Labor Schedules

Use labor schedules to specify project and nonproject based rules that must be used when distributing a person's payroll costs. Labor distribution administrators use person assignments and pay elements to create labor schedules in the Labor Distribution work area.

Labor Schedule Components

Labor schedules contain three components:

  • Labor Schedule Header: Defines the labor schedule type.

  • Labor Schedule Version: The applicable version of the labor schedule.

  • Labor Schedule Version Distribution Rules: Rules that determine how the application should distribute costs associated with a labor schedule version.

Labor Schedule Header: Considerations

  • Labor schedule headers define the highest level of a labor schedule and relate to the labor schedule type by ensuring that the required attributes are properly defined. You can use these attributes to evaluate payroll costs and determine the applicable version and rules that must be used to distribute the cost.
  • Project administrators have the ability to flexibly assign or remove the ability to create and maintain element level labor schedules.

Labor Schedule Version: Considerations

  • Each labor schedule version has a start and end date, and is active only for that period. One labor schedule header can have multiple labor schedule versions, but only one labor schedule version of a specific labor schedule type can be active at any given point in time.

    For example, you can activate a pay element labor schedule and an assignment labor schedule for a person during a specific period, but you can't have two assignment labor schedules active for a person during the same period.

  • Once you set the status of a labor schedule version to Active or Inactive, you can't change its start and end dates until you change its status back to New. You can, however, directly change the status of inactive versions to Active, as long as it doesn't overlap dates with another active labor schedule.

Labor Schedule Version Distribution Rules: Considerations

  • One labor schedule version can have multiple distribution rules, and the sum of all distribution rules in a labor schedule must be greater than 0 and less than or equal to 100%, but not greater.
  • If the sum of all distribution rules is less than 100%, then the Import Payroll Costs process generates a differential cost to distribute the remaining payroll cost.

Labor Schedule Types

Labor schedules are of three types:

  • Person Assignment: Distributes payroll costs based on the associated person assignment..

  • Pay Element: Distributes payroll costs using the payroll element associated with the payroll cost, regardless of the person's assignment. This type is also defined per business unit and derives the business unit from the persons assignment on the payroll cost.

  • Person Assignment Pay Element: Distributes payroll costs using a combination of a person's assignment and the pay element on the payroll cost record. This distribution allows for specifying rules for a person assignment and pay element that may be needed to meet detailed business requirements.

Precedence of Payroll Costs Distribution Based on Labor Schedule Type

If all three labor schedule types must be applied to an imported payroll cost, the application processes the payroll costs via the assignment element labor schedule type first. It then processes the payroll costs via the pay element labor schedule type, and finally via the person assignment type.

For example, let's say a resource has the following costs:

  • A person assignment cost that's borne by the project sponsor

  • A tuition reimbursement pay element cost that's borne by the employing company

  • A parking charges pay element cost that's borne by some projects and not others, demanding that the pay element be specified for the persons charging the project through their labor schedules.

Each of these costs gets evaluated against the labor schedules applicable to the resource, and the labor schedules have a precedence of order. Thus, for each cost, the application first looks for an assignment element labor schedule to which it can match the cost, then it looks for a pay element labor schedule that can be matched to it, and finally, it looks for a person assignment labor schedule that can be matched.

For example, the three resource costs listed above would be processed in the following order:


Bold indicates matching.

  • A person assignment cost that's borne by the project sponsor
    • Assignment Element Labor Schedule
    • Pay Element Labor Schedule
    • Assignment Labor Schedule
  • A tuition reimbursement pay element cost that's borne by the employing company
    • Assignment Element Labor Schedule
    • Pay Element Labor Schedule
    • Assignment Labor Schedule
  • A Parking Charges pay element cost that's borne by some projects and not others, demanding that the pay element be specified for the persons charging the project through their labor schedules
    • Assignment Element Labor Schedule
    • Pay Element Labor Schedule
    • Assignment Labor Schedule

Labor Schedule Components, Types, and Distribution: Example

Here's an example that illustrates how you can use labor schedule components to create labor schedules, how you can create labor schedules of various types, and how these will be distributed when run.

