Managing the Oracle Intelligent Advisor Hub Endpoint

Administrators set up the Public Sector Licensing and Permitting services that are required to integrate with the Oracle Intelligent Advisor using the topology entries.

To set up the Oracle Intelligent Advisor Hub endpoint:

  1. Select the Setup and Maintenance tile on the Agency Springboard. On the Setup page, select the offering: Public Sector Permits or Public Sector Planning and Zoning and then select the OPA Questionnaire functional area.
  2. On the right panel, select the task named Manage OPA Hub Endpoint to open the setup page.
  3. Expand the Server Details section and fill up the following fields, with the values you received while setting up Oracle Intelligent Advisor.

    Oracle Intelligent Advisor Hub details

    Page Elements


    Server Protocol

    Select the protocol of the Oracle Intelligent Advisor service.

    External Server Host

    Enter the host of the Oracle Intelligent Advisor service.

    External Server Port

    Enter the port of the Oracle Intelligent Advisor service.

  4. Click Save and Close.