3Setting Up Your Agency

Setting Up Agencies

An agency is an organization that offers a range of services to its constituents, including issuing permits and licenses.

Administrators add and modify agency information using the Agency page.

Set up exactly one agency, with agency ID 1. Oracle does not currently support multiple agencies.

Adding an Agency

  1. Select Common Setup > Agency.

  2. On the Agency Information tab, click Add.

  3. On the Agency Information - Details page, enter values for the following fields:

    Page Elements


    Agency ID

    Enter the number 1 as the ID for your agency.

    Name and Description

    Enter a name and a short description for the agency.


    Enter the country in which the agency is located.

    This value is informational only. Address fields throughout the system support only USA addresses.


    Enter the currency that the agency uses for financial transactions.

    This value is informational only. It does not affect the currencies for fees, cash drawers, or payment adaptors.

    Time Zone

    Select your agency’s local time zone. All times displayed in Oracle Public Sector Compliance and Regulation use this time zone.

    Parcel Owner Format

    This field is reserved for future functionality. Currently, regardless of your selection, parcels have one field to identify the parcel owner and an additional field to identify a secondary owner.

    Time Format, Date Format, and Number Format

    Select the default formats that the agency uses to display times, dates, and numbers for anonymous users.

    Hide property owners from public users

    Turn on this switch to hide property owner information from public users.

    Oracle Policy Automation ID

    Enter the unique identifier for an agency-wide Oracle Intelligent Advisor policy model.

    Oracle Intelligent Advisor is a separate Oracle product. Oracle Intelligent Advisor policy models provide logic models for questionnaires that help public users determine which applications they need to complete.

    The policy model that you enter here is used by offerings that do not have an offering-specific policy model. To specify an offering-level policy definition, select the Features tab on the Agency Information page, then click the Options link for the offering.

    For more information on Oracle Intelligent Advisor, see Overview of Oracle Intelligent Advisor Configuration.

    Business Number Rule

    Select the autonumbering rule to increment numbers for businesses.

    Note: This field is required if the Business Licenses offering is enabled for your agency. Autonumber rules need to be defined after you create the agency, so be sure to return to the agency pages to add the business number autonumber rule that you define.

    Location Number Rule

    Select the autonumbering rule to increment numbers for business locations.

    Note: This field is required if the Business Licenses offering is enabled for your agency. Autonumber rules need to be defined after you create the agency, so be sure to return to the agency pages to add the location number autonumber rule that you define.
  4. Click Save.

Modifying an Agency

  1. Select Common Setup > Agency.

  2. Click a row on the Agency Information tab.

  3. Update the agency information field values.

  4. Click Save.

Adding an Agency Address

  1. Select Common Setup > Agency.

  2. Click a row on the Agency Information page.

  3. Select the Addresses tab, and click Add.

  4. On the Addresses - Details page, enter values for the following fields:

    Page Elements


    Address ID

    Enter a unique ID for the address.


    Select to indicate that this is the primary address for the agency. An agency may have only one primary address.

    From Date and To Date

    Enter the date range for which the address is valid.

    Address Fields

    The agency address. The Country field displays US.

    As you enter a Postal Code, the type-ahead list shows values that include appropriate city and state combinations. After you select a value, the city and state appear as read-only fields, and two address fields appear so that you can enter the rest of the address.

    If you don’t know the postal code, click the Don’t know link to display a full set of address fields.

  5. Click Save.

Modifying an Agency Address

  1. Select Common Setup > Agency.

  2. Click a row on the Agency Information tab.

  3. Select the Addresses tab.

  4. Click a row on the Addresses tab. You can:

    • Update the agency address field values.

      Note: You cannot change a primary address row to non-primary. Instead, when you update a non-primary row to primary, all other address rows are saved as non-primary.
    • Delete the address. You will be prompted to confirm the permanent deletion.

      Note: You cannot delete primary address rows.
  5. Click Save.

Deleting an Agency Address

  1. Select Common Setup > Agency.

  2. Click a row on the Agency Information tab.

  3. Select the Address tab.

  4. Click Edit.

  5. Select the check boxes next to all the agency addresses that you want to delete.

  6. Click Delete. You will be prompted to confirm the permanent deletion.

Note: You cannot delete primary address rows. To delete an address row that is designated as primary, you must first designate a different address row as primary. This changes the previously primary row to non-primary, allowing it to be deleted.