Larry Scanlon, an analyst in Vision City Operations, has the following personalized labor schedules:

Labor Schedule Type Labor Schedule Header Labor Schedule Version Distribution Rules
Assignment Larry Scanlon - Analyst Version 1: July 1st 2019 - June 30th 2020, ACTIVE P1-T1-A1 (50%)
GL: 000-001-0400 (50%)
Version 2 : July 1st 2020 - June 30th 2021 : NEW GL: 000-001-0510 (100%)
Assignment Element Larry Scanlon - Analyst - Parking Version 1 : July 1st 2019 - June 30th 2020 : ACTIVE P2-T1-A1 (50%)
GL: 000-001-0510 (50%)
Version 2 : July 1st 2020 - June 30th 2021 : ACTIVE GL: 000-001-0510 (100%)

Hector Campos, a director in Vision City Operations, has the following personalized labor schedules:

Labor Schedule Type Labor Schedule Header Labor Schedule Version Distribution Rules
Assignment Hector Campos - Project Manager Version 1 : July 1st 2019 - June 30th 2020 : INACTIVE P4-T2-A4 (50%)
GL: 000-001-0400 (50%)
Version 2 : July 1st 2019 - June 30th 2020 : ACTIVE P1-T1-A1 (50%)
GL: 000-001-0400 (50%)
Version 3 : July 1st 2020 - June 30th 2021 : ACTIVE GL: 000-001-0510 (100%)
Hector Campos - Director No Version

Additionally, Vision City Operations offers two pay element components to all their employees' salaries, administered through the following labor schedule:

Labor Schedule Type Labor Schedule Header Labor Schedule Version Distribution Rules
Element Car Allowance - Vision City Operations Version 1 : July 1st 2019 - June 30th 2020 : ACTIVE GL: 000-410-0000 (100%)
Parking - Vision City Operations Version 1 : July 1st 2019 - June 30th 2020 : ACTIVE GL: 000-710-0000 (100%)

Putting them together, we have the following labor schedules for these two employees:

Graphic depicting the labor schedules created for Larry Scanlon and Hector Campos

Here's a table that describes the distribution of payroll based on the labor schedules illustrated above. TheImport Payroll Costs process evaluates the cost records matching the attribute combination to labor schedule Versions and distribution rules that apply.

Header Version Distribution Rules Explanation of Use

Larry Scanlon (Analyst)

Assignment type

Version 1

Start = July 1st, 2019

End = June 30th, 2020

Status = ACTIVE

1. Project1-Task1-Award1 (50%)

2. GL: 000-001-0400 (50%)

This version is in an ACTIVE status and will be used in the Import Payroll Costs process to distribute applicable payroll costs.

Payroll costs imported that match Larry Scanlon and his assignment of Analyst with pay period start and end dates between July 1st, 2019 and June 30th, 2020 will be distributed as defined by the rules.

Larry Scanlon

(Analyst – Parking)

Assignment / Element type

Version 1

Start = July 1st, 2019

End = June 30th, 2020

Status = ACTIVE

1. Project2-Task1-Award1 (50%)

2. GL: 000-001-0510 (50%)

This version is in an ACTIVE status and will be used in the Import Payroll Costs process to distribute applicable payroll costs with the matching Pay Element attribute of “Parking”.

Payroll costs imported that match Larry Scanlon, his assignment of Analyst, and Pay Element of “Parking” with pay period start and end dates between July 1st, 2019 and June 30th, 2020 will be distributed as defined by the rules.

Based on the precedence, this rule takes precedence for these specific payroll records.

Larry Scanlon (Analyst)

Assignment type

Version 2

Start = July 1st, 2020

End = June 30th, 2021

Status = NEW

1. GL: 000-001-0510 (100%)

This version is in a NEW status and will NOT be used in the Import Payroll Costs process to distribute applicable payroll costs.

