3Managing Business License Applications

Using the Agency Springboard

The Agency Springboard provides a landing page for agency staff to manage their work.

The Agency Springboard provides agency staff with a central launching page for access to tasks and pages that are relevant to the staff member’s role.

Some of the elements on the agency springboard are similar elements on the landing pages for public users, while others are specifically for agency staff.

This example illustrates the Agency Springboard. The springboard is configured to show the quick actions section (“I Want To” actions), the task list element (links to workflow tasks and to my plan reviews and my inspections), and a selection of springboard tiles. The alerts banner is not shown in the example.

Agency Springboard page

For information about setting up the elements on the Agency Springboard, see Setting Up the Agency Springboard.

Global Banner

The global banner appears at the top of pages throughout the system.

The global banner for public users does not include all of the elements that are available to agency staff. The banner for agency staff includes these elements:

Page Element


Back icon

Click the Back icon to return to the previous page. The banner doesn’t include this icon when you’re on the springboard.

Navigator icon

Click the Navigator icon to access pages using a hierarchical menu.

Home icon

Click the Home icon to return to the Agency Springboard. The banner doesn’t include this icon when you’re already on the springboard.

Global Search (unlabeled search box)

Enter search terms, then press enter or click the search icon to search for any of these objects:

  • Permits: In process and completed permit applications.

  • Planning Applications: In process and completed planning applications.

  • Inspections: Scheduled and completed building inspections.

  • Projects: Active projects.

  • Incidents: In process and completed incidents.

  • Cases: In process and completed cases.

  • Citations: Paid and unpaid citations.

  • Business Licenses: Active, inactive, expired, suspended, revoked, and closed business licenses.

Searching opens the search results page, which has tabs for each type of searchable object. Click a tab to see the indicated subset of search results, and click a row in the search results to access the object details.

Tabs for features that you haven’t implemented are hidden. For example, if you don’t use project functionality, the Projects tab is hidden.

Note: Public users also have access to the global search, but their search results do not include code enforcement objects (citations, incidents and cases).
Notifications icon

Click the Notifications icon to open a pop-up window that lists the most recent unread notifications. Each notification row includes an action menu for marking the notification as read and a details button for opening the Notification Details page. The pop-up window also has a View Allbutton that opens the Notifications list page, where you can access all of your notifications.

A badge on the icon indicates the number of unread notifications. If there are more than 99 unread notifications, the badge displays 99+.

Reports and Analytics icon

Click the Reports and Analytics icon to access the Oracle Business Intelligence Catalog (BI Catalog) or access predefined dashboards.

Maps icon

Click the Maps icon to access these maps:

  • The main agency map lets you view existing transactions or start new applications for properties that you select.

  • The Public Hearing map lets you generate hearing notifications by defining an area and generating lists of parcels, owners, and addresses for that area.

If you only have security access to one map, clicking the Maps icon opens that map. If you have access to both maps, clicking the Maps icon opens a menu so you can choose which map to open.

Page Finder icon

Click the Page Finder icon to open a pop-up window where you can search pages by their full or partial page name. As you type, the page list is updated to match your criteria. Click any page in the list to access it.

The page finder provides a convenient alternative to the hierarchical menu navigation found in the Navigator.

Account icon

Your user account is represented by a circle with your initials. Click this icon to access a menu with options for updating your user preferences, changing your password, or signing out. This menu also includes a Help item that provides access to system documentation.


Alerts are displayed as a banner that broadcasts messages with important information. These alerts are configured by the agency administrators.

Quick Actions (I Want To)

You can perform quick actions section using the I Want Todrop-down list. Choose an action, such as starting an application or scheduling an inspection, then click Go to access the related page.

This table lists the actions in the I Want Tolist. You see only the actions to which you have security access.



Start an Application

Opens the Apply page, where you can chose an application type and start an application. See Choosing an Application Type.

Estimate Fees

Opens the Apply page, where you can chose an application type and estimate fees for your application. See Getting an Online Fee Estimate.

Schedule an Inspection

Opens the Inspection List page, where you can request a permit inspection. See Requesting Inspections.

Report an Issue

Opens the Select an Issue Type page, where you can being the process of reporting a code enforcement issue. See Reporting Issues.

Pay Citation

Opens the Pay Citation page, where you can enter a citation ID and enter payment information on behalf of a public user. See Paying Citations

Task Lists

The task list section provides links to the Task Management page. Each link corresponds to a specific tab on the Task Management page. Use the links and the tabs to view the indicated type of task. The number next to each link provides a count of the indicated type of task.

  • My Workflow

  • Group Workflow

  • My Plan Reviews

  • My Inspections

Note: Your security roles determine whether you see role-specific links such as My Inspections and My Plan Reviews.

For more information about tasks, see Managing Tasks.


The lower area of the springboard displays tiles that you click to access specific transactions.

Managing Business License Transactions

Business license transactions are specific activities related to a business license. Transactions can be pre-license consultations, or they can be activities related to the actual license, such as the license origination activity. Business license transactions are distinct from the actual business license that gets issued.

Use the Transactions page to view summary information about activities such as consultations and license origination. Access the Transactions page by clicking the Business License Transactions tile on the Agency Springboard.

Use the Transactions page to:

  • View a summary of business license transactions.

  • Access details about a business license transaction.

  • Apply for a business license on behalf of an applicant.

  • Manually enter fee payments on behalf of an applicant.

Note: This topic discusses only business license transactions. For information about the other types of transactions that appear on the Transactions page, see Managing Transactions.

Registered User View of Business License Transactions

Registered users can access a list of their own business license transactions. The public-facing list shows most of the same information as the agent-facing list. However, public users don’t see the name of the assigned agent, and they can’t initiate a payment from the list.

From the registered user landing page, a registered user accesses the transaction list by clicking the Applications tile or by using the Go to Applications action in the quick actions drop-down list.

The Applications page has tabs for viewing different types of transactions. The Business Licenses tab lists the user’s business license transactions. Clicking a list item displays details for a specific transaction.

Overview of General Page Controls

The Transactions page includes separate tabs for business license activity, permits, and planning applications. Although the transaction data varies depending on the transaction type, the following page elements appear above the transaction list and are common to all transaction types.

Page Element


Business Licenses, Permits, Planning Applications, and All

Click these tabs to choose which types of transactions to list.


Click to access the Apply page, where you choose an application type and start a new application on behalf of an applicant.

For more information, see Choosing an Application Type and Completing an Application.


Click to export the list to a .csv file.

Show All Statuses

Use this switch to filter the list based on transaction status:

  • If the switch is off, the list includes only active transactions.

    This is the default setting if any active transactions exist.

  • If the switch is on, the list includes transactions in all statuses, including active, inactive, canceled and withdrawn applications.

    This is the default setting if there aren’t any active transactions.


Use keywords to search for transactions. For example, you can search using an application ID or applicant name. To search on a date, use the date format MM/DD/YYYY.

Filter By

Apply filters to display transactions that contain the selected parameter values in the list. Click the filter button to open the filter options, where you can define, modify, and save your own filters.

Sort By

Here are some of the sorting options:

  • Application: The application ID.

  • Type: The application type.

  • Status: The activity status (not the license status).

  • Creation Date: The date that the application was first saved, regardless of when it was submitted.

  • Created By: The person who created the application.

  • Applicant: The applicant for whom the application was created.

  • Total Fees: The fees for the activity.

  • Total Due: The unpaid fees for the activity.

  • Expiration Date: The date that a pending application expires (not the expiration date for the actual license).

List View

View the transactions in list format.

Grid View

View the transactions in grid format. Unlike lists, grids include a header row with column labels.

Map View

View the transactions on an interactive map.

The left frame of the map view displays a list of transactions. The list includes only basic information about each item: the transaction ID, type, and status.

The right frame of the map view displays a map with markers to show the locations of the items on the list. Click a list item to zoom to its marker on the map.

See Viewing Map Markers.

Reviewing Business License Transactions

Use the Transactions page to view summary information about business license activities such as consultations and license origination.

To review business license transactions:

  1. Select the Business License Transactions tile on the agency springboard.

    This navigation option brings you directly to the Business Licenses tab on the Transactions page.

    If you access the Transaction page using the Permits or Planning Applications tiles on the agency springboard, simply click the Business Licenses tab to switch lists.

  2. Review transaction information.

    The following table of page elements includes the column labels that appear in the grid view. The list view shows the same information, but without column labels.

    Page Element



    Displays the application ID, application type, and the overall status of the business license. If the business license is about to expire, an expiration message also appears, emphasized by a warning icon.

    For active licenses, the application ID is a link to the license details.

    The status in this column is for the actual license, not for the specific transaction. For example, a license in Expired status can have an origination transaction in Completed status.

    Rows for consultations transactions don’t display a status in this column.

    On the All tab, the column label for this information is Application.

    Business Information

    Displays the business name and address that are associated with the transaction location. This can be different from the name and address of the business itself.

    If the application indicates that the location is outside of the agency’s jurisdiction, no address appears here.

    On the All tab, the column label for this information is Property.


    Displays the description of the application. Applicants optionally enter a description on the Application section of the application form. Agency staff can add or update descriptions on the overview or summary page of the transaction detail.


    Displays the type of activity, such as Consultation or Origination, along with the activity status.