Adding an Agency Language

  1. Select Common Setup > Agency.

  2. Click the row for your agency on the Agency Information tab.

  3. Select the Languages tab.

    The languages displayed here are available for users to select as the current session language and default language on the My Preferences page accessed from the profile icon in the global banner.

  4. Click Add.

  5. Enter values for the following fields:

    Page Elements



    Select the language you want to add.


    Select to indicate that this is the primary language for the agency. An agency may have only one primary language.

    From Date and To Date

    Enter the date range for which the language is valid.

  6. Click Save.

Modifying an Agency Language

  1. Select Common Setup > Agency.

  2. Click the row for your agency on the Agency Information tab.

  3. Select the Languages tab.

  4. Click the row for the language that you want to modify. You can:

    • Make this language the primary language for the agency. When you do this, the existing primary language becomes non-primary.

    • Edit the date range for the language.

    • Delete the language. You will be prompted to confirm the permanent deletion.

      Note: You cannot delete primary language rows.
  5. Click Save.

Configuring Agency-Level Options for Specific Offerings

The Features tab lists offerings that are enabled in Functional Setup Manager (FSM). Because features are enabled in FSM, you can ignore the Enabled field on this page. Use the Options link to configure offering-specific settings.

The Permits offering encompasses both Permits and Planning and Zoning. For more information about configuring Permit and Planning and Zoning options, see Setting Up Agency-Level Options.

For more information about configuring Code Enforcement options, see Setting Up Agency-Level Options for Code Enforcement.

Enabling Subledger Accounting

  1. Select Common Setup > Agency.

  2. Click the row for your agency on the Agency Information tab.

  3. Select the Oracle Financials tab.

    Note: This tab appears only if you select Financials Cloud Subledger Accounting as your accounting framework option in Functional Setup Manager. For more information, see Selecting an Accounting Framework.
  4. Turn on the Create Subledger Accounting switch.

  5. Select your agency’s ledger in the Financials Cloud Ledger field.

  6. Click Save.

For more information on Oracle Financials Cloud Subledger Accounting, see Oracle Financials Cloud  Implementing Subledger Accounting and Oracle Financials Cloud  Using Subledger Accounting

Setting Up Conditions

A condition indicates a dependency or contingency for completing the application process. You set up conditions on the Conditions page.

You add, modify, and delete conditions on the Conditions page.

Condition Overview

A condition indicates a status, criterion, or action that can apply to an object in the system, such as a permit or a planning application.

Conditions are defined with a severity that might affect operations when applied. Condition rules with a Hold severity prevent one or more of the operations that are selected at the time of applying the condition. Condition rules with a Lock severity prevent all operations as described in the table here.


Applicable Objects


Prevent New

Parcel, Person, and Address

Agency staff applies a condition to a parcel record that prevents an applicant from submitting any new permit or planning application that contains a parcel object.

Prevent Workflow Advancing

Permit and planning application

Agency staff applies a condition to a permit or planning application record that prevents workflow from advancing. The permit or planning application workflow tasks cannot be completed until the condition is resolved.

Prevent Issue or Final

Permit and planning application

Agency staff applies a condition to a permit or a planning application record that prevents the permit or application cycle from completing its final step until the condition is resolved.

Your workflow process definition must explicitly identify the final human task that is blocked by this condition. Use the PSC_FINAL_ACTIVITY custom property to identify this task. See Using Custom Properties.

Restrict Payment

Permit and planning application

Agency staff applies a condition to a permit or a planning application record that prevents a user from processing a payment.

Prevent Inspection Schedule


This condition rule prevents agency staff from scheduling a new inspection. It does not affect existing inspections that have already been scheduled.

Prevent Inspection Result


This condition rule prevents agency staff from finalizing the inspection results.

Adding Conditions

  1. Select Common Setup > Condition.

  2. On the Condition page, click the Add New button.

  3. On the Condition Details page, enter values for the following fields:

    Page Element


    Condition Name

    Enter a unique condition name.

    Object Type

    Select an object type to categorize the condition, based on the object type to which it is applied:

    • Address

    • Parcel

    • Person

    • Transaction

    Display Message

    Enter a message that will be displayed to external users, up to 150 characters.


    Select a severity level for each condition from these options:

    • Lock

      At the most severe level, the Lock condition suspends all operations, including workflow advancing, payment processing, inspection scheduling, and inspection results.

    • Hold

      Agency staff can select which rules to apply to conditions with the Hold level of severity.

