Viewing Business Information

Agency staff can view and update business information associated with a business license or consultation captured during the application process.

The business information available in the business license activity details provides you with the details of the business, its owners, and the locations of the business all arranged in separate tabs.

  1. Select the Business License Transactions tile on the Agency Springboard.

  2. Click the row for a consultation or business license application on the Transactions page.

  3. On the Activity Summary page, expand the Business Information navigation menu item in the left pane.

  4. Select a tab under Business Information in the left pane to view the page. Here are the pages with business information from the submitted application.

    Business Information pages available in the business license activity detail pages



    Business Details

    View information such as the legal name of the business, the ownership type, address, federal tax ID, fiscal year end, and other business details.

    Agency staff with appropriate permissions can update the business information.

    Owners or Corporate Officers

    View the name and contact information of the business owner or corporate owners, as well as the ownership percentage.

    Agency staff with appropriate permissions can add or update the owner or corporate officer information.


    View information about the business location for the license. In addition to the application status, here’s some of the license information included on the page:

    • Doing Business As (DBA) name and website

    • Physical address and parcel number.

    • Mailing and billing address

    • Phone numbers and emergency contacts at the location

    • Tax IDs and State Equalization Board number

    • Business category, subcategory, and the start date of the business operations.

    Note: Agency staff with appropriate permissions can add or update the location information.