Managing Business Information

You find business detail pages in a collection that consolidates all aspects of a business, such as owners, locations, and licenses.

Business license applicants enter detailed business information during the application intake or consultation process. When the application is submitted as a new business, a new business record is created in the Community Development Business Licenses system as per the entries in the application. The new business record is in provisional status until the agency approves the application and issues a license. Once approved, the business information is updated and the business status changes to active.

For a license application submitted using the business information of an existing business in the system, the associated business record is updated based on the entries in the new application.

The integration between the business record and the license application enables you to view the latest information in the business detail pages. Here’s how you access the business detail pages:

  1. Select the Businesses tile on the Agency Springboard.

    Registered users access the Businesses tile on the landing page.

  2. On the Businesses page, click the row for a business.

  3. Navigate to business information using the links in the left panel.

The business detail pages help you find information about a specific business:

Pages containing details for a business

Page Name



View the core information regarding the selected business with links to more detail.

Business Details

View information such as the legal name of the business, the ownership type, address, federal tax ID, fiscal year end, and other business details.


View a list of owners and corporate officers for the business. Click a person on the list to view detailed information about them.


View a list of the physical locations associated with the business. Click on a location to view detailed information about it.


View a list of licenses associated with the business. On this page you can:

  • Click Apply to initiate another license application for the business. For more information on applying for a business license, see Choosing an Application Type.

  • Drill down on each license to view more information.

  • Amend or renew a business license by clicking the three-dot Action menu and selecting the appropriate action.

    For more information on the Amend and Renew actions, see Managing Business Licenses.

Note: When amendment and renewal transactions include changes to business information, those changes don’t appear on these pages until the transactions are approved.