Predefined Analytics for Project Management

You can use the following predefined analyses and dashboards for your reporting needs. Based on your requirements, you can use these directly or copy and customize them.

Subject Area


Project Billing - Event Real Time

  • Project Billing Events

  • Project Billing - Invoiced Transactions

    This analysis is also listed under the Project Billing - Invoices Real Time subject area.

  • Project Revenue - Recognized Transactions

    This analysis is also listed under the Project Billing - Revenue Real Time subject area.

Project Billing - Funding Real Time

  • Project Contract Lines

  • Project Contract List

These analyses are also listed under the Project Billing - Invoices Real Time and Project Billing - Revenue Real Time subject areas.

Project Billing - Invoices Real Time

  • Project Contract Lines

    This analysis is also listed under the Project Billing - Funding Real Time and Project Billing - Revenue Real Time subject areas.

  • Project Contract List

    This analysis is also listed under the Project Billing - Funding Real Time and Project Billing - Revenue Real Time subject areas.

  • Project Billing - Invoiced Transactions

    This analysis is also listed under the Project Billing - Event Real Time subject area.

  • Project Billing - Invoice Lines

  • Invoices by Status

Project Billing - Revenue Real Time

  • Project Revenue - Recognized Transactions

    This analysis is also listed under the Project Billing - Event Real Time subject area.

  • Project Revenue - Contract Lines

  • Revenue by Contract

  • Project Income Statement

    This analysis is also listed under the Project Costing - Actual Costs Real Time subject area.

  • Project Contract Lines

    This analysis is also listed under the Project Billing - Invoices Real Time and Project Billing - Funding Real Time subject areas.

  • Project Contract List

    This analysis is also listed under the Project Billing - Invoices Real Time and Project Billing - Funding Real Time subject areas.

Project Control - Budgets Real Time

  • Budget vs Actual Cost Comparison

    This analysis is also listed under the Project Costing - Actual Costs Real Time subject area.

  • Project Tasks

  • Project List

Project Costing - Actual Costs Real Time

  • Project Income Statement

    This analysis is also listed under the Project Billing - Revenue Real Time subject area.

  • Budget vs Actual Cost Comparison

    This analysis is also listed under the Project Control - Budgets Real Time subject area.

  • Project Cost Account Reconciliation

  • Project Cost by Transaction Source Details

  • Project Cost by Transaction Source

  • Project Expenditure Items

    This analysis is also listed under the Project Costing - Commitments Real Time subject area.

  • Project Capital Costs

    This analysis is also listed under the Project Costing - Commitments Real Time subject area.

Project Costing - Assets Real Time

  • Capital Expenditures

  • Uncapitalizable Cost for Capitalizable Tasks

  • Capital Asset Assignments

  • Capital Asset Lines

  • Capital Assets

Project Costing - Commitments Real Time

  • Project Expenditure Items

  • Project Capital Costs

These analyses are also listed under the Project Costing - Actual Costs Real Time subject area.

Project Management - Change Management Real Time

  • Change Orders by Participant Status

  • Change Orders by Reason

  • Change Order Details

  • Pending Change Orders Summary

Project Management - Baseline Versions Real Time

Baseline Trend Analysis

Project Management - Planning Real Time

  • Tasks Scheduled Outside of Resource Assignment Dates

    This analysis is also listed under the Project Management - Project Resources Real Time subject area.

  • Resource Allocation and Task Assignment Comparison by Week

    This analysis is also listed under the Project Management - Planning Real Time subject area.

  • Project Cost Variance

  • Planned and Actual Project Labor Comparison

  • Actual Project Labor Margin

  • Baseline Variance Analysis Report

  • Planned and Actual Dates Comparison Report

Project Management - Project Issues Real Time

  • Action Item Details

  • Closed Issue Analysis

  • Detail of Open Issues

  • Issue Analysis by Project

  • Issues Aging

  • Issues by Type

  • Issue Details

  • My Open Action Items

  • My Open Issues

  • Open Action Items by Project

Project Management - Project Hierarchy Real Time

  • Delegate Access Analysis

  • Owner Access Analysis

  • Remaining Project Hours

  • Total and Actual EPS Node Cost

  • Total Project Hours

Project Management - Project Resources Real Time

  • Tasks Scheduled Outside of Resource Assignment Dates

    This analysis is also listed under the Project Management - Planning Real Time subject area.

  • Resource Allocation and Task Assignment Comparison by Week

    This analysis is also listed under the Project Management - Planning Real Time subject area.

  • Placeholder Resources on My Projects

  • Resources Currently on My Projects

Project Management - Project Work Items Real Time

  • Deliverables Due in My Projects

  • Deliverables Not Started in My Projects

  • All Work Items in My Projects

Project Management - Requirements Real Time

  • Backlog Completeness Check Analysis

  • Backlog Item Sprint Velocity Analysis

  • Backlog Items Status Analysis

  • Project Hours by Backlog Item Analysis

Project Resource Management - Resource Management Real Time

  • Projected Revenue Shortfall by Resource

  • Requested Resource Forecast Revenue Details

  • Project Resource Request Forecast Revenue

  • Resource Pool Projected and Actual Utilization by Resource

  • Resource Pool Actual Utilization by Resource and Month

  • Resource Capacity Planning by Project Role

Project Management - Task Management Real Time

  • Project Work Coming Due

  • My Upcoming Tasks

Project Resource Management - Resource Pool Real Time

  • Project Resource Assignment History by Resource Pool and Resource Report

  • Project Resource Request History by Resource Pool and Resource Report

  • Project Resource Request Resources by Project or Request Report

Projects - Cross Subject Area Analysis - Real Time

Actual Cost Analysis by Resource Type

Projects - Grants Management - Award Funding Real Time

  • Award Project Funding Details

  • Award List