Payroll costs imported that match Larry Scanlon and his assignment of Analyst and the pay period start and end dates are between July 1st, 2020 and June 30th, 2021 will be rejected.

Larry Scanlon

(Analyst – Parking)

Assignment / Element type

Version 2

Start = July 1st, 2019

End = June 30th, 2020

Status = ACTIVE

1. GL: 000-001-0510 (100%)

This version is in an ACTIVE status and will be used in the Import Payroll Costs process to distribute applicable payroll costs with the matching Pay Element attribute of “Parking”.

Payroll costs imported that match Larry Scanlon, his assignment of Analyst, and Pay Element of “Parking” with pay period start and end dates between July 1st, 2020 and June 30th, 2021 will be distributed as defined by the rules.

Based on the precedence, this rule takes precedence for these specific payroll records and other pay elements will be rejected as defined in the row above.

Hector Campos (Project Manager)

Version 1

Start = July 1st, 2019

End = June 30th, 2020


1. Project4-Task2-Award4 (50%)

2. GL: 000-001-0400 (50%)

This version is in an INACTIVE status and will NOT be used in theImport Payroll Costs process to distribute applicable payroll costs.
Hector Campos (Project Manager)

Version 2

Start = July 1st, 2019

End = June 30th, 2020

Status = ACTIVE

1. Project1-Task1-Award1 (50%)

2. GL: 000-001-0400 (50%)

This version is in an ACTIVE status and will be used in the Import Payroll Costs process to distribute applicable payroll costs.

Payroll costs imported that match Hector Campos and his assignment of Project Manager with pay period start and end dates between July 1st, 2019 and June 30th, 2020 will be distributed as defined by the rules.

Hector Campos (Project Manager)

Version 3

Start = July 1st, 2020

End = June 30th, 2021

Status = ACTIVE

1. GL: 000-001-0510 (100%)

This version is in an ACTIVE status and will be used in the Import Payroll Costs process to distribute applicable payroll costs.

Payroll costs imported that match Hector Campos and his assignment of Project Manager with pay period start and end dates between July 1st, 2020 and June 30th, 2021 will be distributed as defined by the rules.

Hector Campos (Director) NONE EXIST

There is no Labor Schedule for this person and assignment to be used in the Import Payroll Costs process to distribute applicable payroll costs.

Payroll costs imported that match Hector Campos and his assignment of Project Manager will be rejected.

Car Allowance (Vision City Operations)

Version 1

Start = July 1st, 2019

End = June 30th, 2020


1. GL: 000-410-0000 (100%)

The Import Payroll Costs process will distribute any payroll costs for assignments in the business unit of Vision City Operations that have a pay element of Car Allowance. This type of labor schedule is the second order of precedence, so if any labor schedules for Car Allowance exist at a person assignment element level for the same days, those labor schedules will take precedence for the applicable days.

Payroll Costs for Hector Campos and Larry Scanlon imported that have Car Allowance as the pay element with pay period start and end dates between July 1st, 2019 and June 30th, 2020 will be distributed as defined by the rules.

Parking (Vision City Operations)

Version 1

Start = July 1st, 2019

End = June 30th, 2020


1. GL: 000-710-0000 (100%)

The Import Payroll Costs process will distribute any payroll costs for assignments in the business unit of Vision City Operations that have a pay element of Parking. This type of labor schedule is the second order of precedence, so if any labor schedules for Parking exist at a person assignment element level for the same days, those labor schedules will take precedence for the applicable days.

Payroll Costs for Hector Campos imported that have Parking as the pay element with pay period start and end dates between July 1st, 2019 and June 30th, 2020 will be distributed as defined by these rules.

Payroll Costs for Larry Scanlon imported that have Parking as the pay element with pay period start and end dates between July 1st, 2019 and June 30th, 2020 will be distributed as defined by the Assignment Element labor schedule above for Larry.