    • Notice

      The Notice level functions as an alert and has no effect on operations.

    For more information, see Applying Conditions to Applications.


    Enter a description.

    Apply Condition to Transactions

    Select to enable the condition to be applied automatically to any existing transactions belonging to the parcel or person. This field is available only if you have selected the Parcel or Person object type.

  4. Verify that the Enabled switch is turned on. New conditions are active by default.

  5. Click Save.

Modifying Conditions

  1. Select Common Setup > Condition.

  2. Click a row on the Condition page.

  3. On the Condition Details page you can update the display message, severity, description, and the Enable switch.

  4. Click Save.

Deleting Conditions

  1. Select Common Setup > Condition

  2. Click a row on the Condition page.

  3. On the Condition Details page, click Delete to delete the condition.

Note: You can delete a condition only if it is not applied to any object such as a parcel, person, permit, or a planning application. If you try to delete a condition that is applied to a permit, you will see an error message stating that you cannot remove the condition because it has already been applied.

For more information, see the documentation Applying Conditions to Applications.

Setting Up Autonumbering

Set up autonumber rules to increment identifying numbers for documents such as permits and invoices. The identifying numbers can include multiple parts, and each part can represent either a sequential number, static text, or a date.

You add, modify, and delete autonumber rules on the Autonumber page.

This example illustrates the Autonumber Details page.

Autonumber Details page

Adding an Autonumber Rule

  1. Select Common Setup > Autonumber.

  2. On the Autonumber page, click Add.

  3. On the Autonumber Details page, enter values for the fields in the Rule Header section:

    Page Element


    Rule Name

    Enter a unique name for the rule. The name can’t include spaces.

    Copy Existing Rule

    Click this link to copy the rule definition from an existing autonumber rule. The copy action copies the number type and the reset frequency as well as the actual rule definition.

    Clicking the link opens a a modal window with a list of existing autonumber definitions. Locate the definition you want to copy, then click the Select button for that definition


    Enter a description for the autonumber rule.

    Maximum Size

    Indicate the maximum length of the generated number.

    Note: As you set up your autonumber rule, take care that the maximum size of the autonumber accommodates the maximum length of each part of the identifier plus any separators that you define.

    Number Type

    Select the type of object that uses this autonumber rule. When you choose an autonumber rule for an object, only rules with the appropriate type are available.

    These are the available number types:

    • Business entity

    • Business license

    • Case

    • Cashier session

      Note: If you select this number type, make sure that the rule uses only Sequential part types.
    • Code inspection

    • Deposit slip

    • Incident

    • Inspection

    • Invoice

    • Permit

    • Planning application

    • Project

    • Receipt

    Note: You can’t change the number type for a rule that is already in use.

    Reset Sequential Number

    The identifier that an autonumber rule generates can include a mix of static text, a date, and a sequential number. Select how often the sequential number portion of the identifier is reset to zero:

    • Calendar month: The sequential number resets to zero at the beginning of each month.

    • Calendar year: The sequential number resets to zero on January 1 of each year.

    • Fiscal year: The sequential number portion resets to zero on the first day of your fiscal year. When you select this option, the Fiscal Year End Month field appears.

    • None: Sequential numbers continue to increment as defined without resetting.

    Fiscal Year End Month

    If you reset the sequential number portion of the identifier on the first day of the fiscal year, select the month when your fiscal year ends. For example, if your fiscal year end month is June, then the sequential number resets to zero on July 1 of each year.

  4. In the Rule Definition section of the page, enter the number of parts, or segments, for the rule:

    Page Element


    Number of Parts

    Select the number of parts, or segments, comprising the rule, up to 5 parts. Segments can be static text, a date, or a sequential number.

    For example, the identifier IVC-0000010067-OCT10 is made of 3 segments (static text, then a sequential number, then a date) separated by hyphens. The identifier INVOICE_001 is made of 2 segments (static text and a sequential number) separated by an underscore.

    When you select the number of parts, the corresponding number of rows appear in the rule definition grid. For example, if there are two parts, then rows labeled Part 1 and Part 2 appear.

  5. In the rule definition grid, select the part type for each row, then enter the related information in the additional fields that appear.

    Part Type

    Related Information

    Static Text

    In the unlabeled field that appears next to the part type, enter text that remains the same for all identifiers. For example, enter IVC or INVOICE.

    Note: Do not include spaces in the static text.

    Cashier session IDs must be numeric, so don't include any static text in an autonumber definition with the Cashier Session number type.


