Public Events for Unplanned Project Costs

If you want Oracle PPM Cloud to signal whenever unplanned resources are added to or updated on the financial project plan, then you must use the ERP Business Events REST Endpoints to enable the feature.

For example, if you want to notify the project manager of an unplanned project cost, then:

  1. You, as a project application administrator, must enable this feature. Oracle PPM Cloud signals when there are unplanned project costs on the financial project plan.
  2. Integration developers must create event handlers that subscribe to these signals and track unplanned project costs on the financial project plan.

Set the Enabled Indicator for the UnplannedProjectCost Business Event Code

Use the ERP Business Events REST API to set the enabled indicator to TRUE for the UnplannedProjectCost Business Event Code. Once you set it. you can subscribe to the event in Oracle Integration Cloud to perform additional actions when an unplanned project cost is identified.

The following examples show how to retrieve and update the business event record:

ERP Business Events REST API Definition - /fscmRestApi/resources/

  • Submit a GET request on the REST resource to retrieve the Business Event ID for the UnplannedProjectCost Business Event Code.
  • Submit a PATCH request on the REST resource to update the enabled indicator: /fscmRestApi/resources/{ErpBusinessEventId}

Example of contents of the request body in JSON format:


"EnabledFlag": true


Attributes in the Payload for Unplanned Project Costs Event

This table lists and describes the attributes in the payload.

Attribute Description


The unique identifier of the financial project plan version.


Unique identifier of the project.


The number of the project.


The type of public event.


Resource used for financial planning in the financial project plan.


Identifier of the project task that's modified as part of the financial project plan changes.


Number of the task.


Identifier of the task assignment on the financial project plan.


Name of the resource assigned to the task in the financial project plan.


Identifier of the resource included in the financial project plan.


Resource class of the resource. For, example, LABOR for Labor resources and, EQUIPMENT for equipment type resources.


The currency in which the resource is planned.


The unit of measure for the resource.


Total actual quantity of resource effort spent on a task or project, including labor and equipment.


Total actual currency raw cost value of the resource assignment.


Total actual currency burdened cost value of the resource assignment.


Total actual raw cost amounts in project currency of the resource assignment.


Total actual burdened cost amounts in project currency of the resource assignment.


Total actual raw cost amounts in project ledger currency of the resource assignment.


Total actual burdened cost amounts in project ledger currency of the resource assignment.


Total planned quantity for the resource assignment.


Total planned currency raw cost amounts of the resource assignment.


Total planned burdened cost amounts of the resource assignment.


Total planned currency raw cost value of the resource assignment.


Total planned currency burdened cost value of the resource assignment.


Total planned project ledger currency raw cost value of the resource assignment.


Total planned project ledger currency burdened cost value of the resource assignment.

Let's look at a sample payload that's generated when unplanned resources are added to the financial project plan:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
   <ns0:UnplannedProjectCostInfo xmlns:ns0="" xmlns:xsi="">
    <resourceName>Vision Operations</resourceName>
    <resourceName>Vision Operations</resourceName>