Managing the Oracle Intelligent Advisor Hub

Administrators set up the Oracle Intelligent Advisor hub that is required to integrate with Public Sector Licensing and Permitting services.

Oracle Intelligent Advisor Setup for Integrating with Public Sector Licensing and Permitting

This is a two-step process:

  1. Authorizing Embedded Interviews

  2. Creating Connections

Authorizing Embedded Interviews

  1. Log in to the Policy Automation Hub web interface with the user credentials of Deploy Admin.

  2. Click the Permissions tile to open the Permissions page. Click the menu in the right top of the page and select Access Settings.

  3. On the Access Settings page, click Add Host under Interview Access Control.

  4. In the CORS Hosts field, enter the Public Sector Licensing and Permitting application host address.

  5. Click Apply.

Creating Connections

  1. Log in to the Policy Automation Hub web interface with the user credentials of Deploy Admin.

  2. Click the Connections button on the banner to open the Connections page.

  3. On the Connections page, click the Actions drop-down menu and select Create a new Connection option to open the New Connection page and enter values for the various fields:

    This table lists the fields and descriptions on the Connections page.

    Page Element



    Enter a name for the connection.


    Select Web service.

    Collection Access

    Select the collection that you have created, to gain access to the connection. Click Allow.

    The default value for this field is Default Collection. You can include any additional collections that you want to allow access to.


    Enter the URL of the connector, which is deployed with other services – the FSCM base URI from the topology manager. Append the below string to the URL of the connector as shown here:

    <FSCM base URI>/fscmPojoService/pscOpaWSConnector?MDMN=OPAResult

    Use Custom Certificate (optional)

    Select to use a custom certificate defined in Policy Automation Hub. These custom certificates will be recognized by outbound https calls made by a Policy Automation site. If not selected, the connection will only trust the built-in root certificates.


    Select the following web service version:


    SOAP ActionPattern (optional)

    Specify the soap:operation soapAction name expected by the web service.

    OAUTH for Data Operations:

    This table lists the fields and descriptions on the Connections page, OAUTH for Data Operations:

    Page Element


    Provide OAUTH bearer token in HTTP header on Load and Save actions

    Select to allow you to enter a URL parameter and enter the value jwt in the URL Parameter field.

    The token's value is passed by specifying the parameter in the query string of the interview's start session URL. This value is then passed to the Web Service connector as an OAuth 2.0 HTTP Authorization header whenever a Load or Save request is sent.


    This table lists the fields and descriptions on the Connections page, WS-Security:

    Page Element


    Provide WS-Security Username token in SOAP actions.

    Select the option to allow you to enter values for the fields in the section.

    Applies to

    Select applies to All.


    Enter a username for the purpose of connecting securely to the web service. Note that this is not related to the username of the logged-in Policy Automation Hub user.

    If you have installed Oracle Intelligent Advisor, then as part of the Fusion Onboarding process you must have created a user having the following Oracle Intelligent Advisor proxy user Duty role: ORA_PSC_OPA_PROXY_USER_DUTY. Use the same user name in this field.

    New Password

    Enter a password.

    Include timestamp with a 5 minute expiration (optional).

    Select to include a timestamp with a validity of 5 minutes. Note: The web service connector time must be synchronized to the Oracle Intelligent Advisor server.

  4. Click Save and Close to complete the process of creating a new connection.