    Note: On the All tab, the column label for transaction activity information is Additional Information.


    This column appears only in grid view. It displays the name of the business license specialist who is assigned to the activity.

    In list view, the assignment information appears with the activity information.

    This information does not appear on the All tab.


    Displays the total fees for the activity, and the balance due if the total has not been paid.


    Pay button

    Select the Pay button in the Actions column to process to submit payment information on behalf of the applicant.

    Applicants typically pay their fees online using the payment cart, but if needed, you can initiate a payment on behalf of the applicant. Using the Pay button bypasses the payment cart and goes directly to the Checkout page in payment services.

    For more information about paying fees, see the Payment Flow Overview.

  3. To access the details for a transaction, click the row.

    If the application hasn’t been submitted (it is in Pending status), the application form appears. You can review and update the form and submit it on behalf of the applicant.

    If the application has been submitted, the detail page for the business license transaction or consultation appears.

Navigating to Business License Activity Details

The business license activity detail pages contain the information you need to manage business license and consultation applications throughout their lifecycle, such as workflow, fees and payments, communications, and more.

You navigate to the activity details through a panel with tabs on the left side of the page. Access the activity details through the Business License Transactions tile on the agency springboard, then select the consultation or business license application from the list on the Transactions page. You’ll find these tabs for viewing details about this application:

Page Name


Activity Summary

View a summary of activity for the business license or consultation with links to more detail.

See Viewing a Summary of Business License Activity.

Business Information

View and update business information associated with a business license or consultation captured during the application process.

  • Business Details

  • Owners

  • Location

See Viewing Business Information.

You can find business information associated with an issued license on the license pages. See Managing Business Information.


View the workflow status of each task as defined by the agency using Oracle Autonomous Integration Cloud (OIC).

See Using Workflow and Managing Tasks.

Application Details

Review information captured from the application intake form that is specific to the type of business license or consultation.

See Viewing Business Application Information.


Review and add contacts for the permit.

See Adding Contacts to Applications.


View a list of files and upload or download documents on this page.

Working with Attachments.


Review or add comments pertaining to this permit.

Working with Comments.

Fees and Payments

Manage fees and payments.

See Working with Fees and Payments.


Send ad hoc email messages and notifications associated with this business license or consultation transaction.

See Working with Application Communications and Working with Ad Hoc Communications.

Additional Information

View the history of application status changes.

See Viewing Application Status History.

Related Transactions

Create and view links between transactions.

See Working with Related Transactions.

Viewing a Summary of Business License Activity

You view a summary of activity for a business license on the summary page. Here you get a snapshot of the business license application details, with links to more information about the workflow and fees and payments.

The summary is updated to show the latest transaction activity associated with the business license.

As agency staff, you can also assign a specialist on the summary page. Both agency staff and the applicant can add a description of the application.

Viewing Application Details

  1. Select the Business License Transactions tile on the Agency Springboard.

  2. On the Transactions page, click the row for the selected business license application to open the Activity Summary page.

  3. Let’s take a look at some of the details you can review or actions you can take:

    Page Element



    Review the application status.

    Submitted By

    Review the name of the person who submitted the application.

    Submission Date

    Review the date the application was submitted for processing.


    Review the name of the specialist assigned to the business license application.

    Only agency staff can assign or reassign a specialist to the application by clicking the Assign or Reassign link, respectively.

    Click the History icon next to the Specialist field to view a history of assignments.

    For more information about working with specialists, see Working with Specialists.


    Enter a description of the application by clicking the Add link, or update the description by clicking the Edit link in the Description field. The agency staff or applicant can add or edit a description.

    Effective Date

    Review the date the business license becomes effective.

    Expiration Date

    Review the expiration date of the application.

    If the Extend link is available next to the Expiration Date field, agency staff can enter a new expiration date that allows more time before the application expires.

    Expiration notifications appear below the expiration date. Depending on how the agency set up the expiration rules for the business license type, you might see a notification that the application expires in the displayed number of days.

    For more information about working with application expiration, see Expiration Overview and Working with Application Expiration.

  4. There are also sections with information about the selected application with links to navigate to more detail.

    Page Element



    View the applicant’s name and contact information.

    Click the View Details link to open the Contacts page. For more information about contacts, see Adding Contacts to Applications.


    View a list of active and recently completed tasks, including the task status, assignment, last updated date, and number of days in the current status.

    Click the View Details link to open the Workflow page. For more information about workflow, see Using Workflow.

    Fees and Payments

    View the total fees paid, amount due, and the date and amount of the last payment.

    Click the View Details link to open the Fees and Payments page. See Working with Fees and Payments.

Working with Specialists

You assign and reassign specialists to a business consultation and license application. Access the specialist assignment history on the Activity Summary page of the business license or on the Overview page of the business consultation application.

The list of available specialists is limited to the agency staff that have the Specialist job function, which is defined on the Agency Staff page. The specialist must also be assigned to the specialist Job Function Attribute for Business License Application Types within the Specialist job function. Setting Up Agency Staff.

Assigning a Specialist

  1. Select Business License Transactions on the Agency Springboard.

  2. Click the row for a business consultation or license application on the Transactions page.

  3. On the Overview page of the consultation or the Activity Summary page of the license application, click the Assign link in the Specialist field.

    If a specialist has already been assigned, you can click the Reassign link to select a different specialist.

  4. Select the check box for the specialist to assign them to the consultation or license application.

  5. Click Save to save your selection.

Viewing Specialist Assignment History

You can view the specialist assignment history on the Assign Specialist page after one or more assignments have been made.

  1. Select Business License Transactions on the Agency Springboard.

  2. Click the row for a business consultation or license application on the Transactions page.

  3. There are two ways to view the specialist assignment history on the Overview page:

    Page Element


    Planner Assignment History icon

    Click the History icon next to the Specialist field to open the Specialist Assignment History page.


    Click the Reassign link next to the Specialist field to open the Assign Specialist page. Click the History tab.

  4. View a list that includes past specialist assignments, the dates they were assigned, and the specialist currently assigned to the consultation or license application, if any.

Viewing Business Information

Agency staff can view and update business information associated with a business license or consultation captured during the application process.

The business information available in the business license activity details provides you with the details of the business, its owners, and the locations of the business all arranged in separate tabs.

  1. Select the Business License Transactions tile on the Agency Springboard.

  2. Click the row for a consultation or business license application on the Transactions page.

  3. On the Activity Summary page, expand the Business Information navigation menu item in the left pane.

  4. Select a tab under Business Information in the left pane to view the page. Here are the pages with business information from the submitted application.



    Business Details

    View information such as the legal name of the business, the ownership type, address, federal tax ID, fiscal year end, and other business details.

    Agency staff with appropriate permissions can update the business information.

    Owners or Corporate Officers

    View the name and contact information of the business owner or corporate owners, as well as the ownership percentage.

    Agency staff with appropriate permissions can add or delete the owner or corporate officer information.


    View information about the business location for the license. In addition to the application status, here’s some of the license information included on the page:

    • Doing Business As (DBA) name and website

    • Physical address and parcel number, if the business isn’t a mobile business

    • Mailing and billing address

    • Phone numbers and emergency contacts at the location

    • Tax IDs and State Equalization Board number

    • Business category, subcategory, and start date

Using Workflow

Workflow provides a defined structure for the permit and planning application life cycles. For example, humans perform manual steps such as approving a permit application, while the workflow engine performs automated steps such as updating permit and inspection statuses.

Managing workflow tasks consists of updating the assignment, status, and priority for a task that a human performs. You can also add comments to a task and edit workflow comments.

You do not, however, use workflow functionality to perform the actual task. If workflow includes a task to review plans, you need to review the plans manually and record your plan review decision in the plan review pages. Once the plan review cycle is complete and all decisions are approved or not required, the workflow engine automatically moves the workflow to the next step. As an inspector, when you approve the final inspection, the workflow engine automatically changes the inspection task in the workflow to complete.

Workflow and Non-Workflow Tasks

This topic discusses workflow tasks. These are tasks that are defined in workflow process definitions within Oracle Autonomous Integration Cloud (OIC). Agency staff manages these tasks using the Workflow page in the details of a permit or planning application.

Oracle provides an additional page that agency staff can use to review both workflow and non-workflow tasks. For information about this functionality, see Managing Tasks.

Managing Workflow Tasks

Use the Workflow page to see past and current workflow tasks and to manage task assignments, status, priority, and comments.

Access the Workflow page by clicking the Workflow tab.

This example illustrates the Workflow page in two-panel view, which is described in the following text.

Two-panel view of the permit details Workflow page
Note: You can update or assign a task only if it is in progress. You can add comments to tasks that are complete, but you cannot make other changes. You cannot make any changes to a task that is not started.

To manage a workflow task:

  1. Select the Permits or Planning Applications tile on the Agency Springboard.

  2. Click the row for the permit or planning application you want to view.

  3. Use the navigation links on the left side of the screen to select Workflow.

    The Workflow page appears on the right side of the page. This page can be toggled between a two–panel view and a list view. The list view is display-only and visible to both agency staff and registered public users; the two–panel view is for agency staff only. The default two-panel view includes the following:



    Task summary cards on the left.