    1. In the unlabeled field that appears next to the part type, enter the next document number to use. The number must be 1 or greater. The system increases this number by one each time a new identifier is generated and saved.

    2. In the Maximum Length field, Enter the maximum number of digits for the sequential number. Select a number from one to ten.

    3. Select the Zero Padding check box to add zeros before the generated number to make up the number of digits in the definition. For example, if the maximum length of this part is 5 digits, and the current number is 15, zero padding formats this part as 00015.


    In the unlabeled field that appears next to the part type, select the date format.

    Note: Don't include dates for Cashier Session autonumbers, which must be numeric only.

    The available date formats are made of these date codes in various combination:

    • Years: YYYY represents the year with its full four digits, and YY represents the year by its last two digits.

    • Month Numbers: MM represents the month as a two-digit number.

    • Month Abbreviations: MMM represents the month as a three-character abbreviation in English, such as JAN for January. The values are not translated into the user’s session language. Formats that include MMM are available only if the agency’s language is English.

    • Days: DD represents days as two-digit numbers. This is the only option for days.

    • Quarters: Q represents quarters. For example, the code for the first quarter of the year is 1.

    If you select Fiscal year in the Reset Sequential Number field, all numeric months, years, and quarters are counted from the beginning of the fiscal year. For example, if the Fiscal Year End Month is June, then:

    • The MM value for June is 12, for July is 01, and so forth.

    • The YYYY value is the calendar year when the fiscal year ends. In the year 2025, January-June are part of the 2024-2025 fiscal year, so YYYY is 2025 during those months. But July-December of 2025 are part of the 2025-2026 fiscal year, so YYYY is 2026 during those months.

    • The Q value for April through June is 4, for July through September is 1, and so forth.

  6. In the rule grid, select a Separator to appear after each part except the last.

    Select from the following separators:

    • (None)

    • - (hyphen)

    • / (forward slash)

    • * (asterisk)

  7. Verify the generated number for the selected date format and separators in the Next Number Preview field.

  8. Click Save.

    An error appears if the overall maximum size of the autonumber doesn’t accommodate the maximum lengths of all of the parts and separators that you define.

Modifying an Autonumber Rule

  1. Select Common Setup > Autonumber.

  2. On the Autonumber page, click the row you want to modify.

  3. Update the rule header and rule definition fields on the Autonumber Details page.

  4. Click Save.

Deleting an Autonumber Rule

Note: You can’t delete autonumber rules that are already in use.
  1. Select Common Setup > Autonumber.

  2. Click the row you want to modify.

  3. On the Autonumber Details page, click Delete.

Setting Up Code Types

Code types are specific published codes, guidelines, ordinances, and so forth. Examples might include the International Building Code, published by the International Code Council (ICC), and the National Fire Code, published by the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA).

Note: Code types are not currently used in the public sector application.

You add, modify, and delete code types on the Code Type page.

Adding a Code Type

  1. Select Common Setup > Code Type.

  2. On the Code Type page, click Add.

  3. On the Code Type Detail page, enter values for the following fields:

    Page Element


    Code Type ID

    Enter a unique code type ID for a specific code type. For example, enter IFC for International Fire Code.


    Enter the complete name of the code type.


    Enter a description of the code type.

  4. Click Save.

Modifying a Code Type

  1. Select Common Setup > Code Type.

  2. Click a row on the Code Type page.

  3. On the Code Type Detail page you can update the code name and description.

  4. Click Save.

Deleting Code Types

  1. Select Common Setup > Code Type.

  2. To view a definition before deleting it, click the row to be deleted, then click the Delete button on the Code Type Details page.

  3. To delete one or more definitions without viewing details:

    1. Click Edit.

    2. Select the check boxes next to the definitions that you want to delete.

    3. Click Delete.

      You will be prompted to confirm the permanent deletion.

Setting Up Code References

Code references provide detailed specifications that come from a broad range of codes, guidelines, ordinances, and so forth. Even if the source document does not use the word “code,” use the Code References pages to enter the information into the system. A code reference maps to a specific section in the source document.

Note: The code references described in this topic are not currently used in the public sector application. To set up code references for code enforcement, see Setting Up Code References for Code Enforcement.

You add, modify, and delete code references on the Code Reference page.

This example illustrates the Code Reference Details page.

Code Reference Details page


Before you set up code references, you must define:

  • Code types, which represent specific published documents that contain codes, guidelines, and so forth.

