Working with Specialists

You assign and reassign specialists to a business consultation and license application. Access the specialist assignment history on the Activity Summary page of the business license or on the Overview page of the business consultation application.

The list of available specialists is limited to the agency staff that have the Specialist job function, which is defined on the Agency Staff page. The specialist must also be assigned to the specialist Job Function Attribute for Business License Application Types within the Specialist job function. For more information, see Setting Up Agency Staff.

Assigning a Specialist

  1. Select Business License Transactions on the Agency Springboard.

  2. Click the row for a business consultation or license application on the Transactions page.

  3. On the Overview page of the consultation or the Activity Summary page of the license application, click the Assign link in the Specialist field.

    If a specialist has already been assigned, you can click the Reassign link to select a different specialist.

  4. Select the check box for the specialist to assign them to the consultation or license application.

  5. Click Save to save your selection.

Viewing Specialist Assignment History

You can view the specialist assignment history on the Assign Specialist page after one or more assignments have been made.

  1. Select Business License Transactions on the Agency Springboard.

  2. Click the row for a business consultation or license application on the Transactions page.

  3. There are two ways to view the specialist assignment history on the Overview page:

    Elements to view specialist assignment history on the Overview page in the consultation or license application details

    Page Element


    Planner Assignment History icon

    Click the History icon next to the Specialist field to open the Specialist Assignment History page.


    Click the Reassign link next to the Specialist field to open the Assign Specialist page. Click the History tab.

  4. View a list that includes past specialist assignments, the dates they were assigned, and the specialist currently assigned to the consultation or license application, if any.