1Setting Up Transactions

Setting Up Transaction Groups

Transaction groups are the first level of categorization that you can select when you define your permit and planning application types.

If desired, you can set up transaction groups. This setup is not required.

Adding Transaction Groups

You add transaction groups for permits and planning applications on the Transaction Group page.

  1. Select Common Setup > Transaction Group.

  2. On the Transaction Group page, click Add to add a new group.

  3. On the Transaction Group Details page, enter a values for the group.

    Page Element



    Enter a group name for the permit or planning application types.


    Enter a description of the group.

    Applicable Classification

    Select a product area from these options:

    • Permits

    • Planning and Zoning

  4. Verify that the Enabled switch is turned on. The option is active by default for a new transaction group.

  5. Click Save.

Modifying Transaction Groups

You can modify transaction groups for permits and planning applications on the Transaction Group page.

  1. Select Common Setup > Transaction Group.

  2. On the Transaction Group page, select the row for the group that you want to modify.

  3. On the Transaction Group Details page you can:

    • Edit the description. You cannot change the group name.

    • Select the Applicable Classification check box for permits or planning and zoning.

    • Click the Enabled switch to enable or disable the transaction group.

  4. Click Save to save any changes.

Deleting Transaction Groups

You can delete transaction groups for permits and planning applications on the Transaction Group page.

  1. Select Common Setup > Transaction Group.

  2. On the Transaction Group page, select the row for the group that you want to delete.

  3. If you want to delete the group, click the Delete button.

  4. If you want to delete multiple groups, you can delete them from the grid on the Transaction Group page:

    1. Click the Edit icon.

    2. Select the check boxes for the transaction group rows to delete.

    3. Click the Delete icon.

Setting Up Transaction Categories

Transaction categories are the second level of categorization that you can select when you define your permit and planning application types.

If desired, you can set up permit and planning application transaction categories. This setup is not required.

Adding Transaction Categories

You can add transaction categories for permits and planning and applications on the Transaction Category page.

  1. Select Common Setup > Transaction Category.

  2. On the Transaction Category page, click Add to add a new transaction category.

  3. On the Transaction Category Details page, enter a values for the transaction category.

    Page Element



    Enter a category name for the permit or planning application type.


    Enter a description of the category.

    Applicable Classification

    Select an offering from these options:

    • Permits

    • Planning and Zoning

  4. Verify that the Enabled switch is turned on. The option is active by default for a new category.

  5. Click Save.

Modifying Transaction Categories

You can modify transaction categories for permits and planning applications on the Transaction Category page.

  1. Select Common Setup > Transaction Category.

  2. On the Transaction Category page, select the row for the category that you want to modify.

  3. On the Transaction Category Details page you can:

    • Edit the description. You cannot change the category name.

    • Select the Applicable Classification check box for permits or planning and zoning.

    • Click the Enabled switch to enable or disable the transaction category.

  4. Click Save to save any changes.

Deleting Transaction Categories

You can modify transaction categories for permits and planning applications on the Transaction Category page.

  1. Select Common Setup > Transaction Category.

  2. On the Transaction Category page, select the row for the category that you want to delete.

  3. If you want to delete the category, click the Delete button.

  4. If you want to delete multiple categories, you can delete them from the grid on the Transaction Category page:

    1. Click the Edit icon.

    2. Select the check boxes for the transaction category rows to delete.

    3. Click the Delete icon.

Setting Up Transaction Subcategories

Transaction subcategories are the third level of categorization that you can select when you define your permit and planning application types.

If desired, you can set up permit and planning application type subcategories. This setup is not required.

Adding Transaction Subcategories

You can add transaction subcategories for permit and planning application types on the Transaction Subcategory page.

  1. Select Common Setup > Transaction Subcategory.

  2. On the Transaction Subcategory page, click Add to add a new transaction subcategory.

  3. On the Transaction Subcategory Details page, enter values for the transaction subcategory.

    Page Element



    Enter a subcategory name for the permit or planning application type.


    Enter a description of the subcategory.

    Applicable Classification

    Select a product area from these options:

    • Permits

    • Planning and Zoning

  4. Verify that the Enabled switch is turned on. The option is active by default for a new subcategory.

  5. Click Save.

Modifying Transaction Subcategories

You can modify transaction subcategories for permit and planning application types on the Transaction Subcategory page.

  1. Select Common Setup > Transaction Subcategory.

  2. On the Transaction Subcategory page, select the row for the subcategory that you want to modify.

  3. On the Transaction Subcategory Details page you can:

    • Edit the description. You cannot change the subcategory name.

    • Select the Applicable Classification check box for permits or planning and zoning.

    • Click the Enabled switch to enable or disable the transaction subcategory.

