5Managing Inspections

Overview of Mobile Oracle Municipal Code Officer

Use the Oracle Municipal Code Officer mobile application to manage a variety of code enforcement inspections on a daily basis.

Oracle Municipal Code Officer provides government field staff the ability to enforce code compliance using productivity tools to perform and report on inspections from a mobile device. Before you begin, you must download the Oracle Municipal Code Officer application for your mobile device from the iOS App Store for Apple iOS devices or Google Play for Android devices. For information about installing the application and configuring the agency’s host URL, see Installing and Configuring Oracle Municipal Code Officer.

Note: Agency administrators must explicitly grant mobile application access to the necessary agency user roles before you can install and configure Oracle Municipal Code Officer. For more agency setup information, see Setting Up Users for Oracle Mobile Applications.

Viewing the Worklist

As a code enforcement officer, you start on the Worklist page when you log into Oracle Municipal Code Officer. On the Worklist page, you can:

  • View the inspection job list. Inspections are categorized in tabs and each listed with a count of inspections: All inspections, ready inspections, inspections for the current day, next day, first, current week, overdue, re-inspections, and completed inspections.

    Note: Ready inspections tab lists: (a) Inspection jobs for the incidents that are ready for their initial inspection.(b) Inspection jobs for the cases that have crossed the compliance date.Ready inspections are listed with a Green icon to indicate that they are ready for inspection.
  • Sort the inspections by due date, scheduled date, issue subtype, priority, and address of the location under inspection.

  • View the status of the incident.

  • View the inspections in a map view.

  • Record a new violation.

  • Reschedule inspections.

  • Add attachments and comments.

  • View details of the inspection job.

Note: You can access the Attachments, Comments, Reschedule, and View Details options by swiping to the left on an inspection item or by selecting the Action menu on the inspection item.

Opening the Map View

Use the map icon on the Worklist page to open a map view and view the locations of the scheduled inspections.

The above interactive map allows you to view the details of an inspection by clicking an inspection location, which is represented as a red dot. A modal window shows the details of the inspection such as the status and the location address. Click the View More Details icon to access the Inspection page and view the complete detail of the selected inspection.

You can select the List View button to return to the list view of your inspections.

Working with Inspection Details

Access the Inspection page by selecting an inspection item on the Worklist page. On the Inspection page you view the code enforcement inspection details:

  • Inspection count (configured by the administrator on the Inspection Count page).

  • Inspection identifier.

  • Status.

  • Location.

  • Description.

  • Inspection due date.

  • Compliance date.

  • List of code violations and their corrective actions.

  • List of all previous inspections.

On the Inspection page you can initiate actions such as:

Page Element


New Violation

Select the option from the Action menu to report a new violation. See the Reporting a New Violation section for more details.

Result Inspection

Select to list the result options to choose from. Examples include In Compliance, Remains in Violation among others. The options available are based on the status of the incident. See the Submitting Inspection Results section for more details.


Select to open the Attachments page to view a list of attachments related to the inspection. You can add a new attachment by selecting the Add button.


Select to open the Comments page to view a list of comments related to the inspection. You can include an existing comment from standard comments or add a new comment by selecting the Add Comment button.

You can also access the New Violation option from the Worklist page by selecting the Action menu available at the top. To access the Attachments, Comments, and Reschedule options for an inspection on the Worklist page, swipe the screen to the left on the inspection row or simply select the Action menu.

Reporting a New Violation

Code enforcement officers such as an inspector can directly report new violations, which are not part of any assigned incident or case.

To report a new violation, complete the new violation form and submit:

  1. On the Worklist page click the Action menu and select New Violation.

    You can also access the New Violation button from the Action menu on the Inspection page.

  2. Select the type and subtype of the issue you want to report.

  3. Use the map page to locate the property for which you are reporting the violation.

  4. Enter a description of the issue. You can also attach a photo, video, or an audio file as reference.

  5. Enter any additional information, if present.

  6. In the Code Violations section, click Add to open the Select Codes page and include one or more code violations from a list of current or other violations. The related corrective actions are automatically added to the form. You can modify the descriptions for violations and corrective actions using Rich Text formatting actions, and save. To delete a violation record and its related corrective action, click the Delete icon.

