Managing Business Licenses

When a business license application is approved, a business license record is created. The business license is distinct from the origination activity and from the business entity that holds the license.

Use the Business Licenses page to view summary information about business licenses and to access the details pages for individual licenses.

Registered User View of Business Licenses

Registered pubic users can access a list of their own active business licenses. The list includes the same information as the agency-facing list of business licenses.

To access the list, a registered user clicks the Business Licenses tile on the registered user landing page.

Managing Business Licenses

To manage business licenses:

  1. Select the Business Licenses tile on the agency springboard.

  2. Review the following business license information:

    Columns on the business licenses list.

    Page Element



    Displays the license ID, application type, Active if the license is active, and information about the expiration date. If the license is about to expire, the expiration information additionally includes a warning icon and the number of days remaining until the expiration date.

    License Period

    Displays the period for which the business license was issued and the expiration date for the license. These dates are updated for renewals.

    Business Information

    Displays the business name (the DBA) and the address for the licensed location. This can be different from the name and address of the business itself.

    If the application indicates that the location is outside of the agency’s jurisdiction, no address appears here.


    Displays the description from the origination application, or from the renewal if the license is renewed.

    Applicants optionally enter a description during the application process. Agency staff can add or update descriptions on the Activity Summary page of the origination, renewal, or amendment transaction.


    Displays the total fees and remaining balance for the business license, including the license origination, renewal, and amendment transactions. When all fees are paid, you’ll see Fees Paid next to the amount.

  3. To amend or renew a business license, click the three-dot Action menu and select the appropriate action.

    If no actions are available, clicking the menu displays an explanatory message.

    Business license actions




    Select this action to start the process for amending a business license.

    This action is not available if the license already has a renewal or amendment in progress or if the business license type is not configured to allow amendments.


    Select this action to start the process for renewing a business license. This action is available for licenses that are about to expire (as defined in the expiration rules) unless the license already has a renewal or an amendment in progress.

  4. To access the details for a business license, click the row.