    See Setting Up Code Types.

  • Standard types, which describe the different fields or disciplines that codes relate to. Examples might include fire safety or electrical systems.

    Set up standards types by defining values for the ORA_PSC_CC_STD_CODE_TYPE lookup type. Define these values on the Lookup Type pages. See Setting Up Lookups.

Adding a Code Reference

  1. Select Common Setup > Code Reference.

  2. On the Code Reference page, click Add.

  3. On the Code Reference Detail page, enter values for the following fields:

    Page Element


    Standard Type

    Select the type of standard that the code falls under. Standard types represents fields or disciplines such as Materials, Engineering, or Installation.

    Standard Name

    Enter the title of the section that contains this code reference. This title comes from the source document.

    Code Section

    Enter the section number for this code reference. The number uniquely identifies this reference within the source document.

    Effective Start Date and Effective End Date

    Enter the official effective start date of the code reference, and optionally enter an end date.

    Code Type

    Select a code type from the values that you defined on the Code Type page. The code type identifies the source document.

    See Setting Up Code Types


    Enter a description of the reference.


    Enter a URL link to the source document.


    Enter detailed content copied from the source document.

  4. Click Save.

Modifying a Code Reference

  1. Select Common Setup > Code Reference.

  2. Click a row on the Code Reference page.

  3. On the Code Reference Detail page, make any necessary changes.

  4. Click Save.

Deleting a Code Reference

  1. Select Common Setup > Code Reference.

  2. Click a row on the Code Reference page.

  3. On the Code Reference Detail page, click Delete.

    You will be prompted to confirm the permanent deletion.

Setting Up Contact Types

A contact type describes the role or position of a contact person for an application. Contact types are used only for application contacts, not for profile contacts.

Permit Access for Contacts

For permits, the contact type you assign to a contact determines whether the contact has access to the permit. When you set up contact types, you choose whether they have permit access. For example, you might enable access for contractors and homeowners, but not for lawyers.

For a given permit, if a contact’s contact type allows permit access and the contact email matches the account email for a registered user, then that registered user can access the permit after the application is submitted. To access the permit, the contact searches for it using the search field in the global banner. The permit is not listed in the contact’s own list of applications.

With permit access, the contact can do the following:
  • View complete applicant information, including information that is hidden from the general public.
  • View plan review data.

  • View contractor data.

  • View permit attachments at all times, and add attachments until the permit is closed.

  • View comments, including permit, plan review, inspection, and workflow comments.

  • View inspections and inspection checklists.

  • View fee information.

  • View communications that are visible to the applicant.
  • Schedule inspections

  • Print the permit, and print payment receipts.

There are, however, things that the contact can’t do, including:

  • View application details.

  • Make payments, or make payment cart changes related to the permit.

  • Access web forms and web form attachments.
  • Make changes to the list of related transactions.

Adding a Contact Type

  1. Select Common Setup > Contact Type.

  2. On the Contact Type page, click Add.

  3. On the Contact Type Detail page, enter values for the following fields:

    Page Element


    Contact Type

    Enter the type of contact, such as Business Owner, Individual, or Emergency Contact.


    Enter a description of the contact type.

    Permit Access Enabled

    Indicates whether permit contacts with this contact type are granted access to the permit. To access the permit, the contact must be a registered user, and the contact email must match the account email.

  4. Verify that the Enabled switch is turned on.

    The switch is on by default for a new contact type.

  5. Click Save.

Modifying a Contact Type

  1. Select Common Setup > Contact Type.

  2. Click a row on the Contact Type page.

  3. Make the desired changes on the Contact Type Detail page.

  4. Click Save.

Deleting Contact Types

  1. Select Common Setup > Contact Type.

  2. To view a definition before deleting it, click the row to be deleted, then click the Delete button on the Contact Type Details page.

  3. To delete one or more definitions without viewing details:

    1. Click Edit.

    2. Select the check boxes next to the definitions that you want to delete.

    3. Click Delete.

      You will be prompted to confirm the permanent deletion.

Setting Up Project Types

A project type describes the kind of project that an agency staff can select at the time of creating a project. You add new project types based on the nature of the project you are adding. Selection of a project type is mandatory while creating a new project, so, a minimum of one project type is required to be set up.

You add, modify, and delete project types on the Project Type page.

