How does Projects handle rounding of project cost amounts?

This topic explains how Oracle Projects stores and displays project cost amounts that contain decimal values with more numbers than defined for the associated transaction currency.

When you import a project cost into Project Costing, the amount stored in the database matches the amount you provided if you are creating a precosted transaction. SImilarly, when loading a rate-based transaction, if the calculation of the raw cost (Rate * Quantity) results in a raw cost with a greater precision than is defined for the transaction currency, then the raw cost is stored as-is.

However, when the application displays these raw costs in pages such as Manage Project Costs, it rounds decimal values in these numbers based on the chosen currency's configured precision.

For example, the configured precision for the US Dollar currency is 2. Therefore, if you import a project cost of $123.456, the amount stored in the database is $123.456, but the amount displayed is $123.46.

Rounding During Split or Split and Transfer Adjustments

When you perform a Split or Split and Transfer adjustment on a project cost, if the newly created split project cost contains more decimal numbers than the configured precision, these values are stored in the database as-is, but the application rounds each of these split values when it displays them.

Here's a table that captures details associated with a split adjustment, for example:

Details Associated with a Split Adjustment

Head Quantity Stored Raw Cost UOM Accounted Amount Displayed Value
Original Transaction 1 $8365 Currency NA NA
Transactions Resulting from a Split Adjustment 0.725 $6064.625 Currency $6064.63 $6064.63
0.275 $2300.375 Currency $2300.38 $2300.38
Total 1 $8365 NA $8365.01 $8365.01

In the table above:

  • The original transaction has a quantity of 1, and a raw cost of $8365.
  • The split adjustment splits this transaction into two project costs, one with a quantity of 0.725, resulting in a raw cost of $6064.625; and another with a a quantity of 0.275, resulting in a raw cost of $2300.375. When you add these raw costs, you get the raw cost associated with the original transaction, $8365.
  • As you can see, the currency used for this transaction is the US dollar, which has a configured precision of 2. Therefore, when accounting these split amounts, the application rounds the decimal values to 2 places using the half-up rounding method, resulting in the slightly modified accounted amounts of $6064.63 and $2300.38, which add a cent to the total cost of the project transaction.
  • If you search for the details associated with the newly split amounts in the Manage Project Costs page, the values you see will be the rounded amounts, and they will be off, in this example, by a cent. However, the actual raw cost values stored in the database will remain unrounded.

To report on the cost amounts with the full precision values, you can use Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence subject areas, such as the Project Costs - Actual Costs Real Time subject area. Custom number formats can be specified on the column properties for cost measures used in a report to display as many decimal places as needed.