2Setting Up Property Information

Setting Up District Types

You add, modify, and delete district types on the District Type page.

Adding a District Type

  1. Select Common Setup > District Type.

  2. On the District Type page, click Add.

  3. On the District Type Details page, enter values for the following fields:

    Page Element


    District Type

    Enter a unique identifier for the district type.


    Enter a description of the district type.

    District Type Category

    Select a category for the district type from the system-defined values:

    • Inspection

    • Economic Development

    • Council

    • Zoning

    • General

  4. Turn the Enabled switch on to make the row available as a lookup value on other pages.

  5. Click Save.

Modifying a District Type

  1. Select Common Setup > District Type.

  2. Click a row on the District Type page.

  3. On the District Type Details page you can:

    • Update the district type field values.

      Note: You cannot edit the District Type field.
    • Enable or disable the district type using the Enabled switch. Only enabled district types are available to select as values on other pages.

    • Delete the district type. You will be prompted to confirm the permanent deletion.

      Note: You cannot delete a district type that is already associated with a district or an inspection type.
  4. Click Save.

Deleting District Types

  1. Select Common Setup > District Type.

  2. Click Edit.

  3. Select the check boxes next to the district types you want to delete.

  4. Click Delete. You will be prompted to confirm the permanent deletion.

Note: You cannot delete a district type that is already associated with a district or an inspection type.

Setting Up Districts

You add, modify, and delete districts on the District page.

Adding a District

  1. Select Common Setup > District.

  2. On the District page, click Add.

  3. On the District Details page, enter values for the following fields:

    Page Element



    Enter a unique identifier for the district.


    Enter a description of the district.

    District Type

    Select a district type from the agency-defined values.

    See Setting Up District Types.

  4. Click Save.

Modifying a District

  1. Select Common Setup > District.

  2. Click a row on the District page.

  3. On the District Details page you can:

    • Update the district field values.

      Note: You cannot edit the District field.
    • Delete the district. You will be prompted to confirm the permanent deletion.

  4. Click Save.

Deleting Districts

  1. Select Common Setup > District.

  2. Click Edit.

  3. Select the check boxes next to the districts you want to delete.

  4. Click Delete. You will be prompted to confirm the permanent deletion.

Setting Up Parcels

A parcel of real estate is a tract or plot of land.

A parcel that is held by an owner is a property. A parcel location can be found on a map and is associated with a physical address. An owner or a contracted business can apply for a permit to develop or modify a structure on a parcel, or create a planning application for planning and zoning requests.

You add and modify parcels on the Parcel page.

Adding a Parcel

  1. Select Parcel on the Agency Springboard.

  2. On the Parcel page, click Add.

  3. In the Basic Information section of the Parcel Details modal page, enter information in the following fields:

    Page Element


    Parcel Number

    Enter the assessor’s parcel number (APN) for the parcel.

    The APN is a number assigned to parcels of real property by the tax assessor of a particular jurisdiction for identification and record-keeping purposes. The APN is unique within the jurisdiction, and may conform to certain formatting standards that convey basic identifying information such as the property type or the location on a map.

    Parcel Type

    Enter a parcel type such as Condo or Single Family Home.


    Turn the Enabled switch on to make the parcel available as a lookup value on other pages.

  4. In the Land Information section of the Parcel Details modal page, enter details about the land associated with the parcel using the following fields:

    • Jurisdiction

    • Property Description

    • Primary Zoning ID

    • Zoning Description

    • Subdivision

    • Boundary Description

    • Land Use Code

  5. In the Location Information section of the Parcel Details modal page, enter details about the parcel’s location using the following fields:

    • Block Number

    • Unit Number

    • Lot Number

    • Section Number

  6. In the Map Information section of the Parcel Details modal page, enter mapping details for the parcel using the following fields:

    • Map Name

    • Map Book Page

    • Book Number

    • Latitude

    • Longitude

    • X Coordinate

    • Y Coordinate

  7. Click Save.

Modifying a Parcel

  1. Select Select Parcel on the Agency Springboard..

  2. Select a parcel on the Parcel page.

  3. On the Parcel Details page you can:

    • Update the parcel field values.

    • Enable or disable the parcel using the Enabled switch. Only enabled parcels are available as lookup values on other pages.

  4. Click Save.

Deleting Parcels

  1. Select Select Parcel on the Agency Springboard..

  2. On the Parcel page, click Edit.

  3. Select the check boxes next to the parcels that you want to delete.

  4. Click Delete. You will be prompted to confirm the permanent deletion.

Note: Agency staff and applicants cannot delete parcels. Only system administrators can delete parcels. Additionally, only parcels that have not yet been associated with a permit can be deleted.