  7. Select one or more code violations from a list of current or other violations.

  8. Review the details and submit the form.

Note: The fields on the new violation reporting form are configured by the agency administrator.

Rescheduling an Inspection

You reschedule an inspection assigned to you using the Reschedule page. To reschedule an inspection:

  1. On the Worklist page click the Action menu on the inspection you want to reschedule.

    You can also swipe the screen to the left on the inspection item.

  2. Select Reschedule.

  3. The Reschedule page displays the due date and the current schedule date of the inspection. Click Next Schedule Date and select one of the available dates that show in the calendar.

  4. Click Submit.

Submitting Inspection Results

Code enforcement inspectors submit results after inspecting the location related to the incident or case. To submit the result of an inspection:

  1. Select the inspection you want to submit from the Worklist page.

  2. On the Inspection page click Result Inspection.

  3. Select the desired option from the available list of results.

  4. On the result page include comments or attachments, as needed. The fields displayed on the result page are determined by the result option you have selected.

  5. Click Submit.

The result options you see are determined by the status of the selected incident or case. The following tables list the various status-based outcomes that are available for the submission of inspection result:

Statuses and result options available for an incident:

Status at the time of inspection

Result of the inspection


In compliance: The status of the incident changes to Compliance and the inspection is closed.

Violation: A case is created with a status of Violation and a re-inspection is scheduled, which must be updated by the code enforcement officer.

Referral: The status of the incident changes to Referral and the inspection is closed. The referral body that is configured on the Referral Body page is used for the referral incident.

Closed: The inspection and the incident are closed.

Statuses and result options available for a case:

Status at the time of inspection



In compliance: The status of the case changes to Compliance and the inspection is closed.

Remains in Violation:

  • The status of the case and the compliance date remain unchanged.

  • A notice is created, which must be updated by the code enforcement officer before printing it.

Issue Citation:

  • The status of the case changes to Citation and the inspection is closed.

  • The compliance date is extended.

  • A notice is created, which must be updated by the code enforcement officer before printing it.

  • A re-inspection is scheduled, which must be updated by the code enforcement officer.


  • The status of the case remains unchanged and the inspection is closed.

  • The compliance date is extended, based on the time rules set up.

Mandatory Abatement:

  • The status of the case changes to Mandatory Abatement and the inspection is closed.

  • The compliance date remains unchanged.

  • The code technician schedules an inspection.


In Compliance: The status of the case changes to Compliance and the inspection is closed.

Remains in Citation: The status of the case and the compliance date remain unchanged.

Issue Citation:

  • The status of the case remains unchanged and the inspection is closed.

  • The compliance date is extended, based on the time rules set up.

  • A notice is created, which must be updated by the code enforcement officer before printing it.

  • A re-inspection is scheduled, which must be updated by the code enforcement officer.

Mandatory Abatement:

  • The status of the case changes to Mandatory Abatement and the inspection is closed.

  • The compliance date remains unchanged.

  • The code technician schedules an inspection.


  • The status of the case remains unchanged and the inspection is closed.

  • The compliance date is extended, based on the time rules set up.

Mandatory Abatement

Abatement Complete: The status of the case remains unchanged and the inspection is closed. The code technician should update the case status and schedule an inspection.

Abatement Incomplete: The status of the case remains unchanged and the inspection is closed. The code technician should update the case status and schedule an inspection.

Installing and Configuring Oracle Municipal Code Officer

You must install and configure the Oracle Municipal Code Officer to use the mobile inspections application in the field.

Oracle Public Sector Compliance and Regulation Code Enforcement provides a mobile inspections application for agency staff to download and install on their mobile devices. The Oracle Municipal Code Officer mobile application is not intended for use by the public. Although the Oracle Municipal Code Officer mobile application is intended mainly for phones, you can download the application to other mobile devices, such as tablets.

Before You Begin

Before you begin installing and configuring the Oracle Municipal Code Officer mobile application, you must have:

  • An agency staff profile

    Make sure that you have an agency staff profile to log into the mobile application. Because the application package configuration is secure, you must enter your login credentials before the environment begins to download. Agency administrators set up the agency staff profiles.