    The left panel lists completed and in progress tasks. Each task appears on a card that lists the following information:

    • Task name

    • Task status

      Although completed tasks can have a variety of statuses based on the outcome of the task, the status of an in progress task is always In Progress. If the workflow process definition uses parallel gateways, you might see multiple in-progress tasks.

    • Assignee

      Tasks can be assigned to an individual, or they can be assigned to a group whose members can claim the task.

    • Either the due date (for in progress tasks), or the last-updated date, which is the completion date for past tasks.

    Task details on the right.

    The right panel displays more details for the task that is selected in the left panel.

    If the task is in progress, use the right panel to change the task assignment, update the status and priority, or add task comments.

    Completed tasks are not updatable, but you can add comments to them.

  4. Select a workflow task from the left frame to see details in the right frame.

  5. Review read-only task information.

    These fields can’t be updated regardless of the task status:

    Page Element


    Task Name

    The task name as defined in the OIC workflow engine. For example, the Application Acceptance task is for reviewing and accepting a permit or planning application that has been submitted.

    Task ID

    The identifier for this specific instance of a task. For example, multiple permits or planning applications have an Application Acceptance task, but the Task ID for accepting the application is unique for each permit or planning application.

    Assigned To

    The name of the individual who is assigned to the task, or, if the task isn’t assigned to an individual, displays the name of the group or role that is responsible for the task.

    Assigned Date

    The date that the task assignment was last updated.

    Assigned By

    The name of the person who last updated the task assignment. When an assignee claims a task, the Assigned To and Assigned By names are the same.

    Due Date

    The date by which the task must be completed. The workflow process definition in OIC sets the due date. Generally the due date is defined as a specific amount of time after the task is started.

  6. If the task is in progress, you can reassign it using these buttons:

    Page Element



    Click to choose an assignee for the task.

    See Managing Tasks.


    Click to assign the task to yourself.

    This button is visible only for tasks that are assigned to a group rather than to an individual.


    Click to remove yourself as the task assignee. The task is reassigned to its default group so that group members can see and claim the task.

    This button is visible only for tasks that are assigned to you.

  7. To update the status or priority of an in progress task, use these fields:

    Page Element



    Select a status that represents the final outcome of the task.

    The task statuses depend on the workflow setup. For example, the available statuses for a task that requires a simple approval might be Approve and Reject. The workflow status of each task is defined by the agency using OIC.

    Other tasks might require different statuses. The sample workflow that Oracle provides includes these statuses for the task where you review an application: Accepted - Plan Review Not Required, Accepted - Plan Review Required, More Info Needed, and Reject.

    Note: Task statuses are not the same as application status. However, the workflow engine can update the application status based on the outcome of a task.


    Set the priority to High, Medium, or Low. The priority is informational only.

  8. Click Update to save your changes.

    When you save your changes, the system does the following:

    • Sends an update to the workflow engine in OIC, triggering any subsequent tasks in the workflow.

      For example, in a delivered sample workflow, approving a permit application triggers an update to the permit status, which triggers an email to the applicant. The workflow then reaches a decision point that checks whether a plan review is required. The next human step in the process is either completing a plan review or, if no review is required, issuing the permit.

    • Refreshes the Workflow page, which becomes read-only if the task is complete.

    • Displays a Refresh icon on the read-only page so that you can check if any new human workflow tasks get triggered.

  9. Click Refresh to update the page and see if the completion of the task has triggered another workflow task for the application.

    Processing time can vary, so you might need to wait before refreshing the page.

Adding Comments to a Workflow Task

Comments are a useful mechanism for adding information to a workflow task. You can control whether the comment is visible to public users who view their application workflow. The default setting is for comments to be visible, so you must manually hide comments that you do not want the public user to see.

For more information about comments, see Working with Comments.

To add a comment to a task:

  1. Access the workflow task.

  2. Click Add Comment.

  3. To write a new comment from scratch, enter and format your comment in the rich text field on the page.

  4. To create a new comment based on one or more existing comments:

    1. Click Select Comments.

    2. On the Select Comments page, click Favorite, Standard, or Recent to see the corresponding list of comments.

      Favorite, standard, and recent comments are described in the topic Working with Comments.

    3. Locate and select the comments you want to copy, using the search and filter options as needed.

    4. Click Insert to copy the text of the selected comments into the field for the new comment.

    5. If necessary, modify the copied text.

  5. If you want to hide the comment from public users, click the Hide from Public icon to toggle the visibility setting.

    When the icon displays an open lock, the comment is visible to the public. This is the default setting for new comments.

    When the icon displays a closed padlock, the comment is hidden from the public.

  6. Click Save to save the comment and return to the Workflow page.

Modifying a Comment in a Workflow Task

To modify a comment:

  1. Access the workflow task.

  2. Click an existing comment to view it on the Comment page.

  3. Modify the text of the comment as needed.

    if you use the Select Comment option to add text from an exiting comment, the new text is added after any existing text.

  4. To modify the comment visibility, click the Hide From Public icon.

    Clicking the icon toggles the setting. When the icon displays an open lock, the comment is visible to the public. When the icon displays a closed padlock, the comment is hidden from the public.

  5. Click Save to save changes and return to the Workflow page.

Deleting a Comment from a Workflow Task

To delete a comment:

  1. Access the workflow task.

  2. Click an existing comment to view it on the Comment page.

  3. Click the Delete icon.

    The comment is deleted, the window closes, and you return to the Workflow page.

Managing Attachments for a Workflow Task

You can upload files to attach them to specific workflow tasks. File that you associate with a workflow task are visible only on the detail page for that task. That is, workflow attachments are not visible on the general Attachments page for an application.

To manage attachments for a workflow task:

  1. Access the workflow task.

  2. Click the Attachments link to display attachments information.

    The Attachments link and Comments link toggle the display between task comments and task attachments. In Attachments view, a grid displays the File Name, a Description, and the File Size for each attachments.

  3. To add a new attachment:

    1. Click Add.

    2. Select a file using your browser’s file selection window.

    3. On the Add Attachments page, verify the File Name and optionally enter a Description.

    4. Click Upload.

      When the upload is complete, the new attachment appears in the workflow task details.

  4. To view or modify attachment information:

    1. Click the Actions icon for the existing attachment.

    2. Select View Details.

    3. On the Attachment page, review the File Name, File Size, and the Last Updated By and Uploaded By user names.

    4. Optionally update the Description.

    5. Click Save or Cancel to return to the Attachments page.

  5. To download a file, click the Actions icon and select Download.

  6. To delete a file, click the Actions icon and select Delete.

    You are prompted to confirm the deletion.

  7. To close the Attachments window, click Cancel.

Viewing the Overall Workflow for an Application

Use the list view on the Workflow page to view all of the workflow tasks that a human must perform for a specific permit or planning application. This list does not include system tasks such as updating the application status and sending automated notifications.

The list includes completed, in progress, and not started steps. Showing all of these steps together provides a big-picture view of the process. However, some steps that are not yet started might not be applicable depending on the workflow path.

Note: Unlike the two-panel view, the list view is visible to registered public users who access information for their application. The list view is read-only, so public users are never able to update tasks.

To use the list view:

  1. Select the Permits or Planning Applications tile on the Agency Springboard.

  2. Click the row for the permit or planning application you want to view.

  3. Use the navigation links in the left frame to select Workflow.

  4. Click the Show List View icon.

  5. Review the task list.

    The task list displays:

    • The Task Name and Status.

    • The Last Updated Date.

    • The Days Taken, which represents the number of days elapsed while the task is in progress.

      The value is the number of days so far for an in progress task, or the total days from start to finish for a completed task. This field is blank for tasks that have not started.

    • Comments, which displays the two most recent comments.

      For each comment, this column displays the creation date and time, the creator, and the comment text. Lengthy comment text is truncated.

  6. To review task history, click a specific task to open the Task Details page.

    This page lists the dates that the task was updated along with the task status on that date, the number of days taken as of that date, and all comments that were added on that date.

  7. Close the Task Details page to return to the workflow list view.

Altering Workflow

If needed, supervisors or administrators can change the workflow for a transaction type manually. This enables you to change the workflow step in the case of system outage, user error, and so on

To alter workflow:

  1. Select the Permits or Planning Applications tile on the Agency Springboard.

  2. Click the row for the permit or planning application you want to view.

  3. Use the navigation links in the left frame to select Workflow.

  4. Click the Alter Workflow button.

  5. On the Alter Workflow make these changes:

    • New Workflow Activity Name: Select the desired workflow step.

    • Update Transaction Status: Select the proper status for the workflow step.

    • Comments: It is recommended to note who made the change and describe the circumstances requiring the manual intervention.

    Note: Click View Workflow, if you need to review the steps and swimlanes in the underlying workflow process diagram as defined in OIC. This displays an image of the entire workflow process diagram you can view.
  6. Click Save.

    Note: If the alter request is not successful, supervisors have the option to retry the alter request and try again.

A workflow process definition may contain one or more parallel tasks. Parallel tasks:

  • Do not depend on each other to be completed.

  • Can be completed simultaneously.

In the case of parallel tasks, the Alter Workflow tab displays each applicable parallel task for you to alter the workflow status accordingly for each.

For example, if a workflow process for a given transaction, requires a Plan Approval and a Structural Approval to occur in parallel, then the Alter Workflow tab will display those two tasks together.

