Viewing the Case Detail Overview

You view a summary of the case on the Overview page, where you get a snapshot of the information regarding a case with links to more detail.

When you access the details for a case, you see a summary of the case activity. This information is updated to show the latest activity.

As agency staff, you can use the Overview page to set the status of the case, assign inspectors and technicians to the case, indicate that the case is ready for early inspection, update the issue description, and change the priority of the case.

Using the Overview Page

  1. Select the Code Technician Worklist tile on the Agency Springboard and select the Cases tab.

    Alternatively, you can select the Cases tile on the Agency Springboard

  2. On the Cases page, click View More Details for the case row you want to access.

  3. On the Overview page, review details or enter the following information in the Overview section:

    Page Element


    Case Status

    Review the case status, which is updated by Workflow.

    To manually change the status of the case, click the Edit link to open the Update Status page, select a new status value, and enter a reason for the change. Click Done. Depending on the status you select, the workflow stages and their tasks are accordingly updated.

    The list of transaction statuses along with each of its associated system status are set up by your administrator. See Setting Up Transaction Statuses.

    Note: The Update Status option is available only if your agency has enabled the Available to Manually Select as New Status option on the Transaction Status page. If the option is disabled, the case status changes are triggered only by the code enforcement workflow.

    Inspector Assigned

    Assign an inspector to the case by using the look-up prompt.

    History icon

    Click the icon to open a modal page that lists all the code officers previously assigned to the case, with the details of the assignment date and time.

    Technician Assigned

    Assign a technician to the case by using the look-up prompt.

    The Assign Technician page lists only the technicians that are associated with the issue type and subtype of this case. Select the Show All Technicians check box to list all the technicians.

    Note: This check box is available to agency staff with appropriate permissions, only when the Autoassignment option is turned on.

    Technicians can claim cases from the code technician worklist. To access the code technician worklist, select Code Technician Worklist on the Agency Springboard and click the Unassigned Cases tab. See Using the Code Technician Worklist.

    Issue Description

    Review the description of the issue. To update the description, click the Edit link to open the Update Issue Description page and change the description text. Click Done.

    High Priority

    Indicates the priority of the case. To update the priority, click the Edit link to open the Update Case Priority page, select the switch, and use the calendar to select a new compliance date. Click Done.

    Compliance Date

    Review the date by which the case must ensure compliance, which is calculated based on the time rules set up by the agency. If there is no compliance date recorded, the page shows the Add button. You can click to open the Compliance Date page and enter the compliance date. Click Done.

    To update the compliance date, click the Edit link to open the Update Compliance Date page, select a new date from the calendar, and enter a reason for the change. Click Done.

    Appeal By

    Indicates the last date by which a user is allowed to submit an appeal for the case.

    An Edit link is available for a supervisor to change the appeal due date. Click the Edit link to open the Update Appeal by Date page, use the calendar to select a new date, and enter a reason for the update. Click Done.

    Note: The Edit link is displayed only after the compliance date is set.

    Reported Date

    Review the date on which the incident was reported.

    <number> days to comply

    Review the number of days left to ensure compliance.

  4. The Responsible Parties section shows the name of the primary responsible party, type of responsible party, and the mailing address. Access Number field displays a unique identifier, which is generated at the time of case creation. The responsible party must provide the access number at the time of requesting access to their case. See Resolving Issues.

  5. In the Inspections section shows the next inspection due date. Turn on the Ready for Inspection switch when the responsible party indicates that the case is ready for an inspection prior to the scheduled inspection date. The inspection status on the Inspections page changes to Scheduled – Ready, and the case is ready for the code officer to inspect.

    Note: This switch is available for edit only when the case has a scheduled inspection for violation or citation, and remains until the compliance date is reached.

    See Using the Code Officer Worklist.

  6. Review important information about the selected case in separate sections on the Overview page. Click the View Details link to navigate to the page. Only those sections that contain data records to show are displayed in the overview page.