Create an Award Funding Pattern

To automatically distribute costs, you can define funding patterns for a project, expenditure item date range, and optionally at any task level.

If a project has multiple funding patterns for the same date range, costs that fit into that date range will be applied to the funding patterns in this order:
  1. Lowest task
  2. Summary task continuing to the top task
  3. Project level
Funding patterns have two additional components: distribution sets and distribution rules. Distribution sets in a funding pattern provide a sequence of distribution rules to flow through. For each set, you have rules that define the percentages used to split costs to the awards and funding sources. The sets of distribution rules must total 100 percent to fully distribute the original cost.

Before you start

A Grants Administrator, Grants Department Administrator, or Principal Investigator can create an award funding pattern.

Here's what to do

  1. Navigate to Manage Funding Patternsin the Actions panel tab of the Awards work area.
  2. Click Create.
  3. Choose a project.
    The start and end dates default to the project dates.
  4. The task number is the level of the hierarchy for the funding pattern.
  5. Click Create.
    The project appears with your draft funding pattern.
  6. In the Distribution Sets region click Create Set.
  7. Enter a number for the precedence for this set. The number 1 means it will be considered first when allocating costs.
  8. Click Create.
  9. In the Distribution Rules region, click Create Rule.
  10. Select the award and funding source. Enter 100 percent if there's no split with another funding source. If there is a split, enter the correct percentage.
  11. Click Create.
  12. Create additional rules and distribution sets as needed.