Award Funding Pattern Example

This example shows a funding pattern that will automatically distribute costs for a project among several awards and funding sources.

This funding pattern ensures that the construction requirements of the awards are being met. The project has other requirements that are met using other funding patterns.

Your city plans to replace a bridge. The city is the sponsored program office and internal funding source. Besides city budgeted funds, awards have been granted from these sources:

  • The state

    State funds are available until the end of their fiscal year, in 6 months .

  • Federal transportation agency
  • State transportation agency

    Requires cost sharing of 25%.

Here is the funding pattern for construction requirements and associated distribution sets and distribution rules:

Bridge Construction Funding Pattern

Field Value
Project Number 16720
Project Name City Bridge
Funding Pattern Name Bridge Construction
Status Active
Task Number

If the task isn't provided, the funding pattern is for all tasks on the project that don't have a defined funding pattern.

Start Date July 1
End Date March 31

Distribution Set 1

Set Name Description Precedence
Construction Set 1 Spend state money first 1

Set 1 Rule

Rule Number Award Number Funding Source Percentage
1 state bridge State 100

Distribution Set 2

Set Name Description Precedence
Construction Set 2 Meets contract obligations for state and federal transportation 2

Set 2 Rules

Rule Number Award Number Funding Source Percentage
1 State Trans State Transportation 50
2 State Trans Internal 25
3 Federal Trans Federal Transportation 25

Rule number 2 is an example of state cost sharing requirements.