Setting Up Parcel Addresses

You add, modify, and delete parcel addresses on the Parcel Address page.

Adding a Parcel Address

  1. Select Property Information > Parcel.

    Select a parcel on the Parcel page.

    Click Parcel Address in the navigation bar.

  2. On the Parcel Address page, click Add.

  3. In the Basic Information section of the Parcel Address Details page, you can:

    • Turn the Enabled switch on to make the row available as a lookup value on other pages.

    • Turn the Primary switch on to indicate that this is the primary address associated with the parcel. A parcel may have only one primary address.

  4. In the Address Information section of the Parcel Address Details page, enter the following information:

    Page Element


    Zip Code

    If you know the zip code for the address, enter it here. The system automatically populates the City and State based on the zip code you enter.

    If you don’t know the zip code, click the don’t know link to narrow down your choice of zip codes by entering a city and state.

    Address Line 1 and Address Line 2

    Enter the street number or post office box number, along with any additional address information such as apartment or suite number.

    City and State

    Enter the city and state for the address.

    Postal Code

    Enter the postal code for the address. The available values for this field are filtered based on the city and state that you select.

  5. In the Building and Location Information section of the Parcel Address Details page, enter the building and location details for the parcel address using the following fields:

    • Building Type

    • Floor

    • Unit Number

    • Street Number

    • Street Name

    • Street Direction

    • Street Type

    • Longitude

    • Latitude

    • X Coordinate

    • Y Coordinate

  6. In the Contact Information section of the Parcel Address Details page, enter the contact information details for the parcel address using the following fields:

    • Name 1 and Name 2

    • Email Address

    • Home Phone Number

    • Work Phone Number

    • Cell Phone Number

    • Fax Number

  7. Click Save.

Modifying a Parcel Address

  1. Select Property Information > Parcel.

    Select a parcel on the Parcel page.

    Click Parcel Address in the navigation bar.

    Select an address associated with the parcel.

    Note: Select Property Information > Property Address to select a parcel address to modify from a list of all parcel addresses.
  2. On the Parcel Address Details page you can:

    • Update the parcel address field values.

    • Enable or disable the parcel address using the Enabled switch. Only enabled parcel addresses are available as lookup values on other pages.

    • Indicate whether this is the primary address associated with the parcel using the Primary switch.

  3. Click Save.

Deleting Parcel Addresses

  1. Select Property Information > Parcel.

    Select a parcel on the Parcel page.

    Click Parcel Address in the navigation bar.

  2. On the Parcel Address page, click Edit.

  3. Select the check boxes next to the parcel addresses that you want to delete.

  4. Click Delete. You will be prompted to confirm the permanent deletion.

Setting Up Parcel Owners

You add, modify, and delete parcel owners on the Parcel Owner page.

Adding a Parcel Owner

  1. Select Parcel on the Agency Springboard.

    Select a parcel on the Parcel page.

    Click Parcel Owner in the navigation bar.

  2. On the Parcel Owner page, click Add.

  3. In the Basic Information section of the Parcel Owner Details page, enter information in the following fields:

    Page Element



    Turn the Enabled switch on to make the row available as a lookup value on other pages.


    Turn the Primary switch on to indicate that this is the primary owner associated with the parcel. A parcel may have only one primary owner.

    Owner and Secondary Owner

    Enter the names of the owner and secondary owner of the parcel.

    Owner Type

    Enter the type of owner for the parcel such as Personal or Town.

  4. In the Location Information section of the Parcel Owner page, enter details about the location associated with the parcel owner using the following fields:

    Page Element


    Zip Code

    If you know the zip code of the owner’s address, enter it here. The system automatically populates the City and State based on the zip code you enter.

    If you don’t know the zip code, click the don’t know link to narrow down your choice of zip codes by entering a city and state.

    Address Line 1 and Address Line 2

    Enter the street number or post office box number, along with any additional address information such as apartment or suite number.

    City and State

    Enter the city and state of the owner’s address.

    Postal Code

    Enter the postal code for the owner’s address. The available values for this field are filtered based on the city and state that you select.

    Street Number, Street Direction, Street Name, and Street Type

    Enter the street information for the parcel owner.

    Building Type

    Enter the type of building associated with the parcel owner.


    Enter the floor of the building for the parcel owner.

    Unit Number

    Enter the unit number for the parcel owner.