This example illustrates a workflow process definition with parallel tasks.

Workflow process definition with parallel tasks

This example illustrates the Alter Workflow tab displaying parallel tasks.

Alter Workflow dialog box showing parallel tasks

Managing Tasks

The Task Management page enables you to review both workflow and non-workflow tasks and to reassign tasks (including claiming a task for yourself).

Application-related tasks include workflow tasks related to the transactions your agency is processing. For example, tasks can be associated with:

  • permit lifecycle

  • inspections

  • plan reviews

  • planning application lifecycle

Reviewing and Managing Tasks

  1. On the agency springboard, select the My Workflow tile.

  2. On the Task Management page, select the tab that lists the tasks that you want to review:

    Task Tab


    Available Actions

    My Plan Reviews

    Lists plan reviews that are assigned to you in ascending order by due date.


    My Workflow

    Lists tasks that are assigned to you.



    Group Workflow

    Lists workflow tasks that are assigned to a group to which you belong. Non-workflow tasks (plan review tasks and inspection tasks) do not appear here.

    Tasks on the Group Tasks tab are not assigned to individual group members. So this list functions as a group work queue from which individuals can claim specific workflow tasks. When a task is claimed, it is assigned to the individual and no longer appear in the list of group tasks.



    All Workflow

    Lists all tasks assigned to groups to which you belong, including tasks that are assigned to you and to other group members.



  3. Use the search, filter, and sort options to refine the list of tasks as needed.

  4. Use these fields to review task information:

    Page Element


    Task Type

    Identifies the nature of the task to be performed. Values include:

    • Inspection

    • Plan Review

    • Workflow

      The Workflow task type represents overall transaction workflow.


    Displays the transaction type number. For example, in the case of a permit, it displays the permit number and permit type for the associated permit.


    Displays a task name and identifier that depend on the task type:

    • For workflow tasks, the workflow process name and task ID appear. The task ID is for the specific instance of the task.

    • For inspection tasks, the inspection name and ID appear.

    • For plan review tasks, the plan review name and cycle count appear.


    Displays the task status. Different types of tasks can have different statuses. For example, inspection tasks can have the status Scheduled, which is not applicable to permit workflow tasks.


    Displays the date that the task assignment was last updated and to whom the task is assigned.


    Click to access details for the transaction to which the task is related. The page that appears depends on the type of task. For example, clicking the button for a permit workflow takes you to the Workflow page in the permit details.

  5. To update the task assignment, select one of these options from the task’s Actions menu:

    • Claim assigns the task to yourself. This action is available only for tasks that are currently assigned to a group. Once a task is claimed, it appears under the tab you find your tasks, such as My Workflow.

    • Release removes the assignment without assigning a new owner. The task will now appear on the Group Task list until it is claimed or reassigned.

    • Reassign opens the Reassign Task page, where you can select a new assignee.

Reassigning a Workflow Task

To assign a task to someone else, use the Reassign action.

Note: Only supervisors can reassign tasks. For example, agency staff members with the role PSC Permits Supervisor can reassign tasks, however, agency staff members with the role PSC Permits Technician cannot.

To reassign a workflow task:

  1. On the agency springboard, click the My Workflow tile.

  2. Locate the workflow task on either the My Workflow list, the Group Workflow list, or the All Workflow list.

    Use the search, filter, and sort options to help you refine the task list.

  3. Click the Actions icon, and then select Reassign.

    The Reassign Task page appears.

  4. Confirm that the Search By value is User.

  5. Enter your search criteria, then click Search.

    You can search by Keyword, First Name, Last Name, and Email.

  6. Locate the desired assignee in your search results, then click the Select button for that assignee.

    The system prompts you to confirm the assignment, then reassigns the workflow task and returns you to the task list.

Working with Consultation Outcome

Agency specialists determine the applications that are required to be submitted by the applicants, based on the nature of the business license they discuss during the consultation meeting.

Applicants and agency staff review the summary information and comments entered by their assigned agency specialist on the Consultation Outcome page and proceed with creating and linking the required applications. This page is displayed for business consultation applications only.

Adding a Required Application

As an agency assigned specialist you add application types to the Consultation Outcome page, where the applicants can review and take appropriate actions such as linking an existing application or creating a new application.

  1. Select Business License Transactions on the Agency Springboard.

  2. Select the consultation application record for which you want to add the required applications. The consultation details page opens.

  3. Click Consultation Outcome in the left panel. The Consultation Outcome page lists all the required application types added for the submitted business license application.

  4. Click the Add button to open the Required Application page and enter values for the following fields:

    Page Element


    Application Type

    Use the look-up prompt to select a type of application that you want add.


    Enter text such as, to indicate to the applicant why the particular application is required along with any additional information.

  5. Click Save to return to the Consultation Outcome page. You will now see the row you just created, with a status of Not Started.

Adding a Comment

As an agency assigned specialist you add comments to the Consultation Outcome page, where the applicants can view the detailed information you have entered regarding the consultation meeting outcome.

  1. Select Business License Transactions on the Agency Springboard.

  2. Select the consultation application record for which you want to add your comment. The consultation details page opens.

  3. Click Consultation Outcome in the left panel to access the Consultation Outcome page.

  4. In the Additional Comments section, click the Add Comment button to open the Add Comment page and enter text. You can use the Rich Text Editor option for formatting your comment.

  5. Click Save.

Viewing the Consultation Outcome

To view the summary information:

  1. Select Business License Transactions on the Agency Springboard.

  2. Select the consultation application record for which you want to add your comment. The consultation details page opens.

  3. Click Consultation Outcome in the left panel to open the Consultation Outcome page.

  4. In the Required Application section, view a list of application types that are required for your submitted business license application. Find additional information:

    Page Element


    Application Type

    View the type of application required.


    Use the available options:

    • Create: Click to open the Create Application page. The system automatically populates the application form with values copied from the applicant’s consultation application. You can make changes and save or submit the application.

    • Link: Click to open the Link Application modal page. Use the look-up prompt to select an existing application and click Save. The Consultation Outcome page now lists the application you just selected.

    • <Application>: Click to open the Overview page of the linked business license application.

    • Unlink: Click to remove the link from the required application type.


    View the status of the application type. For example, Not Started and Inspection. The Not Started status Indicates that no application has been created or linked for the identified application type.


    View the comments included by the specialist regarding the application type.


    Select an action you want to perform on the transaction:

    • Edit Comments: Click to open the Required Application page and update the comments.

    • Delete: Click to delete the required application type. you can't delete a required application type that is linked to an application.

    Note: These actions are available only to specialists.
  5. In the Additional Comments section, view a list of comments entered by the assigned specialist of your consultation. Only specialists can create and edit the comments.

Viewing Business Application Information

You review information captured during the application intake that is specific to the business license application type on the Application Details page. Agency staff with appropriate permissions can update the details captured from the application.

When an agency designs the intake form for a specific type of business license application, they use elements that capture the information necessary for evaluating adherence to business license requirements. For example, for a restaurant application, the application details might include data about fire safety, seating capacity, site use, and parking. The application details might also include requirements for application submittal.

Updating Application Details

The fields available to update depend on the fields added when the intake form was designed.

  1. Select Business License Transactions on the Agency Springboard.

  2. Click the row for a consultation or business license application on the Transactions page.

  3. On the Overview page, expand the Consultation Information or License Information navigation menu item in the left pane.

  4. Click the Application Details link.

  5. On the application details page, click the Edit button for the section you would like to edit.

  6. Update available fields on the page.

  7. Click the Done button to save.

Working with Business Consultation Meetings

A consultation meeting is scheduled between the registered public user who has submitted a consultation application and the agency assigned specialist – to review and discuss the requirements of the business license.

Applicants and authorized Public Sector Cloud agency staff are allowed to schedule consultation meetings. The authorized staff are the business license manager and the business license specialist.

Administrators configure the system to enable the applicants and the agency staff to schedule meetings – using the Manage Business Consultation Configuration page. See Setting Up Business Consultation Meetings.

Scheduling a Business Consultation Meeting

Specialists schedule consultation meetings on the Business Consultation Meeting Request page. Applicants can schedule meetings depending on the scheduling configuration on the Manage Business Consultation Configuration page. See Setting Up Business Consultation Meetings.

  1. Select Business License Transactions on the Agency Springboard.

  2. Select the consultation application record for which you want to schedule a meeting. The consultation detail page opens.

  3. Click Consultation Information in the left panel.

  4. Click the Meetings link to view the Business Consultation Meetings page for the consultation.

  5. Click the Schedule Meetings button.

  6. On the Business Consultation Meeting Request Page, the meeting agenda and the meeting location are displayed as set up on the Business Consultation Meeting Configuration page. Enter values for the following fields:

    Page Element


    Meeting Agenda

    Review the agenda for the consultation meeting.

    Note: Only specialists can change the agenda of the meeting.

    Scheduled Date

    Select a date to schedule the meeting. The dates available for scheduling your meeting are based on the configuration on the Business Consultation Meeting Configuration page, and the agency’s holiday calendar.

    See Setting Up Business Consultation Meetings.

    Scheduled Time

    Select the start time of the scheduled meeting. The time values available for scheduling your meeting are based on the configuration on the Business Consultation Meeting Configuration page.

    See Setting Up Business Consultation Meetings.

