Working with Code Enforcement Inspection Details

In the Oracle Municipal Code Officer Mobile application, you view inspection details and initiate actions for performing inspections on the Inspection page.

Access the Inspection page by selecting an inspection item on the Worklist page. On the Inspection page you view the details of the inspection assigned to you:

  • Inspection count (configured by the administrator on the Inspection Count page).

  • Inspection identifier.

  • Status.

  • Location.

  • Description.

  • Inspection due date.

  • Ready for inspection switch.

  • Compliance date.

  • List of code violations with their status and their corrective actions.

  • List of all previous inspections.

Elements on the Inspection Page

You can also perform these actions on the Inspection page:

Page Element


New Violation

Select the option from the Action menu to report a new violation. See the Reporting a New Violation section for more details.

Inspection number, type, and status

View the inspection number, its type, and status such as, Scheduled, Canceled, and Completed.

Map icon

View the address of the inspection location. Click the map icon to view the location of the property on a map.

If there are two or more active inspections for the same location, then a link is displayed with a text showing the number of other active inspections. Tap the link to open a modal that lists the details of the remaining inspection items.

Inspection detail

View the date of inspection, the compliance date, the name of the code officer and technician.


View the description of the inspection.

Ready for Inspection switch

Turn on if the responsible party has indicated on the Resolve Issue page that the case is ready for an early inspection. The status of the inspection will change to Scheduled – Ready early. For details, see Resolving Issues.


View a list of violations associated with the case along with their corrective actions. Click Add to add a new code violation and its corrective action.


View a list of all previous inspections with the date of inspection and inspection result.

Result Inspection

Select to list the result options to choose from. Examples include In Compliance, Remains in Violation among others. The options available are based on the status of the incident. See the Submitting Inspection Results section for more details.


Select to open the Attachments page to view a list of attachments related to the inspection. You can add a new attachment by selecting the Add button.


Select to open the Comments page to view a list of comments related to the inspection. You can include an existing comment from standard comments or add a new comment by selecting the Add Comment button.

You can also access the New Violation option from the Worklist page by selecting the Action menu available at the top. To access the Attachments, Comments, and Reschedule options for an inspection on the Worklist page, swipe the screen to the left on the inspection row or simply select the Action menu.