Adding a Project Type

  1. Select Common Setup > Project Type.

  2. On the Project Type page, click Add.

  3. On the Project Type Detail page, enter values for the following fields:

    Page Element


    Project Type

    Enter the type of project, such as Commercial Project or Residential Project.

    Rule ID

    Select a rule ID. Rule ID is an autonumbering sequence that you set up for a particular project type. When you are creating a project with a certain project type, a project ID is generated based on the sequence defined for the project type.

    Rule IDs are created using the Autonumber page. For more information, see Setting Up Autonumbering.


    Enter a description of the project type.

    Long Description

    Enter a detailed description of the project type.

    Document Group

    Select a document group to allow your users to organize the various categories of attachment files into a grouping.

    See Setting Up Document Categories and Subcategories and Setting Up Document Groups.

  4. Verify that the Enabled switch is turned on. The switch is turned On by default for a new project type.

  5. Click Save.

Modifying a Project Type

  1. Select Common Setup > Project Type

  2. Click a row on the Project Type page.

  3. On the Project Type Detail page you can:

    • Update the rule ID, description, and long description.

    • Turn off the Enabled switch to deactivate the project type.

  4. Click Save.

Deleting a Project Type

  1. Select Common Setup > Project Type

  2. To view a definition before deleting it, click the row to be deleted, then click the Delete button on the Project Type Details page.

  3. To delete one or more definitions without viewing details:

    1. Click Edit on the Project Type page.

    2. Select the check boxes next to the definitions that you want to delete.

    3. Click Delete. You will be prompted to confirm the permanent deletion.

Note: You can delete a project type only if it is not used by any project. When you attempt to delete a project type that is used by a project, the Public Sector Cloud Service displays a message that you cannot delete the project type as it is already in use by a project.

Setting Up Lookups

This topic describes how to add and change values that appear in lookup lists. Lookup lists are referenced by various fields in the application that display a static set of values from which the end user can select a value.

Lookup Types and Lookup Values Overview

Lookup types in applications are used to represent a set of codes and their translated meanings. To the end users, a lookup type displays a list of values from which they select values.

You use the Lookup Types page to access lookup types, and you use the Lookup Type Details page to modify lookup types, add lookup values, and add lookup types, where authorized.

When working with lookups, you deal with lookup types and lookup values.

Lookup Element


Lookup Type

A lookup type is a static list of values users view to make entries in the application. The application references a lookup type to display its list of values.

Lookup Value

A lookup value is a single item contained within a lookup type. For example, Paid is a lookup value for the Fee Status lookup type. Lookup types typically contain numerous lookup values.

Lookup types are delivered as seed data for your service. You can only modify selected lookup types, such as Business Type, UOM Type, Standard Code Type, and so on. Most lookup types are read-only.

Modifying Lookup Types

Lookup types can be associated with lookup lists on:

  • Pages in your offering.

  • Predefined field groups added to intake forms.

  • User-defined fields added to intake forms.

Note: Lookup lists created for user-defined fields in an intake form can only be viewed from the Lookup Type page after the form has been published. Managing lookup lists for user-defined fields should be completed only within the Intake Form Designer.

This example illustrates the Lookup Type page. Details are in the surrounding text.

Lookup Type page

To modify a lookup type:

  1. Select Common Setup > Lookups.

  2. On the Lookup Types page use the Search box to filter the lookup types by keyword.

    For example, to view the Business Type lookup type, enter business in the Search box.

  3. Click on the row for the lookup type you want to view.

  4. View the contents of the Lookup Type Details page.

    Page Element


    Lookup Type

    Identifies the lookup type within the application.


    Identifies the application that uses the lookup type. For example, Permits, Common Components, and so on.


    The actual UI display name used to represent the list of values contained in the lookup type.

    Configuration Level

    Indicates at what level the lookup can be modified. Options are:

    • System: Only Oracle development teams can modify lookup types at this configuration level.

    • Extension: Customers can perform minimal tasks, such as add lookup values.

    • User: Customers can add lookup values, delete lookup values, update the meaning, and update the description.


    The internal application module using the lookup type, such as Billing Entry, Billing Setup, and so on.


    Identifies the purpose and use of the lookup type.

  5. If you need to add lookup values, refer to the following section for steps for that task.

  6. Click Cancel to close the lookup type, or click Save if you made any changes.

Adding Lookup Values

This example illustrated the Lookup Value Details page. Details are in the surrounding text.

Lookup Value Details page

You can add lookup values to lookup types with a configuration level set to User or Extension.