  5. In the Contact Information section of the Parcel Owner Details page, enter the contact information details for the parcel owner using the following fields:

    • Email Address

    • Home Phone Country Code
    • Home Phone Number

    • Work Phone Country Code

    • Work Phone Number

    • Cell Phone Country Code

    • Cell Phone Number

    • Fax Country Code

    • Fax Number

  6. In the Transfer Information section of the Parcel Owner Details page, enter transfer details for the parcel owner using the following fields:

    • Last Transfer Type

    • Document Number

  7. Click Save.

Modifying a Parcel Owner

  1. Select Parcel on the Agency Springboard.

    Select a parcel on the Parcel page.

    Click Parcel Owner in the navigation bar.

    Select an owner associated with the parcel.

    Note: Select Property Owneron the Agency Springboard to select a parcel owner to modify from a list of all parcel owners.
  2. On the Parcel Owner Details page you can:

    • Update the parcel owner field values.

    • Enable or disable the parcel owner using the Enabled switch. Only enabled parcel owners are available as lookup values on other pages.

    • Indicate whether this is the primary owner associated with the parcel using the Primary switch.

  3. Click Save.

Deleting Parcel Owners

  1. Select Parcel on the Agency Springboard.

    Select a parcel on the Parcel page.

    Click Parcel Owner in the navigation bar.

  2. On the Parcel Owner page, click Edit.

  3. Select the check boxes next to the parcel owners that you want to delete.

  4. Click Delete. You will be prompted to confirm the permanent deletion.

Associating Parcels with Districts

You add, modify, and delete relationships between parcels and districts on the Parcel District page.

The association of parcels with districts is required setup for inspection scheduling. For more information, see Setting Up Inspection Scheduling.

Adding a Parcel District Relationship

  1. Select Property Information > Parcel.

    Select a parcel on the Parcel page.

    Click Parcel District in the navigation bar.

  2. On the Parcel District page, click Add.

  3. On the Parcel District Details page, enter the district you want to associate with the parcel in the District field.

  4. Click Save.

Modifying a Parcel District Relationship

  1. Select Property Information > Parcel.

    Select a parcel on the Parcel page.

    Click Parcel District in the navigation bar.

  2. Select a district on the Parcel District page.

  3. On the Parcel District Details page you can:

    • Select a different district to associate with the parcel.

    • Delete the parcel district relationship. You will be prompted to confirm the permanent deletion.

  4. Click Save.

Deleting Parcel District Relationships

  1. Select Property Information > Parcel.

    Select a parcel on the Parcel page.

    Click Parcel District in the navigation bar.

  2. Click Edit.

  3. Select the check boxes next to the parcel district relationships you want to delete.

  4. Click Delete. You will be prompted to confirm the permanent deletion.

Setting Up Parcel Values

You add, modify, and delete parcel values on the Parcel Value page.

Adding a Parcel Value

  1. Select Common Setup > Parcel Value.

  2. On the Parcel Value page, click Add.

  3. On the Parcel Value Details page, enter information in the following fields:

    Page Element


    Parcel ID

    Enter the ID of the parcel for which you are defining an address.

    For more information on parcels, see Setting Up Parcels.

    Effective Start Date and Effective End Date

    Enter the date range for which the parcel value is valid.

    Note: You can leave the Effective End Date field blank to give the parcel an open end date.

    Parcel Size 1 and Parcel Size 1 UOM (parcel size 1 unit of measure)

    Enter a numeric value and a unit of measure to define the size of the parcel.

    Parcel Size 2 and Parcel Size 2 UOM (parcel size 2 unit of measure)

    Enter a numeric value and a unit of measure to define an additional size for the parcel.

    Land Value

    Enter the monetary value of the land associated with the parcel.

    Improvement Value

    Enter the monetary value of any improvements made to the parcel.

    Personal Property Value

    Enter the monetary value of any personal property associated with the parcel.


    Enter the monetary value of any fixtures associated with the parcel.

    Owner Exemption, Fixture Exemption, and Other Exemption

    Enter the monetary value of any exemptions associated with the parcel.

    Net Assessed Value

    Enter the assessed monetary value of the parcel.

    Currency Code

    Enter the currency that applies to the parcel value.

    Property Use Code

    Enter the property use code associated with the parcel.

    Parcel Number

    Displays the parcel number associated with the Parcel ID that you selected.

  4. Click Save.

Modifying a Parcel Value

  1. Select Common Setup > Parcel Value.

  2. Click a row on the Parcel Value page.

  3. On the Parcel Value Details page you can:

    • Update the parcel value field values.

      Note: You cannot edit the Parcel ID and Effective End Date fields.
    • Delete the parcel value. You will be prompted to confirm the permanent deletion.

  4. Click Save.