

  • Project Contract Line Details

  • Project Contract Measures

  • Project Funding Measures

  • Task

  • Task Hierarchy

  • Time

Project Billing - Invoices Real Time

  • Associated Task

  • Associated Task Hierarchy

  • Award

  • Bill-to Customer

  • Bill-to Customer Account

  • Contract Customer

  • Contract Customer Account

  • Contract and Project Details

  • Credits and Write-offs

  • Currency Exchange Details

  • Customer Details

  • Employee

  • Event Details

  • Expenditure Item

  • Expenditure Type

  • Fiscal Calendar

  • Institution

  • Intercompany and Interproject Details

  • Invoice Calculation

  • Invoice Details

  • Invoice Processing

  • Invoice Transaction Measures

  • Ledger

  • Legal Entity

  • Organizations

  • Primary Sponsor

  • Project

  • Project Contract Header Details

  • Project Contract Line Details

  • Receiver Fiscal Calendar

  • Task

  • Task Hierarchy

  • Tax Details

  • Time

Project Billing - Revenue Real Time

  • Accounting Class

  • Award

  • Balancing Segment

  • Contract Customer Account

  • Contract and Project Details

  • Cost Center

  • Currency Exchange Details

  • Employee

  • Event Details

  • Expenditure Item

  • Fiscal Calendar

  • GL Accounting Date

  • GL Accounting Date Fiscal Calendar

  • General Ledger Account

  • Institution

  • Intercompany and Interproject Details

  • Job

  • Ledger

  • Legal Entity

  • Natural Account

  • Organizations

  • Primary Sponsor

  • Project

  • Project Contract Header Details

  • Project Contract Line Details

  • Receiver Fiscal Calendar

  • Revenue Accounting Details

  • Revenue Calculation

  • Revenue Details

  • Revenue Transaction Measures

  • Task

  • Task Hierarchy

  • Time

Project Control - Budgets Real Time

  • Award

  • Employee

  • Fiscal Calendar

  • Institution

  • Organizations

  • Primary Sponsor

  • Project

  • Project Budget

  • Project Budget Version

  • Projects Calendar

  • Receiver Fiscal Calendar

  • Resources

  • Resource Class

  • Task

  • Task Hierarchy

  • Time

Project Control - Forecasts Real Time

  • Employee

  • Fiscal Calendar

  • Forecast Fact

  • Organizations

  • Project

  • Project Forecast Version

  • Projects Calendar

  • Receiver Fiscal Calendar

  • Resources

  • Resource Class

  • Task

  • Task hierarchy

  • Time

Project Control - Financial Project Plans Real Time

  • Currency

  • Financial Project Plan

  • Fiscal Calendar

  • Milestone

  • Project

  • Project Plan Type

  • Projects Calendar

  • Resource

  • Task

  • Task Hierarchy

Project Control - Progress Real Time

  • Organizations

  • Milestone

  • Progress

  • Progress As Of Date

  • Progress Measures

  • Progress Status

  • Progress

  • Project

  • Task

Project Costing - Actual Costs Real Time

  • Accounting Class

  • Adjustment Details

  • Associated Project Contract Header Details

  • Associated Project Contract Line Details

  • Award

  • Balancing Segment

  • Capitalization Details

  • Cost Accounting Details

  • Cost Center

  • Currency Exchange Details

  • Effort Details

  • Employee

  • Expenditure Class

  • Expenditure Item

  • Expenditure Item Billing Details

  • Expenditure Item Revenue Details

  • Expenditure Item and Cost Distribution Cross-Charge Transaction Details

  • Expenditure Item and Cost Distribution Details

  • Expenditure Type

  • Fiscal Calendar

  • GL Accounting Date

  • GL Accounting Date Fiscal Calendar

  • General Ledger Account

  • Imported Cost Accounts

  • Institution

  • Item

  • Job

  • Ledger

  • Legal Entity

  • Natural Account

  • Nonlabor Resource

  • Organizations

  • Original Source References

  • Primary Sponsor

  • Processing Details

  • Project

  • Project Contract Header Details

  • Project Contract Line Details

  • Projects Calendar

  • Receiver Fiscal Calendar

  • Receiver Ledger Currency Exchange Details

  • Supplier

  • Task

  • Task Hierarchy

  • Time

  • Transaction Common Details

  • Transfer Price Currency Exchange Details

  • Work Type

Projects Costing - Assets Real Time

  • Capital Event

  • Cost Distribution Line

  • Currency Exchange Details

  • Expenditure Item

  • Project

  • Project Asset

  • Project Asset Line

  • Time

Project Costing - Commitments Real Time

  • Award

  • Commitment Details

  • Currency Details for Commitments

  • Expenditure Class

  • Expenditure Type

  • Fiscal Calendar

  • Institution

  • Item

  • Ledger

  • Legal Entity

  • Organizations

  • Primary Sponsor

  • Project

  • Projects Calendar

  • Receiver Fiscal Calendar

  • Resource Class

  • Supplier

  • Task

  • Task Hierarchy

  • Time

  • Work Type

Project Costing - Expenditure Item Performance - Real Time

  • Capitalization Details

  • Currency Exchange Details

  • Effort Details

  • Employee

  • Expenditure Class

  • Expenditure Item Billing Details

  • Expenditure Item Details

  • Expenditure Item Revenue Details

  • Expenditure Type

  • Item

  • Job

  • Legal Entity

  • Nonlabor Resource

  • Organizations

  • Original Source References

  • Processing Details

  • Project

  • Project Contract Header Details

  • Project Contract Line Details

  • Receiver Ledger Currency Exchange Details

  • Supplier

  • Task

  • Task Hierarchy

  • Work Type

  • Comments

Project Costing - Unprocessed Transactions Real Time

  • Award

  • Currency Exchange Details for Unprocessed Transactions

  • Employee

  • Error Details
  • Expenditure Class

  • Expenditure Type

  • Imported Cost Accounts

  • Institution

  • Item

  • Job

  • Nonlabor Resources

  • Organizations

  • Primary Sponsor

  • Project

  • Projects Calendar

  • Supplier

  • Task

  • Task hierarchy

  • Time

  • Unprocessed Transactions Adjustment Details

  • Unprocessed Transactions Details

  • Unprocessed Transactions Effort Details

  • Unprocessed Transactions Original Source References

  • Unprocessed Transactions Processing Details

  • Work Type

Note: Use the Message Action attribute along with the Message Name attribute in the same folder to view applicable data. The Message Action attribute in the Error Details folder is not directly mapped to a physical table or column and doesn’t have a qualifying table to use in the Select statement. This is why you do not see any values coming in when you attempt to retrieve only this data. The same is true of the remaining attributes in this folder as well.