To add lookup values:

  1. Select Common Setup > Lookups.

  2. On the Lookup Types page use the Search box to filter the lookup types by keyword.

    For example, to view the Business Type lookup type, enter business in the Search box.

  3. Click on the row for the lookup type you want to view.

  4. On the Lookup Type Details page, click Add under Lookup Value Type.

  5. On the Lookup Value Details page, enter these values:

    Page Element


    Lookup Code

    An internal application code for each lookup value that is not visible to users. It is typically a shorter, less user-friendly representation of the item. For example, ORA_DRIVER_LIC for State Driver’s License, or LEN for Length, if listing units of measurement.

    Note: Lookup lists created in the designer for user-defined fields on an intake form begin with PSC.

    Display Sequence

    Control in what sequence the lookup value appears in the list displayed to users, where 2 appears above 3. If you do not specify a sequence, the application displays the items in the order they were entered.


    Turn on to make a lookup value active. If a lookup value is not enabled, then the application does not display it to the end user in the list of values for that lookup type.

    Note: It is not recommended to disable lookup values once your implementation is in production because this can invalidate existing transaction data.

    Start Date

    Set a start date for the lookup value to become active. Even if the lookup value is enabled, if a start date is set, the application does not display the lookup value until the start date is reached.

    End Date

    Set an end date for a lookup value to no longer be displayed in a list of values.


    The display name for the lookup value. End users see this value in the list of values displayed at run time. They do not see the Lookup Code value.


    Provide any additional information to help identify the purpose of the lookup value or clarification regarding what it represents.


    Tags allow you to add a label to your lookup codes. A tag can be used to categorize lookups based on facilitating searches or guiding how a lookup should be used.

  6. Click Save.

Working with Configuration Levels

The configuration level attribute determines who can modify a lookup type and what can be modified. The configuration levels are:

  • System: Only Oracle development teams can modify lookup types at this configuration level.

  • Extension: Customers can perform minimal tasks, such as add lookup values.

  • User: Customers can add lookup values, delete lookup values, update the meaning, and update the description.





Add a lookup type




Delete a lookup type




Modify lookup type meaning




Modify lookup type description




Add lookup values




Delete lookup values

Yes (if you created it)

Yes (if you created it)


Modify lookup value attributes

Yes (except for Lookup Code)

Yes (if you created it, and except for Lookup Code)


Note: You can add values to lists defined in the designer for user-defined fields. Values entered through the Lookup Type page become available at runtime as soon as they are saved. Values added to lookup lists through the Intake Form Designer display at runtime only after the intake form is published.

Adding Lookup Types

To add a lookup type:

  1. Select Common Setup > Lookups.

  2. On the Lookup Types page click Add for the Lookup Type grid.

  3. On the Lookup Type Details page, enter these values:

    • Lookup Type (The value you enter must be uppercase and can’t begin with the prefix ORA_, which is used to distinguish your custom lookup types from delivered lookup types.)

    • Meaning

    • Module

    • Description

  4. Click Add for the Lookup Value grid for each lookup value you need to add to the lookup type.

  5. Click Save.

Setting Up Units of Measure

Units of measure are used to express measurements such as quantity or duration. Each unit of measure must have a unit type such as Length, Area, or Time.

You add, modify, and delete units of measure on the Unit of Measure page.

Adding a Unit of Measure

  1. Select Common Setup > UOM.

  2. On the Unit of Measure page, click Add.

  3. On the Unit of Measure Details page, enter values for the following fields:

    Page Element


    Unit of Measure

    Enter a unique unit of measure ID.


    Enter a description of the unit of measure.

    Unit Type

    Select the type of measurement. The delivered unit types are Area, Length, Time, and Volume.

    You can define additional values on the Lookup Type Details page. Add new values to the ORA_PSC_CC_UOM_TYPE lookup type.

    ISO Code

    Enter the ISO unit of measure code.

  4. Click Save.

Modifying a Unit of Measure

  1. Select Common Setup > UOM.

  2. Click a row on the Unit of Measure page.

  3. On the Unit of Measure Details page, make the necessary modifications.

  4. Click Save.

Deleting Units of Measure

  1. Select Common Setup > UOM.

  2. To view a definition before deleting it, click the row to be deleted, then click the Delete button on the Unit of Measure Details page.

  3. To delete one or more definitions without viewing details:

    1. Click Edit.

    2. Select the check boxes next to the definitions that you want to delete.

    3. Click Delete.

      You will be prompted to confirm the permanent deletion.