    Meeting Duration in Hours

    View the duration of the meeting, which is set up by your administrator on the Business Consultation Meeting Configuration page. See Setting Up Business Consultation Meetings.

    Meeting Location

    View the location of the meeting.

    Note: Only specialists can change the location of the meeting.
  7. Click the Schedule button to schedule the meeting and return to the Business Consultation Meetings page. You can view the record of the meeting you just scheduled.

    An online notification and email are sent to the applicant and to the assigned agency specialist, with the schedule and details of the meeting — depending on the setup in the Communication template.

Viewing Consultation Meetings

Agency staff and registered public users view a list of consultation meetings on the Business Consultation Meetings page.

Agency specialists can use the Specialist Calendar page to view all the consultation meetings scheduled at the agency level or just view their own meeting schedules. The following sections detail the two ways of viewing the meeting schedules.

Viewing Consultation Meetings on the Business Consultation Meetings Page

To view consultation meetings:

  1. Select Business License Transactions on the Agency Springboard.

  2. Click the View Details button for a consultation application to access the application details.

  3. Click Consultation Information in the left panel.

  4. Click the Meetings link to view the Business Consultation Meetings page for the application.

  5. On the Business Consultation Meetings page, view the list of consultation meetings, including this information:

    Page Element


    Meeting Date

    View the date of the scheduled meeting.

    Meeting Start Time

    View the start time of the scheduled meeting.

    Meeting Duration in Hours

    View the duration of the scheduled meeting.

    Meeting Location

    View the location of the scheduled meeting.

    Meeting Status

    View the status of the meeting, such as Canceled or Scheduled.


    Click to open the meeting request page and select a new date and time for the meeting. See the section Rescheduling a Consultation Meeting.


    Click to cancel the scheduled meeting.


    Click to view the details of the scheduled meeting.

    Note: Specialists can change the agenda and location of the meeting.

Viewing Consultation Meetings on the Specialist Calendar

Agency assigned specialists such as the business license manager and the business license specialist can view their own consultation meeting schedules or all the consultation meeting schedules for the entire agency.

  1. Select the Specialist Calendar tile on the Agency Springboard.

  2. On the Business Consultation Calendar page you can view the details of the meeting schedule such as the location, and use a link to access the consultation application.

  3. On the Business Consultation Calendar page you can perform these actions:

    Page Element



    Select one of the options to view the consultation meeting schedules:

    • My consultations (Default)

    • All consultations

    Calendar View button

    Select to view the meeting schedules on a calendar. You can choose to view the calendar by month, week, or day. This view is the default selection.

    List View button

    Select to view the meeting schedules in a list format, with the current meeting displayed at the top followed by the future schedules. You use the Filter option to search the past and future meeting schedules. Use the Sort By and Search options to refine your search results.

Rescheduling a Consultation Meeting

You reschedule a consultation meeting on the Business Consultation Meeting Page. Applicants can reschedule their meetings only if the administrator has enabled the settings on the Manage Business Consultation Meeting Configuration page. See Setting Up Business Consultation Meetings.

  1. Select Business License Transactions on the Agency Springboard.

  2. Click the View Details button for a consultation application to access the application details.

  3. Click Consultation Information in the left panel.

  4. Click the Meetings link to view the Business Consultation Meetings page for the application.

  5. On the record of the meeting you want to reschedule, click the Reschedule button.

  6. On the Business Consultation Meeting Request page you can select a new available date and time for the meeting.

    Note: Specialists can edit the agenda and location of the meeting.
  7. Click Schedule.

    The Business Consultation Meeting page now lists the newly scheduled meeting record and the previous meeting record shows with a status of Canceled.

    An online notification and email are sent to the applicant and to the assigned agency specialist, with the updated meeting schedule — depending on the setup in the Communication template.

Canceling a Consultation Meeting

You cancel a consultation meeting on the Business Consultation Meeting Request page.

  1. Select Business License Transactions on the Agency Springboard.

  2. Click the View Details button for the consultation application to access the application details.

  3. Click Consultation Information in the left panel.

  4. Click the Meetings link to view the Business Consultation Meetings page for the application.

  5. On the record of the meeting you want to cancel, click the Cancel button.

  6. Click OK to confirm. The Business Consultation Meeting page now lists the meeting record with a status of Canceled.

    An online notification and email are sent to the applicant and to the assigned agency specialist, that the meeting has been canceled.

Notification and Email Correspondence

When an assigned specialist or the applicant schedules or cancels a meeting, the applicant and the assigned specialist can receive a notification or email, depending on the setup in the Communication template. For an understanding of how the templates are defined to enable the notifications, see Working with Application Communications.

Adding Contacts to Applications

Agency staff can use the Contacts page to view, edit, and add contacts for a submitted applications.

The Contacts page displays the applicant’s contact information and lists additional people who were added as contacts during the initial application process. If you want to add more contacts, you have two options:

  • Select a contact who is already registered in the system, and make that person a contact for the current transaction.

  • Create a brand new contact by entering all the contact details, and include that contact in the current transaction.

Managing Application Contacts

To manage application contacts:

  1. From the agency springboard, select the tile for the type of transaction where you want to manage contacts: Permits, Planning Applications, or Business License Transactions.

  2. On the Transactions page, click the specific submitted application where you want to add new contacts.

  3. In the left frame of the page, expand the application information section: Permit Information, Planning Application, or License Information.

  4. Select Contacts in the expanded section.

    The Contacts page displays the applicant information in the top section. Additional contacts are listed below the applicant information.

  5. Optionally update the applicant information at the top of the page.

    You can update the salutation, the suffix, and the applicant’s address and phone information.

  6. In the Additional Contacts section, click Add New Contact to open the Contact Details page.

    The Contact Details page has two sections:

    • The Add from registered contacts section lists existing registered contacts that can be added to the application.

    • The Add brand new contact manually section provides a Create button for creating new contacts from scratch.

  7. To add an existing registered contact to the application:

    1. Locate the contact in the Add from registered contacts list.

    2. Click the Select button at the end of the row for the contact.

    3. In the Select Contact Type modal window that opens, enter the following information:

      Page Element


      Select Contact Type

      Select the role or position of the contact person relative to the current application. For example, a contact might be a property owner, a business owner, or a contractor.

      When you add contacts for a permit, pay close attention to whether the contact type grants the person access to the permit. You can see the Permit Access Enabled field when you prompt for the contact type and when you review the list of contacts on the main Contact page. This information doesn’t appear in the context of non-permit applications.

      If the contact type allows permit access and the contact email matches the account email for a registered user, then that registered user can access the permit. For more information, see Setting Up Contact Types.

      Is This Primary Contact

      Turn on this switch to make the selected contact person the primary contact for this application. Applications can have only one primary contact. Designating a new primary contact removes the primary designation from any other contact who was previously designated as primary.

    4. Click OK to save the record and return to the Contacts page, which now lists the selected contact as a contact for this application.

  8. To create a brand new contact:

    1. On the Contact Details list page, click the Create button in the Add brand new contact manually section.

      The Contact Details page changes to create mode, which displays fields for entering the new contact’s information.

    2. Enter the new contact’s name, address, phone, and email information.

      Note: If the contact is a registered user who will get access to the permit based on the contact type that you choose, then the email that you enter here must be the same email that the contact used when registering. If the emails do not match, the contact will not have access to the permit.
    3. Enter the following additional information:

      Page Element



      Turn on this switch to make the selected contact person the primary contact for this application. Applications can have only one primary contact. Designating a new primary contact removes the primary designation from any other contact who was previously designated as primary.

      Contact Type

      Select the role or position of the contact person relative to the current application. For example, a contact might be a property owner, a business owner, or a contractor.

      When you add contacts for a permit, pay close attention to whether the contact type grants the person access to the permit. You can see the Permit Access Enabled field when you prompt for the contact type and when you review the list of contacts on the main Contact page. This information doesn’t appear in the context of non-permit applications.

      If the contact type allows permit access and the contact email matches the account email for a registered user, then that registered user can access the permit. For more information, see Setting Up Contact Types.

      Business Name

      If the contact represents a business, enter the business name.

    4. Click Save to save the new contact and return to the Contacts page.

      The Contacts page now includes the new contact in the Additional Contacts list.

  9. To modify information about an application contact:

    1. Click the row for the contact.

    2. On the Contact Details page, update the detail information.

      If the contact is a profile contact, you can’t modify the contact’s name. If the contact exists only in this application, all the fields are available for edit.

    3. Click Save to save changes and return to the list of contacts.

  10. To remove a contact from an application:

    1. Click the row for the contact.

    2. On the Contact Details page, click Delete.

      Contacts who are profile contacts are not deleted from the system, they are only removed from the current application. Contacts that exist only in the current application are deleted entirely.

Working with Attachments

You view a list of files and upload or download documents associated with a transaction, such as a permit, planning application, case, or business license on the Attachments page.

Attachments provide supporting documentation needed by agency staff when processing transactions.

You can manage attachments associated with a transaction on different pages in Oracle Public Sector Compliance and Regulation. Here’s a look at some of the areas that include attachment functionality:

  • The Attachments page in the transaction detail pages, including pages for permits, planning applications, cases, and business licenses.

  • The Workflow page in the transaction detail pages.

  • Inspection Detail and Checklist pages in Oracle Inspector.