  4. Click Save to save any changes.

Deleting Transaction Subcategories

You can modify transaction subcategories for permit and planning application types on the Transaction Subcategory page.

  1. Select Common Setup > Transaction Subcategory.

  2. On the Transaction Subcategory page, select the row for the subcategory that you want to delete.

  3. If you want to delete the subcategory, click the Delete button.

  4. If you want to delete multiple subcategories, you can delete them from the grid on the Transaction Subcategory page:

    1. Click the Edit icon.

    2. Select the check boxes for the transaction subcategory rows to delete.

    3. Click the Delete icon.

Setting Up Transaction Statuses

Oracle provides a set of statuses for transactions to control system events. Some system statuses can be mapped to a user-defined transaction status.

Your agency assigns statuses for permit and planning applications. You cannot delete the system-delivered transaction statuses, but you can modify the description. You can also define additional transaction statuses, but you must associate any new transaction status with one of the system-delivered statuses to ensure correct processing.

For information about permit inspection statuses, see Setting Up Inspection Statuses.

For information about permit plan review statuses and decision statuses, see Setting Up Plan Review Statuses.

Using Delivered Transaction Statuses

This table lists the system-delivered transaction statuses and indicates whether they can be associated with a user-defined status.

Transaction Status

System Status Code

Type of Transaction

Can be mapped to a user-defined record status?

About to Expire




Certificate of Occupancy


Permit Application




















Planning Application


In Process






Permit Application


Payment Pending








Pending Submittal




Permit Issued


Permit Application


Plan Review


Permit Application














When a guest submits a permit application or a planning application, the transaction status is updated as follows:

Record and System Status


Pending (PND)

Applied when the guest saves an application.

Pending Submittal (PDS)

Applied when the guest submits the application and workflow can’t be started.

Payment Pending (PAY)

Applied when fees are due.

Submitted (SUB)

  • Applied when no fees are due.

  • Applied after successful payment.

Adding Transaction Statuses

Define any additional statuses that your agency will use for permit and planning applications on the Transaction Status page. You must associate a new transaction status with a system status.

  1. Select Common Setup > Transaction Status.

  2. You can select from these transaction statuses:

    • Permit Status

    • Planning Status

    For information about inspection statuses, see Setting Up Inspection Statuses.

    For information about plan review statuses and decision statuses, see Setting Up Plan Review Statuses.

  3. Click Add to define a new transaction status.

  4. On the respective transaction details page, enter values for these fields:

    Page Element



    Enter a transaction status name.


    Enter a description for the transaction status.

    System Status for Permit Applications

    Select the permit transaction status that you want to use from the drop-down list:

    • Completed

    • Certificate of Occupancy

    • Denied

    • Voided

    • In Process

    • Permit Issued

    • Plan Review

    System Status for Planning Applications

    Select the planning transaction status that you want to use from the drop-down list:
    • Completed

    • Hearing

    • Denied

    • Voided

    • In Process

    • Permit Issued

  5. Verify that the Enabled switch is turned on. The switch is turned on by default for a new record status.

  6. Click Save.

Modifying Transaction Statuses

You can modify the transaction statuses that you have defined for your agency’s permits and planning applications on the Permit Status Details or Planning Status Details page, respectively.

  1. Select Common Setup > Transaction Status.

  2. You can select from these transaction statuses:

    • Permit Status

    • Planning Status

    For information about permit inspection statuses, see Setting Up Inspection Statuses.

    For information about permit plan review statuses and decision statuses, see Setting Up Plan Review Statuses.

  3. Select the row for the transaction status that you want to modify.

  4. On the Details page you can:

    • For user-defined statuses, edit the description or the system status that you want to set on a record with this record status. You cannot edit the Status field.

    • For system-delivered statuses, you can only edit the description. You cannot edit the Status field.

    • Turn on the Enabled switch to enable a user-defined record status. You cannot disable system-delivered statuses.

  5. Click Save to save any changes.

Deleting Transaction Statuses

You can delete the statuses that you have defined for your agency on the Permit Status Details or Planning Status Details page.

Note: You cannot delete most of the system-delivered statuses; you can only modify their descriptions. Oracle recommends that you disable statuses instead of deleting them.
  1. Select Common Setup > Transaction Status.

  2. You can select from these transaction statuses:

    • Permit Status

    • Planning Status

    For information about permit inspection statuses, see Setting Up Inspection Statuses.

    For information about permit plan review statuses and decision statuses, see Setting Up Plan Review Statuses.

  3. Select the row for the transaction status that you want to delete.

  4. On the Details page, click Delete, if the button is available.

  5. If you want to delete multiple record statuses, you can delete them from the grid on the Transaction Status page:

    1. Click the Edit icon.

    2. Select the check boxes for the status rows to delete.

    3. Click the Delete icon.