Overview of Labor Distribution

Labor Distribution enables labor distribution administrators to provide for a rule-based distribution of payroll costs to project, award, or general ledger accounts.

The core component of Labor Distribution is the labor schedule. Labor schedules specify a time period and set of distribution rules that determine how a person’s labor cost must be distributed to a project, award, and / or general ledger account combination. Labor schedules enable you to import payroll information from any source system and distribute it efficiently.

This independent and efficient, percentage-based distribution of high-volume labor costs reduces the effort on individual project resources and administrators.

Labor schedules can be applied to both sponsored and non-sponsored projects.

The Labor Distribution Process

Here's a graphic that offers a high-level view of the Labor Distribution process.

Graphic depicting the Labor Distribution process

As illustrated in the graphic above, Labor distribution comprises the following five high-level tasks:

  1. Manage Labor Schedules: Create labor schedules to specify project and nonproject based rules that must be used when distributing a person's payroll costs. See Labor Schedules for more information.
  2. Execute Payroll: Execute payroll to determine the actual wages that must be paid to employees and contractors.
  3. Import and Distribute Payroll: Run the Import Payroll Costs process. This process imports payroll costs, validates them, and uses the configured labor schedules to process the transactions and create project cost distributions.
  4. Manage Labor Costs: Review and resolve exceptions to these distributions using the Manage Labor Costs page, ensuring that all payroll costs get distributed as expected.
  5. Report: View and report on labor schedules and costs using Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence (OTBI).

Roles Associated with Labor Distribution

Here are the list of tasks you can perform using the roles associated by default with Labor Distribution.

Labor Distribution Administrator

Labor Distribution Accountant

  • Manage labor schedules.

  • Duplicate an existing labor schedule version.

  • View and analyze real-time information on labor schedules using Projects - Labor Schedules Analysis Real Time and labor costs using Projects - Labor Distribution Cost Analysis Real Time in Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence (OTBI).

  • Manage the imported and distributed costs in the Manage Labor Costs page in the Labor Distribution work area.

  • Import payroll costs from any payroll system and distribute the costs based on the defined labor schedules.

  • Evaluate errors and perform root cause analysis to determine the resolution.

  • View and analyze real-time information on labor schedules using Projects - Labor Schedules Analysis Real Time and labor costs using Projects - Labor Distribution Cost Analysis Real Time in Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence (OTBI).

Tip: For larger volume of errors, fix the root cause and run the Import Payroll Costs process with identified parameters.