Projects - Labor Distribution Cost Analysis Real Time

  • Award

  • Award Funding Source

  • Employee

  • Expenditure Type

  • Fiscal Calendar

  • General Ledger Account

  • Labor Cost Distributions Details

  • Labor Cost Distributions Measures

  • Labor Schedules Details

  • Organizations

  • Project

  • Project Contract Header Details

  • Task

  • Time

  • Work Type

Projects - Labor Schedule Analysis Real Time

  • Award

  • Award Funding Source

  • Employee

  • Expenditure Type

  • General Ledger Account

  • Labor Schedules Details

  • Labor Schedules Measures

  • Labor Version Dates

  • Organizations

  • Project

  • Project Contract Header Details

  • Task

  • Time

  • Work Type

Project Management - Baseline Versions Real Time

  • Baseline Version Details

  • Baseline Version Measures

  • Organizations

  • Primary Resource

  • Project

  • Task

  • Task Hierarchy

Project Management - Change Management Real Time

  • Change Management Measures

  • Change Order

  • Organizations

  • Project

  • Time

Project Management - Opportunity Integration Real Time

  • Currency Detail

  • Opportunity

  • Opportunity Based Measures

  • Organizations

  • Project

  • Project Plan Dates

  • Project Planning Measures

  • Project Progress Status

  • Time

Project Management - Planning Real Time

  • Employee

  • Milestone

  • Organizations

  • Primary Resource

  • Project

  • Project Plan Baseline

  • Project Plan Dates

  • Project Plan Details

  • Project Planning Measures

  • Project Progress Status

  • Resource

  • Resource Class

  • Sprint

  • Task

  • Task Hierarchy

  • Time

Project Management - Project Issues Real Time

  • Action Item Creator

  • Action Item Details

  • Action Item Measures

  • Action Item Owner

  • Action Item Status

  • Issue Closed Reason

  • Issue Creator

  • Issue Details

  • Issue Measures

  • Issue Owner

  • Issue Priority

  • Issue Status

  • Issue Type

  • Organizations

  • Project

  • Time

Project Management - Project Hierarchy Real Time

  • Opportunity

  • Opportunity Based Measures

  • Organizations

  • Project

  • Project Hierarchy

  • Project Hierarchy Measures

  • Project Progress Status

  • Time

Project Management - Project Resources Real Time

  • Employee

  • Opportunity

  • Organizations

  • Project

  • Project Resource Details

  • Project Resource Finish Date

  • Project Resource Measures

  • Project Resource Start Date

  • Project Role

  • Resource

  • Resource Assignment Status

  • Resource Class

  • Time

Project Management - Project Work Items Real Time

  • Organizations

  • Project

  • Task

  • Task Hierarchy

  • Time

  • Work Item Creator

  • Work Item Details

  • Work Item Measures

  • Work Item Owner

  • Work Item Priority

  • Work Item Status

  • Work Item Type

Project Management - Requirements Real Time

  • Acceptance Criteria

  • Backlog Item Details

  • Backlog Item Measures

  • Milestone

  • Organizations

  • Owner

  • Priority

  • Product

  • Project

  • Release

  • Requirement

  • Requirement Hierarchy

  • Scrum Master

  • Sprint

  • Status

  • Task

  • Task Effort Measures

Project Management - Task Management Real Time

  • Issue

  • Milestone

  • Organizations

  • Primary Resource

  • Project

  • Project Progress Status

  • Resource

  • Tag

  • Task

  • Task Creator

  • Task Dates

  • Task Follower

  • Task Management Details

  • Task Management Measures

