Burden Cost Calculations Test

Test burden cost calculations to view a breakdown of the total burdened cost for a specific project transaction and to verify your burden structure and burden schedule implementation.

The test emulates an actual burden cost transaction for a set of criteria consisting of the project, task, burden schedule, expenditure type, expenditure organization, raw cost, quantity, and transaction date.

The application uses the burden schedule that you specify as burden cost criteria to calculate burden amounts. If you specify a project as burden cost criteria, and you don't specify a task or burden schedule, then the application uses the burden schedule on the project. If you specify a project and task, and you don't specify a burden schedule, then the application uses the burden schedule on the task.

Test burden cost calculations to:

  • Verify that the amounts for each burden cost code and for the total burdened cost are calculated correctly according to the specified criteria.

  • Confirm that the correct schedule is used for the given project and task.

  • Confirm that the desired burden cost codes and rates are used for the organization and expenditure type.