  • New Violation and Inspection pages in Oracle Municipal Code Officer.

Recipients of transaction communications containing web forms can upload files when requested. You can also manage documents as part of the plan review process.

These are all sources of attachments that you’ll find associated with a transaction on the Attachments page.

For more information about managing attachments for a workflow task, see Using Workflow.

For more information about attachments in Oracle Inspector, see Oracle Inspector Overview for Permits.

For more information about Oracle Municipal Code Officer, see Oracle Municipal Code Officer Overview.

Viewing Attachments

To view a list of attachments:

  1. Access the detail page for the transaction where you want to view attachments.

  2. Click the Attachments link in the left panel to view the Attachments page.

    You may need to expand the section that includes the Attachments link.

  3. On the Attachment page, view the list of attachments.

    For permits, the attachments are displayed on two tabs. The Permits tab displays attachments added through the Attachments page. The All tab displays attachments added from all sources, including the Attachments page, the Workflow page, Oracle Inspector, plan reviews, and web form responses.

    Page Element


    File Name

    View the following information in the Filename field:

    • Icon indicating the file type

    • Filename with file type extension

    • File Size


    View the description of the attachment as entered by the person who added the attachment.


    View the source of the attached file. Valid values are:

    • Permits

    • Inspection

    • Workflow

    • Plan Reviews

      Attachments that are added to electronic plan reviews have their source changed from Permits to Plan Reviews.

    For example, attachments added through Oracle Inspector display Inspection in this field.

    Attachments added to web form questionnaire responses display Permits in this field.

    Note: This column appears only on the All tab for permits.

    Uploaded By

    View the name of the person who uploaded the file along with the date and time that the person uploaded the file.


    View the document category for the attachment.

    The category is available when a document group is specified during setup for the transaction type.

    Note: This field in not available for case and business license attachments.


    Click the actions icon to select and perform an action:

    • View Details

    • Download

    • Delete

    Note: For permits, the Delete action appears only on the Permits tab. Additionally, the security associated with your user ID may limit which actions are available to you.
  4. Click the Sort By to view attachments grouped by these fields: file name, file size, uploaded by, uploaded on, description, category, and subcategory.

  5. To find a specific attachment, you can enter values in the search field.

Adding Attachments

You upload files to the Attachments page using the Add Attachments page. For permits, you use the Permits tab of the Attachments page.

To add attachments:

  1. Access the detail page for the transaction where you want to add attachments.

  2. Click the Attachments link in the left panel to view the Attachments page.

    You may need to expand the section that includes the Attachments link.

  3. Click the Add icon.

    Note: For permits, this icon appears only on the Permits tab.
  4. Select the file to upload in the browser dialog box and click Open.

    The filename appears on the Add Attachments page.

  5. On the Add Attachments page, optionally enter a description of the file.

  6. If the Category and Subcategory fields appear on the Add Attachment page, optionally select a document category and subcategory.

    These fields appear if the transaction type is associated with a document group. The document group defines the available values in these fields.

    For more information, see the implementation documentation for Setting Up Document Categories and Subcategories.

    Note: The document group for a transaction is based on the document group that was defined for the transaction type at the time the transaction is saved.
    Note: Document category and subcategory are not applicable to case attachments.
  7. Click the Upload button.

    The Add Attachment window closes, and the newly uploaded attachment appears on the Attachments page.

Viewing Attachment Details

To view document details on the Attachments details page:

  1. Access the detail page for the transaction where you want to view attachment details.

  2. Click the Attachments link in the left panel to view the Attachments page.

    You may need to expand the section that includes the Attachments link.

  3. In the attachments grid, click the Action icon for the document that you want to view.

  4. Select View Details to open the document details page.

    The details on this page include the information from the Attachments page and information about the file size and the person who last updated the document information.

    Editable fields include the description and, if available, the document category and subcategory.

Downloading Attachments

To download an attachment from the Attachments page:

  1. Access the detail page for the transaction where you want to download attachments.

  2. Click the Attachments link in the left panel to view the Attachments page.

    You may need to expand the section that includes the Attachments link.

  3. In the attachments grid, click the Action icon for the document you want to download.

  4. Select Download and save to the location of your choice.

Deleting Attachments

There are multiple ways to delete attachments. The security associated with your user ID determines whether you can delete attachments.

Note: For permits, you can delete attachments only from the Permits tab of the Attachments page.

To delete selected attachments from the Attachments page:

  1. Access the detail page for the transaction where you want to delete attachments.

  2. Click the Attachments link in the left panel to view the Attachments page.

    You may need to expand the section that includes the Attachments link.

  3. Click the Edit icon above the grid.

  4. Select one or more documents to delete.

  5. Click the Delete icon.

To delete a single attachments from the Attachments page:

  1. Access the detail page for the transaction where you want to delete attachments.

  2. Click the Attachments link in the left panel to view the Attachments page.

    You may need to expand the section that includes the Attachments link.

  3. In the attachments grid, click the Action icon for the document you want to delete.

  4. Select Delete from the action menu.

Working with Comments

This topic discusses how to use comments. You can view, edit, and add comments on the Comments page for a transaction, case, or incident.

Adding Comments

You view, edit, and add new comments on the Comments page. Three categories of comments are available for use:

  • Favorite comments: Mark comments you use regularly as your favorite and access them easily on the Favorite comments tab

  • Standard comments: Select and post a comment from a list of pre-defined comments on the Standard comments tab.

  • Recent comments: Select and post comments from a list of recently posted comments on the Recent comments tab.

Viewing and Editing Comments

  1. Access the detail page for the transaction, case, or incident you are working with.

  2. Click the Comments link in the left panel to view the Comments page.

    You view a list of comments in the right panel. If more information exists for a comment, click the More link to show the complete detail of the comment. Use the Less link to shrink the comment area back to its original size.

  3. You can edit, delete, or hide a comment from public view only if it was entered by you. Click the specific comment row to open the detail view and make changes.

  4. Click Save.

Adding a New Comment

  1. Access the detail page for the transaction, case, or incident you are working with.

  2. Click the Comments link in the left panel to view the Comments page.

  3. Click the Add Comment button to open the Add Comment page and enter a new comment. You can use the Rich Text Editor option for formatting your comment with tools such as the numbered list. The Link button allows you to embed a URL to a display text you enter. See Managing Comments to enable the option of Rich Text Editor formatting.

  4. Click Post to post the comment and return to the Comments page.

Adding Favorite, Standard, and Recent Comments

  1. You can post a comment that is already available in the system. On the Add Comment page, click the Select Comments button to view the three categories of comments:

    • Favorite: Comments that you have marked as favorite.

    • Standard: All the predefined comments available.

    • Recent: Comments that were recently posted.

  2. Select a comment and click the Insert button to post the comment.

Note: If you want to mark a standard comment as your favorite, click the * button on the comment row. The Favorite tab will add the comment to its list.Your agency administrator decides the duration for which a comment can be called Recent. The duration can be set up on the Manage Comments page.

See Managing Comments.

Working with Fees and Payments

You view and manage fees and payments associated with a submitted business license, permit, or planning application on the Fees and Payments page in the application details.

Tip: As agency staff, you can access this page on a phone as well as on a laptop or desktop computer. The layout changes based on the device you’re using.

Fees are calculated based on agency fee setup. For more information about setting up automatic fee calculations based on business license, permit, or planning application type, see Creating Decision Models for Fees.

Fees shown on this page are calculated based on the application form and fee schedule mapping sources.

Viewing Fees and Payments for an Application

  1. Select the Business Licenses, Permits, or Planning Applications tile on the Agency Springboard.

  2. Click the row for the selected application on the Transactions page.

  3. Click Fees and Payments in the left panel or click the View Details link in the Fees and Payments section on the Overview page for the application.

  4. On the Fees and Payments page, view a list of fees, including this information:

    Page Element


    Fee Description

    The description of the fee as defined when creating a fee item.


    The amount due for each fee.


    The currency in which the transaction is paid.


    • Canceled: Indicates the fee payment is no longer required.

    • Pending: Indicates the fee is pending the agency's finalization. The fee may or may not become due.

    • Hold: Indicates the fee requirement has been put on hold until an issue or condition associated with the application or a permit inspection has been resolved.

    • Due: Indicates the current fee request is due and needs to be paid.

    • Refund Pending: Indicates that a refund was submitted for processing and approval.

    • Refunded: Indicates the fee was reversed and a refund was issued.


    The department within the agency requiring the payment.

    Assessed Date

    The date the request for payment was issued.

    Payment Date

    The date payment was received.

    Payment Reference

    The payment reference issued for the transaction. Click the payment reference number to view the payment receipt.


    The payment invoice number of the paid fee associated with the application. Click the invoice number link to view the payment invoice.

    Total Fees

    The total amount of fees that may be applicable to the application.

    Total Payable

    The amount of fees that are designated as payable.

    The agency may generate fees that are not due upon application submission and are therefore not payable. For example, plan review or inspection fees may be applied based on whether a plan review or inspection is required or not. Or the agency may place a due fee on hold.

    Total Paid

    The amount of the total fees already collected.

    Balance Due

    The remaining portion of the fees yet to be collected.

