Sponsored Project Costs Capture

Grants accountants can capture and adjust sponsored project costs in the Costs work area or by using the Costs file-based data import Excel templates.

Prerequisite Conditions

To capture and adjust sponsored project costs:

  • The Grants Management offering must be implemented.

  • The projects must be sponsored.

  • Sponsored projects must be associated with at least one valid award or contract, and one external funding source.

Prerequisite Steps

The grants administrator creates and submits the awards in the Awards work area. The sponsored project from the award is automatically associated to the contract line.

Capturing Sponsored Project Costs on the Manage Unprocessed Costs Page

On the Manage Unprocessed Costs page, depending on the number of awards or funding sources, and if funding patterns (see the Award Distribution section for more information) are associated with the sponsored project, the grants accountant enters a sponsored project transaction with an associated award or contract:

  • For sponsored projects that are associated to a single award and funding source, the contract number and funding source are automatically derived.

  • For sponsored projects that are associated to one award with multiple funding sources, only the contract number is automatically derived. You must select the funding source from the list of values.

  • For sponsored projects that are associated to multiple awards, you must select the award and funding source from the list of values.

Adjusting Sponsored Project Costs on the Manage Project Costs Page

You can edit the contract and funding source for a cost transaction that belongs to a sponsored project, which is associated to multiple awards or funding sources. You can perform a transfer, or a split and transfer adjustment, for sponsored project cost transactions, between contracts and funding sources within the same project or across projects.