Setting Up Unit of Measure Conversions

A unit of measure (UOM) conversion definition specifies the factor for converting a unit of measure to an equivalent amount of a different unit of measure.

You add, modify, and delete unit of measure conversions on the UOM Conversion page.

Adding a UOM Conversion

  1. Select Common Setup > UOM Conversion.

  2. On the UOM Conversion page, click Add.

  3. On the UOM Conversion Detail page, enter values for the following fields:

    Page Element



    Select the unit of measure that is the starting unit for the conversion.

    UOM To

    Enter the target unit of measure. This unit of measure must be the same type as the original unit of measure. For example, you can convert a unit of length to another unit of length, but you can’t convert a unit of length to a unit of weight.

    Conversion Rate

    Enter the conversion factor used to convert the original unit of measure to the target unit of measure. For example, to convert minutes to hours, enter a conversion rate of 60.

  4. Verify that the Enabled switch is turned on.

    The switch is on by default for a new UOM conversion.

  5. Click Save.

Modifying a UOM Conversion

  1. Select Common Setup > UOM Conversion.

  2. Click a row on the UOM Conversion page.

  3. On the UOM Conversion Detail page you can:

    • Update the UOM conversion field values.

    • Disable the UOM conversion by turning the Enabled switch off.

  4. Click Save.

Deleting UOM Conversions

  1. Select Common Setup > UOM Conversion.

  2. To view a definition before deleting it, click the row to be deleted, then click the Delete button on the Unit of Measure Conversion Details page.

  3. To delete one or more definitions without viewing details:

    1. Click Edit.

    2. Select the check boxes next to the definitions that you want to delete.

    3. Click Delete.

      You will be prompted to confirm the permanent deletion.

Setting Up Data Format Exchange Maps

The Data Format Exchange utility is a data-mapping utility that enables you to map fields between source and target locations.

Note: This utility is useful in situations where data must be exported from or imported to Public Sector Compliance and Regulation. Currently, this utility is only used by the Export Journals to ERP process.

Business analysts create and modify Data Format Exchange maps on the Data Format Exchange page.

Adding a Data Format Exchange Map

  1. Select Common Setup > Data Format Exchange.

  2. On the Data Format Exchange page, click Add.

  3. For the Definition step, enter values for the following fields:

    Page Element


    Mapping Name and Description

    Enter a name and description for the data mapping.

    Source Type

    Select the type of source format to be included in the data mapping.

    Note: Currently, VO is the only valid value for this field.

    Target Type

    Select the type of target format to be included in the data mapping.

    Note: Currently, CSV is the only valid value for this field.


    Turn this switch on to make the data mapping available to select in the Mapping Name field on the Export Journals to ERP page. For more information on exporting journals, see Exporting Journal Entries.

  4. Click Next.

  5. For the Source step, enter values for the following fields:

    Page Element


    Source Name

    Selects the source view to be included in the data mapping, such as Journals to Export.

  6. Click Next.

  7. For the Target step, click Upload to select a file that will be updated with the results of the field mapping.

  8. Click Next.

  9. For the Mapping step, enter values for the following fields:

    Page Element


    Target Field

    Displays each field in the target format.

    Source Field

    Select the source field that you want to map to each target field.


    Select an option to modify the value for the target field.

    Note: Currently, Constant is the only valid value for this field.

    Transform Parameter

    Specify the parameter used to determine the value for the target field. For example, if the target field is Effective Date and the Transform value is Constant, the Transform Parameter might be 01/01/2018.

  10. Click Submit to save the Data Format Exchange map.

    Note: At any point during the process, you can click Previous to go back one step. You can also click Cancel to exit the data mapping setup process and discard your changes.

Modifying a Data Format Exchange Map

  1. Select Common Setup > Data Format Exchange.

  2. Select a mapping on the Data Format Exchange page.

  3. For the Definition step, you can enable or disable the data mapping.

  4. Click Next.

  5. You can’t update any fields in the Source step.

  6. Click Next.

  7. For the Target step, you can click the file link to download a copy of the file.

  8. Click Next.

  9. For the Mapping step, you can update the values of the Source Field, Transform, and Transform Parameter fields.

  10. Click Submit to save your changes to the Data Format Exchange map.

    Note: At any point during the process, you can click Previous to go back one step. You can also click Cancel to exit the data mapping update process and discard your changes.