Adding Ad Hoc Fees

Using the Fees and Payments page, you can manually add fees to an application if the situation arises, such as a late fee, an unforeseen processing fee, an addition to the project request, and so on. These fees are assessed outside of the automatic fees process. That is, you calculate the amount due and manually enter the fee you want to add.

The Add Fees button is not available when the application status is Pending Payment or Pending Submittal. When the fee status changes to Due, the system sends a notification to the applicant that new fees have been assessed and are due.

To manually add a fee:

  1. Click Add Fees on the Fees and Payments page. This button is only available to agency staff who have appropriate permissions.

  2. On the Fee Item Details page, you can choose to manually add an ad hoc fee or use the fee calculator to calculate fees according to a fee schedule. To manually enter a fee, select the Add Fees tab.

  3. Select a fee item.

  4. Enter the fee required for the item in the Amount field.

  5. Set the status of the fee in the Status drop-down list, such as Due.

  6. Use the Department lookup list to select the department to collect the fee.

    The department defaults from the fee item, if specified. Otherwise, the system uses the department from the application type setup.

  7. Set the appropriate date for the fee using the Assessed Date field.

  8. Use the Memo field to add any additional description to help identify the nature of the newly added fee, which can help answer questions regarding why a fee was added during the application process.

  9. Click Save.

Calculating Additional Fees

Use the fee calculator when you want to calculate additional fees for an application after submission. The fee calculator enables you to enter information for the calculation based on a fee schedule. After the fees are calculated, you can select the fee items you want to add to the application.

The Add Fees button is not available when the application status is Pending Payment or Pending Submittal. When the fee status changes to Due, the system sends a notification to the applicant that new fees have been assessed and are due.

Let’s walk though how to use the fee calculator:

  1. Click Add Fees on the Fees and Payments page. This button is only available to agency staff who have appropriate permissions.

  2. On the Fee Item Details page, you can choose to manually add an ad hoc fee or use the fee calculator to calculate fees according to a fee schedule. To use the fee calculator, select the Calculate Fees tab.

  3. Select a fee schedule. If a fee schedule is already associated with the transaction type, the fee schedule name appears as the default value, but you can select a different fee schedule as well.

  4. Based on the fee structure you choose, you'll see fields that are relevant to the fees. Enter the requested values.

  5. Click Calculate Fees.

  6. On the Add Fees page, you’ll see the calculated amounts and department for each fee item. If you want to add the calculated fee to the fees due for the application, select the fee and click Add Selected.

The fee item appears in the fees list with a Due status.

Adjusting Fees

Agency staff with appropriate permissions can correct or adjust fees as needed after the application is submitted. For example, if the applicant added 6 solar panels instead of 2, the required permit fees might increase. After you update the information that was submitted during intake in the application details, you can recalculate the total fees due based on the fee schedule for the application type. The recalculation corrects the fees by either generating a new fee or changing the amount.

Here’s how you can adjust the fees for an application:

  1. On the Application Details page for the application, click Edit.

  2. Make changes as needed and click Done.

  3. On the Fees and Payments page, click Recalculate.

The difference in fees compared to the original fee or the new fee appears as a separate line in the fee list. The fee totals for the application are also updated. If no adjustments are required, the displayed fees remain the same. Fee adjustments that result in a negative amount can be processed as a refund request.

Note: Fees are also recalculated when you click the Pay button on the application detail or Transaction List pages. The applicant will see the adjusted fees in their Payment Cart.

Paying Fees

To add a payment for all fees that are due, click the Pay button. Doing so takes you to the Checkout page, where you can select the payment method.

For more information about paying fees, see the Payment Flow Overview.

Refunding Permit Fees

Agency cashiers and application administrators can process full or partial refunds of permit fee items online.

Here’s how to refund permit fees:

  1. Select one or more fee items.

    You can only select fees that have been paid.

  2. Click Initiate Refund.

  3. Review the fee amount and refund method. If you’re processing a partial refund, enter the refund amount.

    For debit or credit, the system issues the refund using the payment method, or the agency staff can choose to refund via check during approval. All other payments are refunded by check or other external system.

  4. You must enter a refund reason before you submit the refund request.

  5. Click Process Refund to reverse or partially reverse the fee.

After you submit the refund request, the status changes to Refund Pending and the refund moves into a queue to be approved. When you submit the request, you’ll see updated fee totals for the application. Once approved, the refunded amount appears as a new line in the list of payment items with a Refunded status.

For more information about the refund approval process, see Viewing and Processing Refunds.

Working with Application Communications

Application-specific messages enable agency staff and applicants maintain correspondence regarding the progress of applications.

Agency users can send emails, notifications, and texts associated with a specific application on the Communication Details page. Agency staff and applicants can also use the Communication Details page to view a record of the messages associated with an application.

Sending Application Communications

  1. Click Business License Transactions, Permits, or Planning Applications on the Agency Springboard.

    Select an application on the Transactions page.

    Click Communications in the navigation bar.

  2. On the Communication Details page, click Add.

  3. On the Ad Hoc Message page, enter values for the following fields:

    Page Elements


    Channel Type

    Specify what type of ad hoc message you want to send. Values are:

    • Email: Generates an email that is sent to users.

    • Emails and Notifications: Generates both an email and a notification with the same message.

    • Notification: Generates a notification that appears when users click the notification icon in the application.

    • Text: Generates a short message service (SMS) text message that is sent to users.

    Note: The fields that are available to define on this page vary depending on the channel type that you select.


    Select which type of user can see this message. Values are:

    • Account owner

    • Agency staff only

    MIME Type (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions type)

    Select the format of the message. Values are:

    • HTML

    • Text

    Note: This field does not appear for the Text channel type.


    Turn this switch on to display the notification at the top of the notification list.

    Note: This field appears only for the Emails and Notifications and Notification channel types.

    User Can Delete

    Turn this switch on to enable users to delete this notification from their notification lists.

    Note: This field appears only for the Emails and Notifications and Notification channel types.

    Select and Insert

    These fields enable you to insert variable attributes into your message. You select the field and the attribute that you want to insert in that field, and click Insert to enter a variable for that attribute.

    For example, if you select the Body field and the Status attribute, and click Insert, the ${Status} variable is inserted into the Message Body field of the message. When you send this message, the status of the application associated with the message is included in the body text.

    Create Web Form

    Click to access the Web Form modal page where you create a questionnaire that you can insert into your message.

    Insert Web Form

    Click to insert the web form questions into the body of your message along with a link that the recipient can use to access and respond to the questionnaire.


    Enter the email address, user ID, or phone number of the person or organization who is sending the generated message.

    For text messages, select the phone number of the person or organization who is sending the generated text message from the drop-down list. The available numbers come from a third-party messaging service.

    Note: Enter email addresses for the Email and Emails and Notifications channel types, user IDs for the Alert, Emails and Notifications, and Notification channel types, and phone numbers for the Text channel type.


    Enter the email address, user ID, or phone number of the person or organization to whom you want to send the message.

    Note: Enter email addresses for emails, user IDs for notifications, and phone numbers for texts.

    Cc and Bcc

    Enter the email addresses of the people or organizations that you want to receive a copy of the message.

    Note: These fields appear only for the Email and Emails and Notifications channel types.


    Enter a brief description of the purpose and content of the message.

    Note: This field does not appear for the Text channel type.

    Message Body

    Enter the main body text of the message.

    For the Text channel type and emails and notifications with the Text MIME type, you can enter only plain, unformatted text.

    For the HTML MIME type, you can enter rich text, links, and images.

  4. Click Send.

Communicating Using a Web Form

You can create and send emails or notifications that contain an online form with questions for the applicant or other agency staff. The correspondence contains a link that the recipient can use to access and respond to the questionnaire.

Here’s how to create a web form:

  1. On the Communication Details page, click Add.

  2. Enter values for the channel type, such as email or notification, visibility to send to the applicant or agency staff, and the To, From, and Subject fields.

  3. Click Create Web Form.

  4. For each row of the web form, enter the Question Text along with the Answer Type that you expect from the recipient for that question. You can select from these answer types:

    Answer Type



    Enables the recipient to attach one file per question.

    After the recipient uploads the file and submits the form, attachments are available in the web form response and on the Attachments page for the application.


    Enables the recipient to answer the question using a calendar to indicate the date.


    Enables the recipient to enter text in response to a question.


    Enables the recipient to enter a numerical value of up to 13 digits and three decimal places.

  5. Click OK to save your web form questionnaire and return to the Ad Hoc Message page. The Create Web Form button displays the number of questions included on the web form in parentheses.

  6. Click Insert Web Form to insert the web form questions into the body of your message.

  7. Click Send.

After you receive the communication, you click the link in the message to open the online web form and answer the questions or upload a file. After you submit the form, the response appears on the Communication Details page and attachments are also listed on the Attachments page.

Viewing Application Communications

The Communication Details page displays a list of all messages that are associated with the application, including emails, notifications, texts, and web form responses.

  1. Click Business License Transactions, Permits, or Planning Applications on the Agency Springboard.

    Select an application on the Transactions page.

    Click Communications in the navigation bar.

    You can view the message reference ID, date and time the message was sent, message subject, channel type, and status, such as Sent.

  2. For each row on the Communication Details page you can:

    • Click the Actions icon to resend or forward the message.

      Select the Resend action to access the message in the Message Details modal page in display-only mode. Click Resend to send the message another time to the same list of recipients.

