Extend the Manage Project Financial Settings Page with Parameters

Project application administrators can personalize components within the Manage Financial Project Settings page, using context specific parameters in Page Composer, to control certain project attributes based on business requirements.

For example:
  • Hide page components, such as tabs or individual fields that are not relevant for a specific project type, business unit, or a legal entity.
  • Improve data quality and reduce business process errors by making certain fields read-only, such as those that default from a project template.
Note: You can personalize context specific attributes only when you navigate to the Manage Financial Project Settings page in the context of a project.

Syntax in Expression Language (EL)

Use Expression Language (EL) to alter the behavior of the relevant page components in order to meet your business requirement.

#{pageFlowScope.mfpsParameters.<Parameter Code>}

For example, the following expression would return 'true' if the project type is enabled for billing:

#{pageFlowScope.mfpsParameters.ProjectTypeEnableBillingFlag == 'Y'}

Available Parameters

The following context specific parameters are available to use in Expression Language when customizing the Manage Financial Project Settings Page.

Parameter Code Comments
ProjectTemplateFlag Accepted values are Y or N.
ProjectStatusName Note that the Project Status Name is translatable.
ProjectSystemStatusCode Accepted values are ACTIVE, CLOSED, DRAFT, PENDING_CLOSE, SUBMITTED.
ProjectBusinessUnit Note that the Business Unit Name is translatable.
ProjectTypeName Note that the Project Type Name is translatable.
ProjectTypeSponsoredFlag Indicates whether the project type is enabled for sponsored projects. Accepted values are Y or N.
ProjectTypeEnableBillingFlag Indicates whether the project type is enabled for billing. Accepted values are Y or N.
ProjectTypeEnableCapitalizationFlag Indicates whether the project type is enabled for capitalization. Accepted values are Y or N.


The Project Currency drop down on a project is defaulted from the project template, and the user can modify it until transactions are created. Consider a requirement where the project currency value must be read-only, regardless of whether project has incurred costs. However, users should still be able to change the project currency value in project templates.

To personalize the project currency field:

  1. You must be in an active sandbox that has the Page Composer tool enabled.
  2. Navigate to the Financial tab on the Manage Financial Project Settings page and click Edit Pages from the Settings and Actions menu.
  3. Select the dialog box from the Structure pane and click Edit. A modal dialog box appears.
  4. Change the Child Creation property to immediate. You should now see the dialog box components in the Structure pane.
  5. Edit the Project Currency property. Use the Expression Builder to edit the EL for the Disabled property. Update the EL to:
    #{ProjCurrencyBean.checkTransactionPresent || pageFlowScope.mfpsParameters.ProjectTemplateFlag == 'N'}

    The expression will disable the Project Currency property if transactions are present or if the context is a project and not a project template. The double-pipe in the expression represents an OR logical operator. Refer to the Related Help section for topics that contain more information regarding syntax.

  6. Apply the changes.

  7. Set the Child Creation property of the dialog box back to deferred.

  8. Test your changes before publishing the sandbox.
    • In context of the project, the Project Currency field becomes read-only.
    • In context of a project template, the Project Currency field is updatable.
Note: Changes made using Page Composer apply to the user interface (UI) only, and don't apply to integrated solutions such as those that leverage REST APIs.