Viewing Inspection Results

The inspector performs an inspection by assessing whether building requirements for the permit have been met. This topic discusses how results are calculated when using automatic calculation.

The inspector evaluates a building site for adherence to codes and regulations required for a permit. The agency can setup up inspections to use manual scoring or automatic score calculation with the bottom up scoring method. Scoring bottom to top indicates that the inspector starts with a zero score and adds points for each criterion that is met. The higher the score, the better the results.

A permit might require one or more inspections, each inspection might have one or more checklists, and each checklist might have checklist items or not, depending on the inspection configuration. The inspector performs an inspection by assessing the checklist items, if any, then checklists, and up to the inspection level. The evaluation results that the inspector enters are rolled up to the next level until final inspection results are calculated.

At the end of an inspection, comments and the final assessment determined during the inspection are displayed in the permit details for the agency staff and the permit applicant, on a desktop or laptop. Review these permit pages:

  • Overview page

  • Inspection List page

  • Inspection Detail page

You can both submit and review inspection results for your inspections on your mobile device in Oracle Inspector. For more information, see Submitting Inspection Results.

Inspection evaluation elements on inspection pages in Oracle Public Sector Permits

Page Element



View the final result of the inspection based on the passing rule defined by your agency. If scoring is used, the result appears after you complete the inspection checklists and submit a complete inspection with required signatures. If scoring is not used, the result displayed is the result you enter manually.


View the inspection rating, which is based on the range of scores defined by the agency.


View the inspection score, if scoring is used, as defined on the inspection type by the agency. The score is calculated from your entries for the checklist items.

Major Violation

Identify the number of major violations on the inspection.

This example illustrates the Inspection Detail page containing the field values for inspection results described in the preceding table.

Example of inspection evaluation elements on the Inspection List page in the permit details

For more information about the pages used to set up the inspection evaluation calculations, see the Implementing Licensing and Permitting guide.