Setting Up Code Reference Groups

A code reference group is a set of code references grouped together on the basis of the nature of violations. You set up code reference groups on the Code Reference Group page.

Adding Code Reference Groups

  1. Select Code Enforcement Setup > Code Reference Group.

  2. The Code Reference Group page lists all the code reference groups. Click Add to add a new group.

  3. On the Code Reference Group Details page, enter values for the code reference group.

    Page Element


    Code Reference Group ID

    Enter a unique identifier for the code reference group.


    Enter a name for the code reference group.

  4. Verify that the Enabled switch is turned on. The option is active by default for a new code reference group.

  5. In the Code References section, click Add to search and include one or more code references to the group. Use the Add and Delete action icons for adding and deleting code reference records.

  6. Click Save.

Modifying Code Reference Groups

You can modify code references groups on the Code Reference Group page.

  1. Select Code Enforcement Setup > Code Reference Group.

  2. On the Code Reference Group page, select the row for the code reference group that you want to modify.

  3. On the Code Reference Group Details page, you can:

    • Change the name of the group.

    • Use the Code References section to add new or delete existing code references.

    • Click the Enabled switch to enable or disable the code reference group.

  4. Click Save to save changes.

Deleting Code Reference Groups

You can delete code reference groups on the Code Reference Group page.

  1. Select Code Enforcement Setup > Code Reference Group.

  2. On the Code Reference Group page, select the row for the code reference group that you want to delete.

  3. On the Code Reference Group Details page, click the Delete button.

Setting Up Notices and Reports

Define the types of notices and reports that are supported by your agency. You can configure a notice or report that is specific to a particular transaction type, generate, and send the document to the applicant or responsible party.

For details about setting up notices, reports, and their groups, see Setting Up Notices and Reports and Setting Up Notice and Report Groups.