      Select the Forward action to access the message in the Message Details modal page. Enter new recipient email addresses, update the message if necessary, and click Forward to send the updated message to the new recipients.

    • Click the View More Details button to view detailed information about the message.

Working with Ad Hoc Communications

Ad hoc communications enable agency staff to create and distribute alerts, emails, and notifications.

Agency staff can create and update ad hoc communications on the Communication Center page.

Alerts appear as text in the banner of the Agency Springboard or the landing pages for all anonymous, all registered users, or individual users. Emails are messages sent to recipients and accessed through an email client. Notifications appear when registered users click the notification icon in the global header at the top of the page. Short message service (SMS) text messages are electronic messages sent to user mobile numbers over a cellular network or through an internet connection.

The Communications Center lists all of the emails and notifications that have been triggered from the system. This includes communications triggered as part of an event or action that a user or agency staff is performing, or that the agency staff is sending to the user. In-application communications associated with a particular business license, permit, or planning application also appear in the Communications Center.

Note: Agency staff can also create application-specific ad hoc emails, notifications, and texts on the Communication Details page in the transaction detail pages. You access the transaction through the Transactions page, where you select a specific business license, permit, or planning application and select the Communications tab in the left-panel navigation. For more information, see Working with Application Communications.

Alert setup using the delivered PSC_GENERIC_ALERT event is also available. For step-by-step instructions for setting up alerts using the delivered events, see Defining Alerts.

Adding Ad Hoc Alerts

  1. Select Communication Center in the Navigator, or click Communication Center on the Agency Springboard.

  2. On the Alerts tab of the Communication Center page, click Add.

  3. On the Alert Details page, enter values for the following fields:

    Page Element


    Reference Name

    Enter a unique name for the alert.

    Start Date Time and End Date Time

    Enter the date and time when the alert starts and stops displaying.


    Turn on the switch to activate the alert.


    Enter a value for the target recipients of the alert:

    • Individual Registered Users

      Enter comma-separated user IDs for the registered users, for example, SYSTEM_ADMIN,BUSINESS_ANALYST.

    • All Registered Users

      Enter this attribute: ${User}. The application displays the alert when the registered user logs in.

    • All Anonymous Users

      Enter this attribute: ${Anonymous}.

    • A Combination of Users

      Enter a string including comma-separated user IDs for the registered users, ${User} for all registered users, and ${Anonymous} for all anonymous users.

    Message Body

    Enter the main body of the alert using plain, unformatted text.

    Select and Insert

    These fields enable you to insert variable attributes into your message. You select the field and the attribute that you want to insert in that field, and click Insert to enter a variable for that attribute.

    For example, if you select the Body field and the Current Date attribute, and click Insert, the ${Current Date} variable is inserted into the Message Body field of the alert. When the application displays this alert, the current date is included in the body text.


    Enter any reference information for agency use. These remarks are not included in the displayed alert.

  4. Click Save.

Modifying Ad Hoc Alerts

  1. Select Communication Center in the Navigator, or click Communication Center on the Agency Springboard.

  2. Select an alert on the Alerts tab of the Communication Center page.

  3. On the Alert Details page you can update the alert field values.

  4. Click Save.

Deleting Ad Hoc Alerts

  1. Select Communication Center in the Navigator, or click Communication Center on the Agency Springboard.

  2. On the Alerts tab of the Communication Center page click Edit.

  3. Select the check boxes next to the alerts that you want to delete.

  4. Click Delete. You will be prompted to confirm the permanent deletion.

Sending Ad Hoc Emails, Notifications, and Texts

  1. Select Communication Center in the Navigator, or click Communication Center on the Agency Springboard.

  2. On the Emails, Notifications, and Texts tab of the Communication Center page, click Add.

  3. On the Message Details page, enter values for the following fields:

    Page Elements


    Channel Type

    Specify what type of ad hoc message you want to send. Values are:

    • Email: Generates an email that is sent to users.

    • Emails and Notifications: Generates both an email and a notification with the same message.

    • Notification: Generates a notification that appears when users click the Notifications button in the header at the top of the page in the application.

    • Text: Generates a short message service (SMS) text message that is sent to users. You can’t change the sent number because it’s coming from a third-party service.

    Note: The fields that are available to define on this page vary depending on the channel type that you select.


    Select which type of user can see this message. Values are:

    • Account owner

    • Agency staff only

    MIME Type (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions type)

    Select the format of the message. Values are:

    • HTML

    • Text

    Note: This field does not appear for the Text channel type.


    Turn this switch on to display the notification at the top of the notification list.

    Note: This field appears only for the Emails and Notifications and Notification channel types.

    User Can Delete

    Turn this switch on to enable users to delete this notification from their notification lists.

    Note: This field appears only for the Emails and Notifications and Notification channel types.


    Enter a unique alphanumeric reference for the communication.

    Select and Insert

    These fields enable you to insert variable attributes into your message. You select the field and the attribute that you want to insert in that field, and click Insert to enter a variable for that attribute.

    For example, if you select the Body field and the Current Date attribute, and click Insert, the ${Current Date} variable is inserted into the Message Body field of the alert. When the application displays this alert, the current date is included in the body text.


    Enter the email address, user ID, or phone number of the person or organization who is sending the generated message.

    For text messages, select the phone number of the person or organization who is sending the generated text message from the drop-down list. The available numbers come from a third-party messaging service.

    Note: Enter email addresses in the Email Attributes section for the Email and Emails and Notifications channel types; user IDs in the Notification Attributes section for the Alert, Emails and Notifications, and Notification channel types; and phone numbers in the Compose section for the Text channel type.


    Enter a value for the target recipients of the message.

    For notifications, enter comma-separated user IDs for the registered users, for example, SYSTEM_ADMIN,BUSINESS_ANALYST.

    For emails, enter comma-separated email addresses for the recipients, for example, john.doe@example.com.

    Cc and Bcc

    Enter the email addresses of the people or organizations that you want to receive a copy or a blind copy of the message.

    Note: These fields appear only for the Email and Emails and Notifications channel types.


    Enter a brief description of the purpose and content of the message.

    Note: This field does not appear for the Text channel type.

    Message Body

    Enter the main body text of the message.

    For the Text channel type and emails and notifications with the Text MIME type, you can enter only plain, unformatted text.

    For the HTML MIME type, you can enter rich text, links, and images.

  4. Click Send.

Viewing Ad Hoc Emails, Notifications, and Texts

  1. Select Communication Center on the Agency Springboard.

  2. For each row on the Emails, Notifications, and Texts tab of the Communication Center page you can:

    • Click the Actions icon to resend or forward the message.

      Select the Resend action to access the message in the Message Details modal page in display-only mode. Click Resend to send the message another time to the same list of recipients.

      Select the Forward action to access the message in the Message Details modal page. Enter new recipients, update the message if necessary, and click Forward to send the updated message to the new recipients.

    • Click the View More Details button to view detailed information about the message.

Viewing Application Status History

You can view the history of application status changes on the Status History page in the application details.

Whenever the status changes for a transaction, the change is recorded and viewable in the details for the application. The status history is display-only.

Reviewing the Status History

  1. Select Business License Transactions, Permits, or Planning Applications on the Agency Springboard.

  2. Click the row for a permit or planning application to access the detail.

  3. Click the Additional Information menu item in the left panel.

  4. Click the Status History link to view the Status History page for the permit or planning application.

    Page Element



    Displays all of the transaction statuses that have been applied to the application.

    For a list of transaction statuses, see Setting Up Transaction Statuses.

    Updated By

    Displays the name of the person who performed the action that updated the status in the system.

    Updated Date

    Displays the date when the status changed for the application. The dates are displayed by the first to latest status.


    Displays the justification for withdrawing an in-progress application or for canceling a pending application. A reason is required when the agency staff withdraws or cancels an application.

Working with Business Related Transactions

Applicants and agency users can link their business consultation and license applications to other transactions using the Related Transactions page. You can establish relationship between transactions and then perform actions such as viewing the related transaction applications and managing comments.

Adding a Related Transaction

As an applicant, you can establish links only from your business consultation or license application. Agency staff can however add related transactions for any business consultation and license application.

To link a consultation or license application to a transaction:

  1. Select the Business License Transactions tile on the Agency Springboard.

  2. On the Transactions page select the consultation or license application for which you want to link a transaction.

  3. Click the Related Transactions link in the left panel to open the Related Transactions page.

  4. Click the Link Transaction button to open the Link Transaction page, which lists the applications you can link – along with the status and description of the transaction.

  5. Select all the desired applications using the check box and click the Add Selected button to establish a link between the transaction applications.

    The Related Transactions page now lists the new transaction rows, each with a link to access the linked related transaction application.

Removing a Related Transaction Link

As an applicant you can remove the link between related transactions from your own business consultation or license application. Agency staff have access to all business consultation and license applications to remove related transaction links.

To remove an application link:

  1. Select the Business License Transactions tile on the Agency Springboard.

  2. On the Transactions page select the business consultation or license application from which you want to remove the application link.

  3. Click the Related Transactions link in the left panel to open the Related Transactions page.

  4. Click the Delete icon on the related transaction row you want to delete. The Related Transactions page refreshes to list the remaining related transaction rows.