  • Appropriate security

    Agency administrators must explicitly grant mobile application access to you. Use the Mobile Application Activation link that you have received from your administrator to access the application. The only role that has access to the mobile application is the code enforcement officer.

For more information for agency system administrators setting up profiles and security, see Setting Up Users for Oracle Mobile Applications.

Installing Oracle Municipal Code Officer

You must install the Oracle Municipal Code Officer mobile application on your mobile device from the iOS App Store for Apple iOS devices or Google Play for Android devices. Follow the instructions for installing Oracle Municipal Code Officer provided by the application store.

Configuring the Oracle Municipal Code Officer Environment

To configure Oracle Municipal Code Officer:

  1. On your mobile device, access the email that you have received from your administrator and click the Mobile Application Activation link.

  2. Click the Agree button on the End User License Agreement page the first time you open Oracle Municipal Code Officer or when you reinstall the mobile application.

    You must agree to proceed to the next step.

  3. The confirmation page appears with the Application Host URL automatically populated. Click the Get Started button.

  4. As the application package configuration is secure, you must enter your login credentials before the environment begins to download. Enter your user ID and password.

  5. Select the Save user ID check box, if desired. The next time you return after logging out, you don’t have to reenter your user ID.

  6. After your login credentials are successfully authenticated, the setup page appears with a progress bar displaying the progress of the package download.

  7. After installation completes, the application home page – Worklist – appears for the current day.

For more information about inspection tasks in Oracle Municipal Code Officer, see Overview of Mobile Oracle Municipal Code Officer.

Using the Code Officer Worklist

The code officer worklist provides a central location for managing code enforcement inspection tasks on a laptop or desktop computer. Various tabs list inspection records based on where they are in their lifecycle, and action menus provide quick access to the tasks that can be performed at each stage.

Tip: As code officers, you can access your inspections on a phone as well as on a laptop or desktop computer. The layout changes based on the device you’re using. For detailed information about mobile inspections, see Overview of Mobile Oracle Municipal Code Officer.

Access the code officer worklist by clicking the Code Officer Worklist tile on the agency springboard.

The code officer worklist has the following tabs:



Available Actions

Additional Information


List of all inspections assigned to the officer.

Detail page shows the inspection information and provides access to comments and attachments.

Inspections that are listed with a Green icon signify that they are ready for inspection.

List page:

  • Attachments

  • Comments

  • Reschedule

  • Cancel

  • View Details

Detail page:

  • Update Result

  • Reschedule

For details about result options, see the section Submitting Inspection Results in Overview of Mobile Oracle Municipal Code Officer.


List of all inspections that are due on the current date.

Detail page shows the inspection information and provides access to comments and attachments.

Same as listed above.


List of Inspections related to incidents and cases that have passed their compliance date.

Same as above.

First Inspections

List of all new inspections.

Detail page shows the inspection information and provides access to comments, attachments, and applicable code violations.

Same as listed above.

You can edit the code violations and their corrective actions using the Edit icon. For information about code violations, see Working with Code Violations.


List of reinspections. These are the follow-up inspections after the first inspection is complete with a result.

Detail page shows the inspection information and provides access to comments, attachments, and applicable code violations.

Same as listed above.

You can edit the code violations and their corrective actions using the Edit icon.

This Week

List of all inspections that are due in the current week.

Detail page shows the inspection information and provides access to comments, attachments, and applicable code violations.

Same as listed above.

You can edit the code violations and their corrective actions using the Edit icon.


List of inspections from cases that have passed their inspection due date.

Detail page shows the inspection information and provides access to comments, attachments, and applicable code violations.

Same as listed above.

You can edit the code violations and their corrective actions using the Edit icon.

Completed Inspections

List of all inspections with status as Completed.

Detail page shows the inspection information and provides access to comments, attachments, and applicable code violations.


You can edit the code violations and their corrective actions using the Edit icon.

Assigned Cases

List of all the cases assigned to the officer for inspections.

Detail pages show the complete details of the case.

List page: Create Case

For information about case details, see Processing Cases.