  • Task Owner

  • Task Type

Project Resource Management - Resource Management Real Time

  • Assignment

  • Organizations

  • Project

  • Project Assignment Dates

  • Project Request Dates

  • Project Resource Actual

  • Project Resource Assignment

  • Project Resource Request

  • Project Resource Supply

  • Project Resource Utilization

  • Project Role

  • Qualification

  • Request

  • Resource

  • Supply

  • Time

Project Resource Management - Resource Pool Real Time

  • Resource

  • Resource Pool

Projects - Cross Subject Area Analysis - Real Time

  • Award

  • Award Funding Details

  • Award Funding Measures

  • Award Project Funding Measures

  • Bill-to Customer

  • Budget Transaction Measures

  • Commitment Transaction Measures

  • Cost Transaction Measures

  • Currency

  • Employee

  • Fiscal Calendar

  • Forecast Transaction Measures

  • Invoice Transaction Measures

  • Organizations

  • Project

  • Project Contract Header Details

  • Project Contract Line Details

  • Receiver Fiscal Calendar

  • Resource

  • Revenue Transaction Measures

  • Task

  • Task Hierarchy

  • Time

Projects - Grants Management - Award Analysis Real Time

  • Award

  • Award Certification Measures

  • Award Keyword Measures

  • Award Reference Measures

  • Certification

  • Keyword

  • Project

  • Reference Type

Note: You can review the award cost share attributes for the internal funding sources only if either the award funding amount (from the Award Funding Measures folder) or the number of funding sources (from the Award Funding Source -> Award Funding Source Measures folder) is selected from the Projects - Grants Management - Award Funding Real Time or Projects – Grants Management – Award Analysis Real Time subject area. This applies to all subject areas where the Award Funding Source cost share attributes are available.

Projects - Grants Management - Awards Funding Real Time

  • Award

  • Award Funding Details

  • Award Funding Measures

  • Award Keyword Measures

  • Award Performance Measures

  • Award Project

  • Award Project Funding Measures

  • Fiscal Calendar

  • Institution

  • Keyword

  • Organization Credit

  • Organizations

  • Personnel

  • Primary Sponsor

  • Project

  • Project Contract Header Details

  • Project Contract Line Details

  • Terms and Conditions

  • Time

Note: You can review the award cost share attributes for the internal funding sources only if either the award funding amount (from the Award Funding Measures folder) or the number of funding sources (from the Award Funding Source -> Award Funding Source Measures folder) is selected from the Projects - Grants Management - Award Funding Real Time or Projects – Grants Management – Award Analysis Real Time subject area. This applies to all subject areas where the Award Funding Source cost share attributes are available.

Projects - Performance Reporting Real Time

  • Fiscal Calendar

  • Organizations

  • Project

  • Project Contract Header Details

  • Project Contract Line Details

  • Project Performance Measures

  • Resource

  • Resource Class

  • Resource Hierarchy

  • Task

  • Task Hierarchy

Projects - Program Performance Reporting Real Time

  • Fiscal Calendar

  • Program Details

  • Program Hierarchy

  • Program Performance Details

  • Program Performance Measures

Projects - Funding Pattern Analysis Real Time

  • Number of Distribution Sets
  • Number of Distribution Rules
  • Total Rule Percent